The Dragon sting team will not give them the slightest chance. With such a big advantage, their mind is not just to invade the opposite field resources. In a few minutes, they directly destroyed all the outer towers of the Tianfeng team.

Naturally, the team of Tianfeng didn't want to give up their resources in vain. However, the last five to five group battle was so miserable that as long as they dare to get out of the highland tower, they will be killed by akali and return to the city.

The economic gap between the two teams is getting bigger and bigger. By 20 minutes, the economic gap has reached seventeen thousand. This advantage is very exaggerated.

This is equivalent to the Dragon Spurs team's per capita leading the other side by a big piece. This economic gap is very rare in the game. If this is only a qualifying match, it is estimated that other people would have voted early.

"Go on, take the dragon, line up your vision first, and follow my instructions later."

After another attempt to go to the highland failed, Qin Nuo asked everyone to turn around and take the dragon, because there was only one Xia in the Dragon sting team. His hand was too short. Although the opposite side was not well developed, it was very easy to clear the line.

For this situation of sticking to the high ground, only nadalong is the best way to deal with it. If they come out to stop it, they are likely to be ambushed. If they don't stop it, let nadalong be on the opposite side. They are equivalent to chronic death.

"Jess and Jiaoyue Qingbing line, if they fight, remember to come to support. Leyan remembers to be ready to go into the Dragon pit to rob the Dragon at any time. We don't want to fight with each other. If we can get the dragon, we will withdraw."

This wave of lotus's idea is very clear. It's obviously impossible to kill the Dragon when the Dragon sting team is fighting against the dragon. It can only let Le Yan rob the dragon. As long as he can rob the dragon, the Tianfeng team can drag on for another four minutes.

On the other hand, the Dragon Spurs are the first to assist and fight in the field. They clear their vision in front of them, and their real eyes are all in the key position.

In fact, they are worried too much. They can't get out of the tower and have no chance to get a view. However, for the sake of safety, they still drive all the way to Longkeng.

"You fight first. I'll hold them down by myself. Remember to take the Dragon first and help me after taking the dragon."

After arriving at the grass in front of the red Fanghong buff, Qin Nuo didn't go down the Dragon pit with the big troops. Instead, he squatted in the grass alone. He was ready to stop several people who came to grab the dragon with one person's strength and fight for the time for his teammates.

Now he is equipped with luxurious equipment, such as shoes, technology gun, 20 story murder book, and two big sticks. It seems that he is ready to make a big hat.

This equipment is enough to make him proud of the whole court. You know, Jiaoyue, who is opposite to him, has only a battle of time and a pair of mercury shoes, plus half of the equipment, which is very miserable.

It's estimated that he can't get two skills with his crispy little gun Jess. As long as Qin Nuo can replace the opposite double C, the Dragon stab team will earn money if they succeed in holding down the Tianfeng team, and Qin Nuo's goal is not just to replace their double C.

Since Qin Nuo has already said that, the others don't hesitate. They have Aoen on their side. The dragon has no pressure, and the akali dragon really doesn't have much use. After three Q's at most, akali's energy is all empty.

It is a fatalistic principle for akali to hold down the Tianfeng people. In the world view of the League of heroes, the Ninjas of the balanced sect all act alone.

Qin Nuo waited alone in the grass for a while, and the people of the Tianfeng team appeared in his field of vision. The grass he was in had real eyes. When he saw someone coming, he stayed in the grass closest to the red square red buff in the upper left corner.

This wave of his ideas are very clear, first catch the prince, and then catch the double C of the Tianfeng team when there is a chance, and if they don't fight wild, they will lose their only chance to fight for the dragon, and the Dragon thorn team has won.

As for why he wanted to go here, Qin Nuo was not clear. He felt that the prince would not go with other people, because if he wanted to go into the arena to rob the dragon and expose his vision to the blue side, the success rate of robbing the dragon would be greatly reduced.

So he guessed that the prince would go this way, so he went to the red buff and laid an ambush ahead of time. Instead of waiting for two seconds, the prince came to the grass on akali's side.

Seeing that the prince touched it, Qin Nuo didn't choose to scare the snake. Looking at him, Qin Nuo decided that the grass he was in had no vision. He didn't start to fight until the prince entered the range of his Q skills.

Because the situation at this time is really very tense, the prince's attention at the moment is completely on the dragon's blood, and he didn't notice that there is an akali waiting for him in front of him. When he noticed, he had no blood."Come on, protect me, protect me. There's an akali squatting on me here."

In a hurry, the prince had to hurry to EQ and go to his team. After all, he is the most important person in the Tianfeng team. Without him to rob the dragon, the Bolong stab team can at least push them two ways after taking the dragon. At that time, they are really gone.

Luo in the rear of the Tianfeng team also found akali in the grass for the first time, and immediately faced the prince with two e skills, which ensured that the prince's blood line would not drop any more. Other people even protected the prince in the middle to prevent Qin Nuo from attacking the prince.

However, Qin Nuo knew that he could not lose the prince in seconds. The pure meat produced by the prince was only two-thirds of the prince's blood. However, his goal has been basically achieved. The prince has only one-third of his blood now. If he dares to flash directly to rob the dragon, he will be killed by the people in the Dragon pit.

Now his target can be placed on the four crispy bodies opposite. After the prince fled back, his position has been exposed, but it is not important at this time. The vision of the Dragon sting team has found one of his targets - small guns.

With the help of the real eye that is about to be excluded by the Tianfeng group, akali flies to the Tianfeng group with a big move, aiming at the cannons. After the change, the speed of akali's big move has increased a lot, and the cannons obviously didn't expect that akali really dares to fight five of them, and didn't do much defense.

He was so hit by a big move of akali, with 0.5 seconds of vertigo, stunned at the spot

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