League of Legends: My Age

Chapter 479: Arrow without hair

Far away, through the Internet, countless Chinese players who watched the game in real time also held their breath. Many people ten minutes ago, when they lost the second game in ng, they sent a pop-up to the audience, But they still opened their mobile phones and computers and connected to the live broadcast URL of the game.

"Olaf kills the gods at dusk, killing the female gun with just an axe is fine, but Olav doesn't shoot the axe, but directly rushes into the face"

Bian Chengfeng's mouth pierced his teeth. The bear ’s video game gun was a bit panicked. He moved, frosted, but it was useless. The mad warriors under the twilight of the gods were immune to all control effects and flung directly on the gun face

He slammed the axe of electric light recklessly, and the small tomahawk slashed flatly. Then he threw it against his face and closed his head.

The blind monk Tian Yinbo kicked him, Olaf had only one-third of his blood left, but Cheng Feng's iron buddies had rushed under the tower, and then ran further and further. Before Cib figured out if he wanted to cross the tower, he It has been out of the range that the blind monk's echo can trigger. When the blind monk ’s tianyinbo mark disappears and Chengfeng kills it again, the two wave lines are under the tower.

"Wow ah ah"

The live commentary broke out again

"He knows that the wave he knows is very detailed. He knows that ice has healing, blind monks, and the white shield of the golden bell jar. So Olaf rushed directly to the face without trying as we thought. He took the head with a flying axe. He did not hit his luck, but rushed his face. This was very dangerous. He might die in the hands of the blind monk and Frozen. "

"Risk and return are proportional. God, Olaf also forced Ishi's healing technique to tell the truth. This is great news for ng's bottom road. At least, they can still talk to Ishi And Miss Doom continued to line up. "

"I am very contradictory now. I hope that sk wins, but there is a place in my heart that supports ng. They played really well and it is worth our support to them. I believe that there must be a lot of audience and me at the scene. It's the same mood. "

At the scene, there was an instant roar and applause from the audience, and the host of the scene began to build momentum, provided that the Wolves were qualified to become sk's opponent.

Yes, they like sk and ony better. However, in the world of e-sports, in addition to the strong, it is worthy of respect, and those who have strong challenge fields are also very worthy of support.

漂亮 "Pretty, this look is a bit like an old man" Li Mu shouted on the team channel

Chengfeng really took ng back from the water. This wave was double-killed. If Chengfeng did not hack the female gun, the three of sk pushed the tower with a large wave of soldiers, and one tower was gone. The Picheng policewoman was basically abolished. The policewoman was chosen to push the tower on the line. The worst and most useless policewoman was pushed by a tower before she was pushed to the tower.

Yun Zhuo Yunhai can only sigh, this game has been so detailed. As a professional player, if Olaf throws an axe directly, this wave will be gone and the game may be over.

Reckless husband also has embroidery work.

And in China on the other side, millions of people have raised their fists together.

However, the crisis of the bottom line has not been lifted.

The biggest mistake that Xiao Xiaobai made in a wave was the flash of death

Twenty-nine minutes, cib sent a signal towards the bottom, "ok"

“Ok” syer responded immediately, the ice big move was ok, the opposite side assisted Jella did not flash ok

"Bear, force him into a dead end."

The ice archer fired a thousand arrows, drove Jela's position toward the grass in the lower lane, and then the female video game gun of the bear also released a rain of bullets, and the ice forced the oblique angle toward Jela to move away , And further pushed Zyra's movement towards the wall.

Xiao Ye didn't feel well. The policewoman put down a clip, and then placed an armor-piercing bullet on the peace messenger. The next second, the ice shot

Jyala ’s position at this time and the ice shooter are a dead-end slash. No matter which position she is in, it takes at least one second to get out of the attack range of the magic crystal arrow. There is no room for her to move at all. Magic crystal arrow hit.

