League of Legends Krypton Gold Monster

Vol 2 Chapter 274: Female Thresh

Dahan Guo has a good song.

"You don't carry a gun, I don't carry a gun, who will defend the motherland and who will defend the home?"

For the collective, someone must fight.


Even if Shang Shangqian's bottom lane combination does not want to press the line, that strength is not allowed. They must be stronger than their opponents, unless they don't want to play an advantage at all, and make peace.

If you have the ability to bottling but don’t take advantage, who will open the situation and who will ca

y team? Waiting for Shangzhong to explode naturally, and then roll back home?

He fumbled and fought, and I am afraid that it will be hard to escape.

Give it a go, it may be a loss, but it may also be ca


In exchange for any capable ADC, I know in my mind.

Therefore, Shang Shangqian's bottom lane combination has no way not to press the line, and he is also very positive in his heart to press the line.

The last male gun crossed the tower to get a double kill, the early rhythm is invincible, it looks very ca

y, but in fact, behind all this, the pressure on the road is indispensable for the male gun to get that opportunity.

It's just that the ice and light behind them pulled their hips in the mid-term, and they were forced to open the base, which made them look so stupid.

Overall, excess is greater than merit.

And this one, they chose the combination of Aphelios + Bull Head, very tough.

The support of Bull Head is extremely strong, able to play first and backhand, coupled with Aphelios' output ability, as long as he has an advantage online, he can basically 2v3 at will after level 6.

The premise is that Aphelios controls the gun.

Whether Aphelios is playing well or not, there are many factors. First of all, the positioning operation is the basis, but the proficiency of gun control and the ability to calculate and adapt are also extremely important.

If you see an Aphelios holding a Tongbi + Chuanming while fighting, it is basically stupid.

If you see an Aphelios holding a Tongbi+Danpao while playing a group, it is also not bad.

Of course, these combinations also depend on personal understanding, and there may be slight differences in dealing with different heroes.

Anyway, basically, Tongbi + Broken Soul, the alignment is good; Radiant Flame + Falling Light, is the best choice for team battle damage + control; Folding Mirror + Broken Heart, is a one-on-one single-faced artifact.

As for how to control the gun, how to put these combinations together, it involves the problem of hero proficiency.

I won’t repeat it here...

2 minutes and 50 seconds.

Shang Shangqian's assistant Niu Tau felt very impatient.

Well known.

League of Legends is basically male*, and 99.9% of professional players are women, so many male players are born with a female rejection blessing.

[The female contestant is very spicy. 】

This concept has always been pervasive in the hearts of the majority of lol players.

However, facing the beautiful female Thresh with good luck, Shang Shangqian's assistant bull head was very troublesome.

Although the first level of the auxiliary Ngau Tau lost the flash, but because he clicked on the Enlightenment Department [Hex Technology Flash], in fact, there were more mobile phone meetings.

But this kind of opportunity, in front of the female Thresh on the opposite side, cannot be used at all!

Niutou hid in the grass several times and used Hex to show his intentions, but he couldn't find a chance. Every time when his flash charge, the opposing Thresh would be very keenly aware that he was evaded one by one, and he was directly interrupted by a Q each time.

You must know that once EZ+ Thresh is driven by Bull Head + Aphelios, no matter who is driven, it will be dead or injured, and it will be difficult to even make double moves. Although the game solves the most important **** line suppression and dismantling the tower to eat the plating, in the passerby game, there is nothing more useful than sending the opponent back to the spring.

After Aphelios got the first blood, as long as the bull's head creates a little chance, this is basically the rhythm of hammering down the road.

Aphelius was only a tiny fraction of the fuel cost before taking off!

And just got soloed in the middle, orphan Carter ca

y There are already signs of the audience.

Can you be in a hurry?

"This female Thresh is like a ghost. Two times when I have Hex flashes, she hides. Does the grass always have eyes?"

"People are so beautiful, can the game be played so well?"

Bull head helplessly complain.

"Brother, don't worry, don't worry."

"She was overshadowed by our military training, and her field of vision was given to the grass, which is understandable."

"Let's wait for the spiders to come, and the spiders will come and go immediately after they have brushed the Ueno area. When the time comes, they will cross the tower easily. This is why we must be steady and try not to give them a chance."

The moon man comforted the bull head.

He also understands Bull Head very well.

Although the mid laner was killed by an orphan as expected by all their members, it was too early to be soloed after two and a half minutes!

But with this, can you think about it?

If you really want to export, where do you want to put the face to face?

So he is also very anxious, he is even more anxious than Bullhead! It's just that as an ADC, he requires his mentality to be more stable than the bull's head.

Hmm, AD is not in a hurry, Niutou can only choose to wait for the spider.

I glanced at the map and found that Carter was gone. Niutou didn't know if Carter had wandered or went home, so he could only ping the map.




Signals that the enemy has disappeared.

The signal from Bull Head hit the middle.

At this time, the card that has recovered from the confusion also reminded teammates in the team's voice: "Carter's residual blood, may be back to the city, or may go up and down the road to swim, stone your heart."

"It's okay, I just let him come on the road, the tower will catch me to death, and I will never play rock again." Shang Shangqian Shanglan is still very confident.

The reason is very simple. He manipulated the blood-filled stone and shrank under the tower, watching Jian Ji press the line, but didn't get out of the tower at all.

Unless Carter was a fairy, he would definitely not be able to catch this kind of stone. Even if he brought the blind man with him, he would have to be replaced or even killed.

As for the bottom road, although the bull's head did not flash, it had aftershocks, which was very fleshy, and it was already close to the mouth of the river, squatting in the grass from time to time, which was regarded as a false eye.

The teleportation of cards is also in hand.

The spider is almost finished brushing the wild area on the road, and is about to return to the city to turn down.

Carter is only level 3, and it is unlikely to be placed in the middle route.

Although Shang Shangqian seemed to be very alert, in fact they all believed that there was a high probability that there would be no accidents.


Thresh hits with a hook!


To be honest~www.ltnovel.com~ Although Ji Yuran is a martial artist and loves to play a female warrior like Jian Ji, she is actually a very Buddhist girl.

For example, she seldom takes the initiative when playing support, especially this one is facing a bull head.

When the blind man and Carter rushed down, after Ye Bufan told him in advance, Ji Yuran began to take active positions, looking for Yue Nan's flaws.

As for Thresh's position, Shang Shangqian AD Yuenan didn't care.

Since Yuenan had always been on the line before, the only time he saw Thresh hit the hook was the Hex flash used to interrupt the bull's head, so he had a very different view from the bull's head, and did not take this female Thresh. Keep it in the eye.

Although this female Thresh has strong protection capabilities, she has hardly tried to attack.

In the eyes of ADC.

As long as Thresh can't open people, it's a complete waste!

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