Then use e skill to make the second flaw, Q skill to break into the back of daqianmen officials, a flat a made the last flaw.

"I long for a worthy opponent!"

There is a rose on the ground. Qin Nuo's health value recovers quickly.

A backhand ignited and hung on the officials of daqianmen, and knocked out a flaw of the officials of daqianmen.

Daqianmen officials lay on the ground with a cry.

First Blood!

Instant counter kill, and still with the same move, but Qin Nuo w blocked the last hurt of the daqianmen officials.

"What, Qin Nuo can break the sword four times a second. Isn't this the unique skill of daqianmen officials? When did Qin Nuo learn it?"

"Not only will he, how can I feel that he releases more smoothly than the officials of daqianmen."

"Qin Nuo used w skill to block the last hurt, and he did the best for me."

They were all dumbfounded. Originally, they thought that daqianmen officials would kill all sides with this unique skill of breaking four times in one second, but they didn't expect that Qin Nuo would also do it, and he was more proficient in using it.

"Damn it The officers and men of daqianmen are staring at the screen, indignantly looking at Qin Nuo who is leisurely filling the army.

It's a shame for him to use his unique skill to kill him.

However, the solo game is not over yet. He still has a chance. When Tiamat comes out, he will break four times a second faster. He doesn't believe that qinnuo can escape.

When daqianmen officials came out to Tiamat, Qin Nuo had already put out the Ninja shoes.

But the officials of daqianmen are not afraid any more, because as long as Jianji hits a flaw, it will cause real damage.

This time, he was very cautious and didn't attack first. He was also afraid that Qin Nuo would block his last attack with W skill.

He sold a flaw, did not expect Qin Nuo was really deceived, unparalleled challenge and Lawrence's heart, is a second four broken starting style.

"Well, I can also use w to block your last strike. Don't think that only you can do it."

Sure enough, when Qin Nuo was about to make the last ordinary attack, the officials of daqianmen repeated Qin Nuo's operation with W and blocked the last attack.

Didn't let Qin Nuo fight out the last hurt.

"See, I can do what you can do." Daqianmen official roared, and then he started to break four times a second. With tilmat, his operation of breaking four times a second became more smooth.

But Qin Nuo didn't know what he was thinking. A flash flashed to the wall and hid the flaw above him in the wall.

"Is that ok?"

Everyone was shocked, even with the wall to hide their flaws, they are the first time to see such an operation.

After Qin Nuo did this, no matter how hard the officials of daqianmen tried, he couldn't find the flaw in the last wall unless he could go through the wall. In this way, Qin Nuo solved the four breaks in one second of the officials of daqianmen with a small operation.

Until the effect of unparalleled challenge disappeared, Qin Nuo began to fight with the officials of daqianmen.

Daqianmen officials have no advantage at this time. They are still killed by Qin Nuo after handing over the flash.

Qin Nuo took advantage of the situation to push down the first tower of daqianmen officials and attack the second tower. His economy was also a big sword ahead of daqianmen officials.

But the officials of daqianmen were still not satisfied. He decided that he still had a chance.

In the second tower, the officials of daqianmen had been squatting in the tower, and Qin Nuo had a great advantage at this time.

The soldiers line into the tower, at this time just daqianmen officer a flaw, brush in front of him.

After this flaw is eliminated.

q The skill breaks the air to chop the forehand, the ordinary attack, the e skill Lawrence heart eye plus the tiermatter reset Pu has cut a sword.

This series of moves is completed in an instant, six swords in a second. This is another series of moves of Jianji.

All of a sudden, the officers and men of daqianmen were killed instantly under this series of moves, and they didn't even have the chance to put w skills to hurt.

After that, needless to say, as long as the officials of daqianmen were on the line, Qin Nuo was six times a second.

Instant second kill, does not give the front door officials the opportunity to respond.

In the end, the officials in daqianmen couldn't stand it. When Qin Nuo pushed to the tower, he surrendered and quit the competition.His live room was silent, and the water friends who participated in the live room were crying.

"I think Qin Nuo is the first sword lady of national costume."

"Four times a second, six times a second, Qin Nuo's understanding of Jianji is too deep."

"Lose money, you are a big liar. I don't think you should be called a big liar in the future."

Just like shuixiaoyu, after the qinnuo solo match, the popularity of the live broadcast room of daqianmen officials went down crazily, and the general audience of the live broadcast room cancelled their subscription. From then on, the officials of daqianmen didn't dare to use the name of the first sword of national service in the live broadcast room.

2000 When the reputation value comes to the account, Qin Nuo's reputation value has accumulated to 9000 points. With 1000 points left, Qin Nuo can draw a lottery.

But at this time, one of the best players in the live broadcasting industry still dares to show his head. He is the first one in the national service. He is also the first sword in the national service. Ji daqianmen is an official. Both of them have won the battle. Now they go up and challenge Qin Nuo. Aren't they going to die.

Qin Nuo directly silenced Guofu's unique skills.

Seeing that no one continues to challenge, Qin Nuo sends a message to the best friends in the canyon. After waiting for half an hour to see that no one is recovering, Qin Nuo has to quit the studio. It's late and it's time to have a rest. After all, he has to attend Su Ruoyu's dinner tomorrow.

Qin Nuo went out early the next morning. It was said that Su Ruoyu's blind date dinner was held by the Su family. In name, it was actually a blind date meeting of the Su family. Qin Nuo didn't know what role Su Ruoyu was playing.

So he's going to go and talk to Su Ruoyu first, so as not to help him at the party. For this boss, Qin Nuo is also very helpless.

At that time, Qin Nuo's state of decline in the eyes, coupled with the Xiangxiang this thing.

Almost the entire league team is not willing to take over his hot potato.

But Su Ruoyu gave him a chance under pressure.

Let Qin Nuo still stand on the field, can make money to support the family, Xiangxiang buy milk powder.

If there was no su Ruoyu at that time, to be honest, Qin Nuo didn't know what he was like now.

It is possible to retire early, let alone lead the Dragon thorn team to today.

With this, Qin Nuo will help Su Ruoyu no matter what

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