As soon as the regiment battle ended, Qin Nuo ran to the front of the second tower and broke the line. He also hit the stone man and red buff on the opposite road. That's a good development.

As soon as the opposite teacher Guo comes over, he will be found by Qin Nuo's eyes. Qin Nuo will send the tower without doing anything.

In 15 minutes, Qin Nuo's Sabre mending had reached 168, 50 ahead of laitmi on the opposite side. At the same time, Qin Nuo also died six times, 10 times away from the system, and there were still four times left.

At this time, the development of the other roads of the Dragon sting team was a little miserable. The outer tower was broken in 15 minutes.

The middle road was also caught twice by the pot teacher. In ten minutes, two dragons and a canyon pioneer were held in the opposite hand.

Qin Nuo looked at the time, and made a more bold decision.

He rushed directly to the opposite highland tower and began to cut off the third route of the line.

The Zhongdan and Xialu of the imperial team are making up for the soldiers. Suddenly they find that their soldiers are not on the line.

Another look at Qin Nuo in their front teeth tower, blocking a wave of soldiers, is pulling the soldiers' hatred around.

"That's too much. Don't take us seriously. We're on the high tower in 15 minutes." Pan teacher some anger, he was Qin Nuo's play annoyed.

"We can't let him go on like this. Our rhythm is interrupted by him. How can we push the tower without a line."

"Go home and catch Qin Nuo!"

The five members of the imperial court team immediately returned to the city and began to arrest Qin Nuo.

This is undoubtedly a good development time for the Dragon spurs. The Dragon spurs can take advantage of this opportunity to improve their level and update their equipment.

This is exactly what Qin Nuo wants to see.

Leitmi's big bug, as soon as he got home, opened the justice and glory and rushed to qinnuo.

The remaining four followed.

Qin Nuo poisons the last soldier and opens the crazy potion. His attributes are obviously strengthened. The most important thing is Qin Nuo's movement speed, which reaches more than 500 points.

Sprint open, backhand a strong glue, threw at the foot of the largemy bug.

Qinnuo is now like a crazy car, rushing around in the highlands of the imperial court.

The movement speed of the five people on the opposite side can't keep up with Qin Nuo at all, so they can only catch up behind.

But Qin Nuo was so close that they felt they could play, but they couldn't.

"Kill him, I can't stand it!" "Let's go," he roared in his voice.

"I want to kill him too, but he's too fast." Xiao Hu said helplessly.

"Our skills don't hit at all." Xiaoming lost another Q skill.

Finally, after Qin Nuo's big move and sprint effect disappeared, the five members of the imperial court team found the opportunity.

First of all, an EQ two company of teacher Guo drew the distance closer, and Qin Nuo was covered in the big move.

Then the mad dog follows, e-skill nails Qin Nuo to the wall.

Played three rings, Wright rice flashed in the past and swallowed.

Then he breathed in his voice, "I feel comfortable at last!"

Five people spent nearly 40 seconds, to deal with a Qin Nuo, and at this time, the Dragon thorn side has pulled out the royal court team's middle and lower two defense towers.

The Dragon sting team took advantage of this time to catch a breath, and the equipment also came up.

"You're too impulsive, Remy. Did you use cross flash just now? It's a waste of flash. We're missing a single flash in the next round of regimental warfare. It depends on how you fight!" The teacher is a little angry.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it. Don't worry about the next wave of justice and glory." Lemy explained.

At this time, the chat group of that wave of people, see Qin Nuo in the Royal team highland of this wave, almost did not laugh voice.

Doll: "Wright rice is really urgent, otherwise it will not flash up, a will eat Qin Nuo, strong this head."

pdd "But it's no use. Qin Nuo has died seven times now. He's worthless."

A Guang: "this single alchemy of Qin Nuo is really disgusting. Fortunately, I didn't encounter it, otherwise I would definitely break the defense."

Miller: "he's been dying all the time and doesn't care about kDa at all, but his development is not bad at all, even better than the opposite Letterman. Is it really OK to play alchemy like this? Will it hurt to play in the later stage?"957: "the alchemy hero, as long as he is alive, will not lack output, but the control of distance is relatively high. I think Qin Nuo has been developing mobile speed equipment, and I don't know how he will play in the later stage."

Qin Nuo looked at the time, the third little dragon is about to refresh, what he has to do now is to delay the game.

Use his one person's strength to hold down the five people on the opposite side. Only in this way can their dragon sting team win and he can complete his task.

"Xiao Wu goes to the wild area in front of Tamo highland, takes a look, and then goes to Bruce Lee to gather." Qin Nuo said to Xiao Wu in his inner voice.

When Xiao Wu heard this, he didn't think much, so he took a look behind the red buff in the upper field.

Then the people of dragon thorn began to gather with Bruce Lee.

"Nuoshen, do we really want to fight for this little dragon? I don't think it's necessary. The opposite side is still in a strong period." Said Dionysus.

"What are you afraid of? We have the combination of garrio and nightmare. We are invincible in the terrain like Bruce Lee." Xiaowu did not lose confidence because of the disadvantages ahead.

Qin Nuo said to these people, "I'm going to fight for development time now. If the regiment doesn't win, we're too hurt. Dionysus, you still need to develop, at least 30 minutes."

"Which fight or not?" Xiao Wu is confused by Qin Nuo's words. It's Qin Nuo who let their little dragons gather together. It's Qin Nuo who says they want to develop.

"Fight and retreat, hold them down, you know what I mean."

"Yes, I understand!"

The Dragon sting five began to gather at Bruce Lee, and the imperial court team obviously didn't want to let go of this listening dragon, and also began to rally to Bruce Lee.

Just when the two sides of the team are deadlocked, Qin Nuo lights up the transmission, arrives at the opposite highland and starts to cut off the three-way soldier line.

As soon as the royal court team saw this situation, they did not hesitate to open the Dragon directly.

When Bruce Lee is hit to half of his life value, nightmare starts its big move at this time. The royal clan team immediately loses sight and stops Bruce Lee to guard against nightmare.

But until the nightmare moves disappeared, the Dragon thorn team did not come up with the meaning of group war.

Bruce Lee automatically recovers health. They clear their vision and start from scratch.

Dare to start, was Aowen's eyes out, dragon thorn four people began to move.

Pan teacher give up dragon, EQ two even rushed up, big move will Aowen and Bacchus frame column.

Let rice open justice glory, Xiao Hu big move closed road.

The five members of the imperial team detour above Bruce Lee and start the group battle. They cooperate perfectly

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