At the same time, the female video game gun stepped forward, crouched down and faced Jira directly. It was the time of the big barrage, and the bullets blasted round and round towards Zhala who passed out.

Fortunately, the distance of this magic crystal arrow is not long enough, and the time of stun effect is limited. Zela quickly resumes the action and desperately walks out of the coverage of the female gun.

This is an auxiliary female gun, and there is no attack equipment, but the damage of the big move itself is enough. Zyra ’s blood is red, three hundred and four hundred.

Finally, Jela went out, and there were more than a hundred blood

"Jie La survived and did not die"

The commentator, haha, jumped up, his heart was about to come out of his throat, "Ice wants to chase, but the policewoman of the night put down her clip and blocked the ice, one inch long, one inch strong, and the ice could not be beaten "

"The blind monk The blind monk is here"

"Little White Run"

Cib came over from the river again. This time, he was looking straight at the eye position, but the blind monk is indifferent.

Boom, Jie Jang's face

Two sections of q, echo hit, kill directly

I got the head, and the blind monk walked straight towards the policewoman.

The policewoman shoots out the rope net, e skill retreats and pulls away.

The sound of haha ​​fell into the sea of ​​fire in an instant

"Cib, this is cib. His blind monk is too strong." Han Xing's tone was helpless and unwilling.

Qi Zhuo Yunhai opened his mouth. He wanted to say something positive, but

He couldn't find it for a while, ng's bottom road, it exploded, and the last wave was actually exploded, but Olaf came over, hit a dozen and struck the video game female gun, and also tricked Aish's treatment , Forcing them to breathe down

However, sk is really a terrible team. When you are sick and kill you, there is no chance for Xiaobai to take a breath. If a mistake is made, you need to use two heads to make up for it. It feels that Xiaobai has been beaten.

In fact, this is really not a matter of experience or inexperience, strong, is strong.

Songhuzheng, the students who watched the game on the square made a mournful cry, unfortunately

"It's over. In this wave, sk has completely risen, and the suspend mode must be turned on again."

"It's this blind monk again, this is going to stage ck monk teaching"

"Ck's blind man is really strong."

Everyone's blinking eyes, staring at the big screen on the square, the more so, the more eager

"Xiao Bai, come on, Li Mu, come on"

Suddenly, a female voice roared out

For a moment, the square's emotions were detonated, and the uniform cheering sounded louder, the more so it couldn't be silenced.

No one found that the girl hiding in the crowd shouting "Come on" and secretly wiped away her tears. It is their sister Feng Yun who has graduated. You Xiaoxun

She came to the school to apply for a certificate, and then saw the familiar advertisement, the familiar crowd, but this time, it was not a game, but a live broadcast.

But standing in the crowd, as if she was in yesterday, crying for youth.

"Li Mu, come on, come on, come on," she said, and then read the name in her heart, "be sure to come on"

After the blind monk killed the man and returned to the city for supply, he was sealed in the lower channel to make his eyesight. At this time, Li Mu was just returning to the city for the first time and was on his way to the line.

Victor returned to the city first. At this time, the middle route was pushed down the tower, because the blind monk and the lower lane have all returned to the city. At the same time, Ony knew that Olaf was in the lower half of the field. Midfielder single o own blue buff, not intending to give ng a chance to gank him.

牧 Li Mu quickly cut the screen, "The blind monk and the opposite side have returned to the city. I have cleared the middle route, and I can get a little dragon in time."

Soon, ten and a half minutes, taking the sk back to the city, ng won the first dragon in this game, the element wind dragon, the attributes are not very good, but only this one can come to stop the loss slightly Already.

Xiaobai's Jiela was resurrected and came over to help fight the dragon. Li Mu frowned slightly and found that Xiaobai hadn't spoken in the team channel for a long time. In fact, because of frequent walks, Xiaobai was in addition to Cheng Outside the cover, the one who speaks the most in the team channel.

But at this time, he was a little lost, and hit the ice twice in a row.

