After these leaders came in, they directly sat in the last row and prepared for them.

"Hello, students!"

"Hello, teacher!"

"Hello, parents

"Hello, teacher!"

"First of all, I would like to thank all parents for taking the time out of their busy schedule to attend our open class in Dadi kindergarten."

"For your coming, I sincerely agree with you that now your children are at this age, it is a good time for enlightenment."

"This open class is also an enlightenment class. Yesterday I sent you the contents of the open class, and I believe you have read it seriously."

"The form of today's open class is quite special. You need to complete a task with your children."

"The task is to write a small poem, both modern and ancient."

"Through this open class, what I want to do is to enlighten the children's talent in literature. Of course, I need your help to complete it. Well, I won't say much and I'll just start."

Hearing the teacher's words, Qin Nuo's face was muddled because he was not prepared for anything.

Xiangxiang looks up at Qin Nuo with a confused face. Because she is not prepared, she doesn't even know what poetry is at her age.

And the other parents are obviously ready, chirping began to discuss what kind of poetry to write.

"Dad, I think the quiet night meditation I saw yesterday is very good. Shall we imitate it?"

"Of course, you can. First of all, I'll give you a supplement later."

"Mom, ancient poems are too difficult for me to understand. Can I write a modern poem? I'm ready."

"My child is so amazing that he can write modern poetry."

"Dad, there is a word I can't write, or I'll say that. Would you mind if I write it?"

"Mm-hmm, you say it."

Around the parents busy, only Qin Nuo sitting on the stool and xiangxianggan staring.

"Dad, what is poetry? What are modern poetry and ancient poetry?"

Qin Nuo touched his head and explained, "my father didn't teach you an ancient poem called goose. Do you remember it?"

"Dad, I remember, geese, songs to heaven, white hair floating green water, red palm dial clear waves." Xiangxiang said excitedly.

"Are we going to write such poems, but I'm not prepared. My classmates seem to be prepared."

Qin Nuo turned on his mobile phone and saw the message sent by the teacher in the class group yesterday. He patronized Xiangxiang to buy a gift yesterday, but he didn't see it.

I said that I just finished the competition in Lianda city yesterday, so I have time to coach Xiangxiang.

"Forget it, dad will write a poem for you this time, and dad will teach you slowly in the future."

Xiangxiang nodded cleverly.

At this time, we can't let Xiangxiang write nothing. There are leaders of the Education Association watching behind. Qin Nuo can't stand up and tell Mr. Wang that he is not prepared for anything. Isn't this not a lack of attention to children.

The leader of the Education Association in the back always looks at the children in the class and nods frequently.

"Mr. Wang's openness is full of moral. Although a child of this age is young, writing a poem with the help of his parents can not help enlightening literature and cultivating children's self-restraint."

"I just looked at it. The children's writings are very good, and some of them have reached the level of primary school. Although they have the help of their parents, they are also very rare."

"This kind of education mode should be promoted in kindergartens, so that more children can feel the charm of Taoist characters at this age. Don't you think so, director Liu?"

The old man nodded silently and said, "we should not be rigidly attached to ourselves when we are engaged in education. Innovative teaching is also the way out for our development. Education should start from children, which is also our task."

"Our task this time is to see the children who have the talent of learning in all kindergartens in the city, and directly recommend them to the best talent, without being limited by the number of districts and schools."

When director Liu said this, the leaders in the back row also nodded.

"Well, I don't think you've finished much. Now let's take turns to read the poems written by the children. By the way, I forget to tell your parents that this open class has another purpose, which is to select primary school students for the best experimental primary school in our city. If the students perform well in this open class, I will recommend the places.""At that time, the recommended students can directly study in the municipal experimental primary school without going through any procedures, which is also a major event specially approved by the Education Association."

"There is only one place this time. We will try to give the best student in this open class."

When Mr. Wang said this, all the parents were stunned. They didn't expect that this open class had such a purpose. No wonder they had to call their parents.

The City Experimental Primary School is not something you can get into if you have money. The admission standard of their primary school is district distribution, which belongs to the unit directly under the jurisdiction of Huaxia education system.

The teachers are the elites in the education sector, and the recruitment of students is extremely strict. It can be said that entering the City Experimental Primary School, you are not far from the famous university.

As parents of children, who do not want their children to go to the best school.

There is only one quota, and there are more than 20 students in this class. The competition is too fierce.

"Teacher, we haven't finished it yet. Let's prepare for it."

"Wait a minute. I'm checking for typos."

"If I had known about today's incident, I would have sent his uncle over. That's a doctor of literature."

Parents are flustered and say they are not ready.

But Mr. Wang didn't care. He went down and began to collect the poems written by the children.

Qin Nuo thought hard about it. He wanted to write his own famous ancient poems of the world, but he felt that those ancient poems were not realistic for a child in kindergarten, and the traces of parents' writing were too obvious.

Thinking about it, he didn't think of any good poems. The most important thing is that Qin Nuo almost forgot those poems.

The teacher is about to come to him.

Qin Nuo suddenly remembered that in the original world, there was a poet named Gu Cheng.

Once wrote a poem, only two short sentences, but Qin Nuo's influence on this poem is very profound.

Now I can't manage so much, Qin Nuo wrote on the paper: "the night gave me black eyes, but I used him to look for light."

Then he handed the poem to Mr. Wang

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