The person here is the Mystique!

Several other people were shocked, especially the beast Hank looked at Mystique and hurriedly asked: "Did Magneto rescue you?"

He knew that Mystique was imprisoned, and being able to appear here means that she escaped.

However, she definitely won't be able to escape alone.

"Could it be that Magneto is doing some other conspiracy?"

"Ruiwen, do you still want to help Magneto to help Zhou's abuse?"

Others looked at Mystique vigilantly, but Charles frowned. He saw a trace of sadness flashing in Mystique's eyes, as if he knew what happened.

Zhou Xuan, on the other hand, looked at this scene from the perspective of a bystander.

The butterfly flapping its wings one after another has completely changed the world of mutants.

Seeing everyone's alertness, Scott explained with a smile, "Don't you want to know how I found her?"

"Ruiwen was indeed rescued by Magneto, but she blocked a shot for Magneto, and the bullets shot out of the gun were the potion to remove the mutants' abilities, so Ruiwen became an ordinary person, and Magneto gave up took her."

"When I found her, I saw a group of soldiers arrest her, so I rescued her."

"What? Ruiwen has become an ordinary person?"

"What? Those warriors are equipped with antidote weapons? Damn it, how could they do that," Hank the Beast, who had just learned of this, scolded angrily.

"Charles, I have to go. I'm going to ask Mr. President, does he want to force the ability to remove all mutants?"

Beast Hank left with great rage.

When everyone came to Professor Charles' office again, Rui Wen had already changed her clothes, and her expression seemed to end from the beginning.

Professor Charles said, "Ruiwen, stop acting, this is ineffective for me."

The expression on Mystique's face finally became vivid, and she said with a free and easy smile: "I didn't intend to lie to you, but can you let me go?"

Scott stared at the Mystique like a madman, and asked inexplicably, "Ruiwen, you are just an ordinary person now, if you go out, those soldiers will definitely find you, and they will capture you then! "

Mystique didn't care about this at all, and smiled: "Then let them take me."

Professor Charles's feelings for Mystique are complicated. He once treated the woman in front of him like his own sister, but they eventually parted ways.

Mystique became Magneto's right-hand man, and she once did a lot of bad things.

"Since you want to go, go over there..."

"Wait a minute, Professor Charles," Professor Charles, who was interrupted by Zhou Xuan, softened his heart, looked at the Mystique and said, "This is Mystique Ruiwen, right?"

"Now that you have lost your superpowers and been abandoned by Magneto, you shouldn't want to continue helping him, right? For his boring, childish, and unrealistic dreams!"

Mystique's eyes trembled involuntarily, and her mood fluctuated.

At this moment, he was perceived by Professor Charles. He looked at the Mystique in astonishment, and said sadly: "Even now, you still choose to help him?"

Mystique knew that she couldn't hide it, she gave Zhou Xuan a vicious look, looked at Professor Charles, and sighed.

"At least Eric is fighting for a better life for mutants!"

"I've tried my best to control my true thoughts... But, how did you know that? Son of God!"

The Mystique stared at Zhou Xuan. She had tried her best to prevent Professor Charles' telepathy, but the young man in front of her broke her mood, and she ended up failing.

"Could it be that, as the media say, you are the descendant of the gods and can foresee the future?"

Zhou Xuan chuckled, "No, I am a god!"

The Mystique was stunned, and then sneered: "How do you know such a mentally ill..."

Mystique couldn't go on, she found that everyone present looked at Zhou Xuan with horror.

Even in this horror, there was a look of approval that should have been so.

"Do you really believe what he said?"

Mystique feels that these old acquaintances have been brainwashed or infected with mental illness. .

Chapter 128

Although Zhou Xuan revealed his identity as a god.

But he didn't expect that Professor Charles and this group of people really dared to believe it!

"Mr. Zhou, you... came down to save me?" Qinglei looked at Zhou Xuan excitedly, she went through the gods she knew in her mind, and then asked cautiously: "Excuse me, your What is the honorary name?"

"Is there really a god in this world?"

"No wonder, when he was at Lake Oakley, the kind of power that Mr. Zhou showed is definitely not something that super powers can achieve!"

Mystique looked at the amazed expressions of her old acquaintances, and the whole person's three views were collapsing.

"Are you serious?"

She thought that these people were joking with her, but even Professor Charles had an attitude of approval. Mystique angrily roared at Zhou Xuan:

"You bastard, what did you do to them?!"

Zhou Xuan spread his hands and said, "I didn't do anything, it was just a joke."

Then he smiled at everyone: "Don't be obsessed with me, it was just a joke just now, I am not the god of this world!"

Zhou Xuan is right in what he said, even if he temporarily holds the divine power of the Sun Star Monarch, that is the sun god of his own world, not the sun god of the Marvel world.

Logan grabbed Zhou Xuan's shoulder and said with a smile, "Since you are a god and can foresee the future, do you know tomorrow's lottery jackpot number?"

