After Faqiang comes up, the damage of W skill scare box has been improved a lot.

There is no pressure for Qin Nuo to push the line. A scare box is planted on the military line. A wave of military lines are almost pushed. Everything is developing for the better. Qin Nuo is also liberated from the road.

But the opposite field obviously has the lesson of the last time, not on the road.

It's going to the middle road frequently. Aowen in the middle road has just been killed once, and now he's under the pressure of the tower and doesn't dare to stand out. A line bully, sindera, has been completed. In this way, Aowen will be put into a small dark room by coach Sima after the game.

Aowen has no way. His vision is occupied by marzaha. He doesn't know the position of the prince. He has made all his double moves. If he kills, his route will collapse completely.

The opposite field obviously doesn't want to let Aowen go. Marzaha retreats a wave of troops and suddenly makes a move. An e skill hangs on Aowen's body to summon the bug out, and then a big move suppresses Aowen to the bottom of the tower.

The prince appeared from behind marzaha. The suppression time of this big move was very long, so the opponent was not worried at all.

Leisurely walk to the bottom of the tower, a big move to cover, and then the rhythm of war poked in the face of sindera, kill sindera, the last EQ two company from the defense tower damage.

Aowen was so upset that his mentality began to be affected.

"Xiao Wu, can you come to the middle of the road and squat for me, how can I get on the line?"

Xiao Wu took a look at the middle road and said: "you forget the tactics made by coach Sima. You and nuozhou are both on their own. I want to ensure the development of the next road."

"Look at Nogo. The gangk on the opposite side just now killed two of them. Can you save me some snacks?"

Aowen heard this some unhappy said: "I and God can compare, you are nonsense, you can't find a chance now, hurry to the middle road to help me, I'm still not familiar with the middle of the line."

In the early stage of the Dragon Spurs team, the overall advantage is still, because of the existence of small five, under the constant invasion, the opposite dragon ball double group is indeed greatly affected.

Dionysus also played him like a crazy dog general repression, this is he did not buff in the case.

Because it's a bo5 game, coach Sima didn't dare to serve wine to Dionysus in the first game. He was afraid that there would be five games. If Dionysus drank too much, Dionysus would be completely finished.

Out of the mentality of protecting the players, the coach gave Dionysus the ruiou cocktail in the first game, that is, the drink with only 1% alcohol content.

Bacchus also drinks and drinks, but the effect is not as good as that of Baijiu.

Nine minutes later, Xiao Wu began to move up the road. Dionysus pushed the line down the road. After returning to the city, he also began to walk to the middle road.

Canyon pioneer refresh, small five want to use this canyon pioneer to speed up the pace of the next road.

This is also a part of coach Sima's tactics, so the valley vanguard and the Dragon Spurs have to fight for it.

Qin Nuo also began to hide in advance, and began to set up the scare box in the vanguard of the canyon.

The vanguard of the canyon is likely to trigger the first group battle on both sides.

Sure enough, the opposite road began to gather in the middle, and they didn't want to let go of the vanguard of the canyon.

Now, in the competition, the party who has the vanguard of the canyon will be the first to open up the situation.

He is different from Bruce Lee, he can improve the rhythm of the early team.

In addition, the dragon ball team has Jess and the prince of the field on the road, and marzaha in the middle is also well developed. These are all very strong heroes in the early stage. There is no reason for them not to take up this group battle.

Xiaowu first activated the vanguard of the canyon, and at this time, several people of Longzhu are still pushing the line in the middle of the road.

The prince has been ambush to the road, until the small five hit half of the time, suddenly a farsighted jewelry in the Dragon pit.

Dragon Ball's five people move quickly, Jesse and the prince in the upper, marzaha and the lower double group in the middle, forming a pinch of momentum.

The five members of the Dragon sting team start to defend, and Aowen hammerstone constantly looks for opportunities.

Both sides have the ability to open a group. It depends on which side finds the opportunity first.

Aoxuan's hammer stone uses Q skill, which makes it lonely.

A look at the opposite auxiliary air skills, Longzhu's auxiliary Luo an can't stand, or the current hands.

Opened a big move, a flash w raised the Dragon thorn team's Dionysus and Aowen, and then enchanted the hammer stone.However, when he wanted to go back with the e skill, he triggered the scare box and was left in place.

The prince of Longzhu sees Luo Kai on the opposite side, and the two families of Shuang C and EQ fall apart. He frames Bacchus and Aowen in it.

Jess's got a shot, a power cannon.

Dionysus handed over the big move to avoid damage, and Aowen also used a stopwatch.

As soon as the remaining members of the dragon ball team use it, sister pig makes a backhand move to create a very cold field and prevent the entrance of the other three.

Doll: "the dragon ball team on the opposite side accurately drove to the double C of dragon sting. Hindra gave up her golden body and had to wait to die. Fortunately, Xia's life value was still healthy after she gave up her big move."

Miller: "the five people on the opposite side are showing an irresistible momentum. The front and back of the team are wrapped with dragon spikes. This wave of group war can't be fought. We need to retreat quickly."

Doll: "at this point in time, the team of dragon ball is stronger. It depends on how many people the Dragon thorn team can run."

Miller: "a set of murder cases triggered by the vanguard of the canyon, but it has to be said that the regiment war on the opposite side is really good, worthy of being the second seed of Lck."

At a bad start, the Dragon spurs began to retreat, giving up the vanguard of the canyon.

Qin Nuo's box becomes the key to cover the retreat at this time. Aoxuan throws out the lantern and receives the Dionysus.

If you choose to sell Aowen directly, you must make a choice at this time, otherwise more people will stay.

Marzaha's flash is like suppressing Dionysus, but it happens that there is a scare box in his flash position.

He was scared before the big move was released.

Finally, the dragon ball team left only Ao Wen, the vanguard of the dragon ball team.

The Dragon spurs return to the bottom of the tower and prepare to return to the city. At this time, Qin Nuo is scanning and quietly touches it.

Dragon thorn several people surprised, small five quickly asked: "brother Nuo, what are you doing?"

Qin Nuo did not speak, but cautiously touched the past to the canyon pioneer.

The five people on the opposite side left three people to fight in the canyon again. The two people on the next road went back to the city and had already gone down the road.

The dragon ball team thinks that the vanguard of the canyon is a cooked duck, and no one can stop them. They just want to beat the wild prince, and they don't even want to use punishment

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