He is really in a bad state, he can be said to be a mistake, after all, it is the world stage, facing the strongest players in the world, and they are extremely fierce from beginning to end. The strength is something he hasn't encountered before. Even if he hits to or dragan, he doesn't have such hardness.

I just finished playing the dragon. Suddenly, Li Mu struck Xiaobai's Jiela with two question marks. "Will Xiaobai come to a wave of sobriety?"


"Don't blind monks catch you all the time, come and go without rudeness."

牧 Li Mu smiled, at this time, he saw a blind monk q enter the flock of birds.

Before fighting the wind dragon, Li Mu called Cheng Feng to insert a reconnaissance guard in the grass near the camp of F4. At this time, the blind monk can only brush this monster. The upper half of the field has just been emptied by Victor alone. Li Mu checked the performance panel by tab at all times. In addition to the soldier line and the blue buff, Victor had four more supplementary knives. There is no doubt that the three wolves and toads of the blind monk were eaten.

Xiao Baixin was alive again, and passed along the river with Li Mu's clockwork. The blind monk hit f4 and asked his teammates how many cd flashes Zelah had. Before that, he wanted to find the unflipped Jie. Lati wave.

At this moment, the clockwork demon suddenly flew in through the wall. The blind monk stunned. The first reaction was that the clockwork wanted to grab his big bird and he had just used punishment for the big bird.

The next second, the clockwork's puppet was halo-blurred, and the clockwork enlarged the instinct of cib's intent to flash, but he reacted instantly, his flash was not good, he wanted to touch his eyes, but it was slow. The whole person has been pulled by the shock wave of the clockwork demon, but cib is not worried. The blind monk is a flexible hero. He can still touch his eyes to leave the field, but after 0.5 seconds, his heart is fierce. Jump around, "don't"

He saw Zyra, the Zyra just caught by him

他 While he was uncontrollable by the clockwork, Jela released the e-entanglement root to him, and the vines rushing from the ground tied him firmly in place.

He was beaten to half blood by a set of clockwork skills, and remnant blood by Zella's set of skills with Thunder, and finally he was taken down by a clockwork.


"The old wolf is here. Wow, this wave, the old wolf cooperates with the God of Zela, and controls it by hand, Zilla pulls it again. The blind monk can't see it, it's directly seconds."

"The most important thing is not to cooperate or to drop the blind monk in seconds, but the old wolf started to stand up. First, he took a wind dragon to stop the loss, then caught the blind monk at the speed of light, or forcibly killed in the wild area of ​​sk This has made the rhythm of the blind monk a bit out of line, and in the next wave, Jie La's flash should be better. "

Howling wolf nest

Yes, everyone is not satisfied with text chat, and some brothers are starting to talk.

"I'm handsome, old wolf, when are you so good to me, partial?" Tank laughed.

"Yes, I always remember Xiaobai when there is meat, he is my person." Xiao Ye also said.

After all, everyone's career is longer. To drive Xiaobai, silence is not a good start.

"Don't do this, I'm still on the road alone, I'm going to do them quickly," yelled the elder brother.

"Up, up, up" Xiaobai also shouted three times to cheer himself up.

In 11 minutes, the road has reached the ninth level. The elder brother who has already released the ghost cloak started the time assassin's performance. The time staggered and threw the time field. Then the phase dived up and opened the arson feast overloaded Rambo competition. Hit resonance to trigger damage through three attacks.

However, Suer's position was a bit fierce. After a pull, Ike's blown up again and failed to stun Rambo. Instantly, Suer turned back to fight back. Rambo had lifted the red temperature and started the arson feast towards Ai again. Ke burned up, and an electronic harpoon suddenly plugged out, right in the middle of Ike, Suer opened up.

The electronic harpoon can slow down to Ike, and Ike has already passed the phase dive e skill that can be displaced.

As soon as I hit the road, it instantly became a flame space of Rambo

Brother Fufa still pulled away, and survived the flames of Rambo, but his blood was already red.