Scott rolled his eyes at Logan angrily, and complained: "Oh, a wolf is a wolf, and his mind is like a beast. He has no idea of ​​the big picture at all. With such a rare chance to make a wish, shouldn't you ask about the future of mutants? ?"

Zhou Xuan smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, everyone, stop making trouble, I can't foresee the future."

"Then how do you know Rui Wen's true intentions?" Storm asked curiously, "As long as she doesn't have thoughts in her heart, the professor can't perceive it either."

"I guess!" Zhou Xuan said confidently.

There is nothing wrong with this reason.

Zhou Xuan can only use this reason to prevaricate the past. He can't say that I have seen X-Men 3 and already know the plot, right?

In the movie, Mystique lost her superpowers and was abandoned by Magneto, and then captured by soldiers. She confessed all information to Magneto, and exposed the temporary location of the Brotherhood of Mutants led by Magneto.

As a result, a large number of soldiers rushed there, only to find that there was only one mutant who could constantly divide himself.

And Magneto led all members of the Brotherhood of Mutants to darken Chencang and attack the Worthington Laboratory on Alcatraz Island.

Everyone thought that the reason why Mystique confessed was because of revenge for Magneto's abandonment of herself.

But in fact, it was Mystique who once again chose to help Magneto.

Mystique's expression became lonely at the moment, but this time it was real, and she simply didn't mention the place she left.

Professor Charles looked serious and said, "Now, our first task is to stop Eric's actions. He will definitely try to destroy the antidote for mutants".

Zhou Xuan said: "The source of the antidote is the Worthington Laboratory, where there is a special mutant that can eliminate the superpowers of any mutant."

"You know this too?!"

Mystique looked at Zhou Xuan in shock. She managed to sneak into the U.S. government department and was arrested. The information she obtained was easily revealed by Zhou Xuan.

The shock in Mystique's heart can be imagined, she even had the thought that "this young man in front of me might really be a god" at a certain moment.

Logan was already gearing up and said, "Let's go to that Worthington laboratory now, wait for Magneto to bring people, and then destroy them!"

"No, no, they're here!" Professor Charles looked out the window.

"Come on, let's go out and meet our old friends!" Professor Charles stood up from his wheelchair.

"Charles, your leg...recovered?"

Mystique looked at Professor Charles' legs in shock. Is this still a world she is familiar with?

Is this person really Charles?

Professor Charles felt exhausted after returning from Lake Oakley, and realized that his body had just recovered and it was too late, so he sat back in the wheelchair.

"Thanks to Mr. Zhou, he made my body recover!" Charles explained with a smile.

Mystique gave Zhou Xuan a deep look, maybe this young man is really a god? !

Since the gods have chosen to help Charles, is Eric's path to lead the mutants really wrong?

At this moment, the belief in Mystique's heart was shaken.


On the campus, Magneto came here with seven or eight mutants, including the Burning Man who has been following him, and the newly recruited icon, also known as the Red Tank. Easily knock down a building.

In addition to this, there is a female mutant. She seems to have replaced the Mystique in the Mutant Brotherhood. Her name is Nocturne. She can emit shock waves and move quickly. The most important ability is to perceive The power levels of other mutants.

It was also the Nightcrawler who sensed the power of the phoenix in Jean Grey's body, that's why Magneto led his men here.

Magneto came for Jean Grey, and he didn't even want to communicate with his confidant Charles, whom he loved and killed...

But when Magneto saw Professor Charles approaching him, he was stunned.

"¨〃Charles... your legs?" Magneto's voice trembled in surprise.

"Eric, my body has fully recovered," Professor Charles looked at Magneto with a smile, and said, "Since even I can recover, what is impossible in this world? So, Eric , give up that plan of yours!"

Magneto's face immediately turned cold, and he roared angrily: "Charles, do you still want to stop me? Now that the President of the United States has declared war on us mutants, do you still want to hide here like a tortoise?"

"They weaponized the potion that limited the abilities of mutants, and they wanted to destroy us!"

"Qin~" Magneto looked at Qin Grey, his face became amiable, like the old man next door, and said: "Qin, you have the power to change the world, being by Charles' side will only limit you, join us. , let's change the world together (the one who won the king) and set all mutants free!"

"Those stupid rulers, they are trying to use the hands of a mutant who can eliminate our ability to eliminate all mutants, we just need to work together to break down that Alcatraz Island, catch that mutant, those stupid rulers will be Lost the means to restrain us."

"At that time, we can counterattack and build a new world where mutants can live freely!"

I have to say that Magneto’s speech is full of delusions, but Jean Grey, who has been able to fully control her power, stood firmly behind Professor Charles and refused:

"No, I support the professor, before, now, and in the future!"

Magneto was a little confused, and this seemed to exceed his expectations.

"You control your own power?!" Magneto looked at Qin Grey in horror.

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