League of Legends Krypton Gold Monster

Vol 2 Chapter 281: The real weakness of the teacher!

The curse of the strongest player has become the shackles of every strongest player in history.

And this curse is even more conspicuous on TS now!

So many people think this is a kind of arrogance.

But everyone is wrong to blame the teacher.

We know that if tigers can learn and use tools like humans, they might easily rule the earth, but can tigers do it? Similarly, it is normal for the strongest players like TS and FK to find no objects for learning and progress.

This is not arrogance.

This is not allowed by strength.

Put yourself in your place and think about it, if you were the strongest like them, who would you study and learn from? Others are learning from them, who do they learn from?

Is it possible for TS to learn from the emperor as equals?

Should FK go to learn the power of a tiger from Li Shizhen?

Even if they are modest and easy to learn, if they really do this, they might not have any good results, right?

Others learn from the strongest players like FK and TS, and they can become stronger.

And FK and TS abandon themselves and learn from others, I am afraid it will shake the foundation of them and their team...

Well known.

Steady is presumptuous, and strong is weakness.

It is the unparalleled strength of TS that has taught all the top laners to "Shanwai Qingshanlou Wailou, strong players have their own strong players."

All top orders were forced to resist pressure.

Only TS does not.

As a result, this has become the weakness of teacher Xie.

And once the team needs him to resist pressure that he is not good at, he will be at a loss and have little experience...

Here must talk about the new adc puffs of the Fanshan team. Many people spray puffs, but the puffs are not weaker than others when they get a strong ad. They have played many ca

y performance. As a mid-to-high team, the Fanshan team can’t ask adc to take disadvantaged heroes and go against the wind.


After all, there is only one Q spicy dance. Don’t look at so many people spraying gods, Shuizi is still a rare top dedication ADC who can graze and milk. His signature EZ can play output without eating resources. It is worth learning from many ads.

Then introduced ca

For the y-ad puff's mountain team, if they want to win, they must tilt resources and bp down the road.

The spring, summer, playoffs and bubbling games all proved this.

As long as you are willing to choose ice, policewoman, puffs are also very ca


As long as Senna and EZ are selected, then...they will be hidden in the city.

It can’t be said that the puffs are not good. With the performance of the puffs, in fact, they may become a very strong ca in other teams.

y point. Because the team is compatible and fit, any strong ca

At point y, other people are needed to help and set off.

As for help and foil, although these two words seem to be low, like holding the thigh, they never mean that they are not important!

Count the locations of ca

Y-shaped gods, what are they like without the cooperation of teammates holding thighs?

The reason why S8's Sun teacher is so terrifying and fierce with the tailwind and the headwind is that Ah Shui in the Fanshan team is silently resisting the pressure (ta, three beeps). Leaving the ticket for God of Water, Mr. Sun did not even enter the World Championship this year.

Little Peanut, who is now the absolute mainstay of the old godfather, is so brilliant this year because the old godfather is fully cooperating with the uncrowned wild king. In the previous days at LCK, except for ROX, he was almost forgotten in the corner.

FK, the world's number one demon king who ruled S5 and S6, lost his guardian stupid chicken who silently supported him, and fell from the one-to-five Thunder King to become the most sad **** on the bench today.

And forever God Uzi, let alone. There is no team that does not protect him. Big Brother, Tong Invincible, Rang Di, white, LBW, 55K, LPL's top laners and the three ugliest mid laners have all given him green leaves. Without these green leaves, the world's No. 1 ADC has become worse than before, and has even been forced to retire.

This can be seen.

No one can leave the team to prove their strength.

If you have to say there is, then only the desperate situation of S7 that year, Galio.


A team of 5 people, one less is not eligible to play, team cooperation is always the most important!

Just like the "gathering is a tuft of s, scattered is a starry sky" mentioned in the previous article, any truly powerful team must have a reasonable allocation of resources.

So-called five ca

The "Galactic Battleship" composed of y-type players is often inferior to three ca

y Bring two small teams that can hold leg players!

This is the problem of team running-in.

When others have learned how to resist and contain the "Lu Xian" offensive of the teacher, even if they can't fight, they can be delayed, and then rely on the team that far beats the teacher and teammates to win the game.

I believe the coach of the Fanshan team should also understand these principles.

Even if I didn't understand it originally.

Now I am forced to understand.

Therefore, there is the coach's humble request to the now famous teacher-"Can you play Aoun?"

In the bubbling match, the teacher's top laner Aoun.

In the first battle, ride the wind and waves.

Fight again, the sick tree sinks the boat.

TS is strong in operation, and Ornn can also get a kill on the line; but when he encounters a player who does not pull his hips but understands the meat-tan match-up better, the advantage of the operation becomes less important.

Aoun confronted the bears and was single-killed by the wolf line repeatedly. In fact, it is not that TS has a problem.

But TS didn't understand these two fleshy heroes at all.

Especially Volibear who doesn't understand the ruthless Thunder Gaba Hara!

Not only TS, but even almost 90% of League of Legends players don’t know that after the revision, except for W, even if it is three-phase, all damage is almost magic damage!

Someone must say that the bear's damage is obviously physical damage on the system panel?


This is a bug.

Thebug's will!

The system damage record will show the bear’s damage as physical damage, but the fact is that 80% of the bear’s damage is completely magical damage! The old knife girl of the year also had such a bug, and the damage display of the big move was wrong.

After all, the game system is not a panacea...

The teacher Xie didn't know this detail, and he came out of a sun flame anti-armor armor suit, and was casually killed by a bear who was completely injured by magic.

On the contrary, after changing sides, Aoun of Wolf X decisively made a magic resistance early, and there was no pressure on the bear. And it would be even more outrageous for Teacher Xie to blindly make a black cut without knowing the damage attribute of his hero.

Jingong’s black-cut bear is already outrageous~www.ltnovel.com~ so the Fanshan team can beat the Phoenix team.

And Mr. Sun followed Jin Gong and learned the black-cut bear who communicated with patients, even more so stupid!

This is no longer a problem of operational level, but a lack of actual combat experience in playing meat against pressure.

Believe it or not, give the bronze and silver players a normal six-sword demon with the 6 gods outfit, which can easily hang and expose the teacher's 6 world-destroyer's signature sword demon.

Equipment is the foundation.

The operation is just adding head.

When playing the meat tank hero, the equipment is wrong, what can you do no matter how good the operation is?

Many people ridiculed that the weakness of Teacher Xian is "the world's best to catch the top order", "timely rain—send ginger", or "when we are old, the peak has passed and we are beginning to decline."

But these are superficial...

The real weakness of the teacher...

only one.

He has no direction and goal to learn!

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