"Suer is so fierce" Han

The star exhaled. This game was really frightening. When I saw Rambo opening up, I really felt like something was going on. This Rambo was too fierce.

"These two people should be single-handed and can't do anything wrong. Ike still has no big deal. It's a good thing to play Rambo's big move." Zhuo Yunhai said, as long as Suer's big move exists, it is like a nuclear bomb. , Fa brother is putting pressure.

"Is the blind monk going to anti-f4? Just now his f4 monster was pulled to death by clockwork. This is the idea of ​​grabbing it, but I saw it by tank. Olaf squatted in the grass and was waiting for the clockwork. The clockwork came, the puppet flew over, and Olaf's tomahawk flew out. Unfortunately, this time the blind monk was flexible. The last wave was too big to touch the eyes. This time he performed a wave on the opponent's f4. Eye escape. "

Won ’s victory and defeat were very serious, but Li Mu smiled, it was good. This time, the blind monk was in the Upper Midlands, and then the flash of Jira turned better.

Just thinking about it like this, the bottom road suddenly broke out, and the cold ice shot again flashed the last three seconds to get better Jela. This is a card flashing cd assault female gun. Put down the gun Lin Yuyu to slow down, and immediately squat down to open the bomb. Curtain shot

However, this time, Xiaobai was under the tower, and Ice didn't dare to make up the output, which was controlled by Zella backhand. The policewoman could connect with the clip of the Yoder trap, but only by a first eye-catcher The damage of the female gun was not enough to kill him. The blind monk was not there. In fact, Xiaobai was not panicked in the heart. After the injury, Jela had more than 400 blood.

"What is this, and what's the big trick of ice, when did it hit so well?"

"No time."

"Starting at level six, three big moves, all hit it."

The atmosphere of the commentary platform was low, but the commentary on ck had resumed the frustration before the first game.

And the English commentary on the scene also issued exaggerated comments, the ice of Syer, the world's first ice, and arrows are nothing.

"Moreover, the main purpose of the sk wave was not to kill Jela, but to reduce the police's blood volume, and the two suppressed the policewoman to push the tower."

Quickly, 13 minutes, although Xiaoye's policewoman was desperately defending, but when Jie La was about to rush back to the next lane, sk pushed his tower down.

Xiaoye exhaled, playing policewoman flattened a tower by freezing

Fortunately, time has come to 13 minutes and I can barely accept this situation.

13 minutes and a half, Jira, who has nothing to do online, can only go to the wild with Olaf for a double tour.

At this time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chengfeng wanted to interfere with the blind monk playing the red buff. Xiaobai immediately followed up and went to the grass in the blue square f4 camp to make an eye. This is the eye position in front of him. And Li Mu took the head of the blind monk.

But, just after walking near the grass, when Xiao Bai was about to put a skill to explore the grass, boom

Ony pounced from the grass, the death rays burned up, and at the same time siphoning energy qa, the big move followed the gravity field.

Bian Jella handed it in for a short while and it turned around soon. Victor had to chase it, but Li Mu had already supported him to shield the ball for the first time and successfully covered Xiaobai's retreat.

"The wave of Ony Jella flashed very decisively, and it felt like she was dead for a second."

哇 "Wow, ony Victor has also begun. I feel that this wave is ony's demonstration of Victor's gameplay with everyone."

After this wave, Chengfeng lost a lot, and his eyes were inserted near the red buff, but it was clear that this red buff could not be grabbed, Xiaobai returned to the city, but the female gun of sk came over.

The blind monk took the red buff, and at this moment, the ice sent a signal, and from the bottom, a super long-range big shot was shot at Jela in the river.

Ding Ding Ding Ding

The blind monk rushed towards the ice crystal arrow again.

Xiao Xiao's eyes flickered, and the magic crystal arrow fired by the ice had been seen at the corner of the screen.

I hid

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