Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 467: Discovery at the crime scene, direction of investigation, lines of inquiry

Chapter 467: Discovery at the crime scene, investigation direction, clues

Taking the box handed over by the Trace Inspection Section agent, Luo An found a half-burned diary, a dusty handheld video recorder, a computer hard drive linked to home surveillance, and some other miscellaneous items.

 “Good, thank you for your hard work.”

Luo An nodded, patted the agent from the Trace Inspection Section on the shoulder, and then pointed to Lacey not far away, indicating that the agent would hand over some of the things inside to her, while the rest would be handed over to the Trace Inspection Section as usual. deal with.

 Half an hour later, the bodies of the two victims were cleaned up and taken away. Nothing else was found at the scene, and Luo An and others drove away.

  When assigning tasks before, Roan led Winslow and Lacey to Linden's house, planning to ask Linden for information.

 Cheniel, Mona and Michelle were sent by Luo An to the location where the death of the 16-year-old boy Paul occurred.

Unlike Luo An and the others who encountered a sudden explosion, Chenier and the others completed their investigation smoothly and returned to the special investigation team before Luo An and the others.

After learning about the explosion, Mona, who had been waiting for a long time, breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the clothes of Luo An and the others were only a little dirty and had a lot of dust on them, but their bodies were not harmed.

Handing the electronic items found at the explosion site to Mona, Luo An entered the team leader's office, simply changed into a new coat, then walked to the whiteboard at the front of the office area with a pen, looked at Chenier, and asked:

“How is your investigation going?”

 Chenelle stood up, frowned and replied:

“We found a lot at the scene of Paul’s death.”

 The scene of Paul's death was in a long-abandoned tire factory in northwest Los Angeles.

According to the investigation of the Trace Inspection Department, Paul had marks on the back of his head that he had been hit with a heavy object, and the tool was also found, which was a **** hammer in the corner of the crime scene.

 There was a needle hole in Paul's right arm. When the autopsy department performed an autopsy, it was discovered that Paul had been anesthetized before his death.

At the same time, there were obvious signs of struggle where the opponent’s feet were tied and hung, indicating that Paul was still conscious at the time.

When Lacey heard this, she frowned and asked:

"You mean to say that Paul was still conscious when he was disemboweled by his murderers?"

 Chenier nodded solemnly:

 “This possibility is very high.”

 “sonof is better than eating.”

"damn it."

 Winslow and Lacey Wen heard this and cursed a few times with ugly faces.

Luo An’s expression remained unchanged, and then asked:

 “Are there any other discoveries?”

"nothing now."

Chenelle shook her head. The murderer was very careful. No footprints or fingerprints were found at the crime scene, and there was no surveillance in the nearby area.

The reporter of this case was a homeless man who continued to scavenge in the area. The person was startled by the hanging corpse, but no other suspicious people or suspicious vehicles were found.

As for Paul, he went out with some friends the day before yesterday and suddenly disappeared on his way home in the evening. Those friends had no clues. Lyndon and his wife immediately called the police and also contacted the FBI.

 But there was no surveillance at the location where Paul disappeared, and there were no witnesses nearby, so neither the FBI nor the LAPD found anything.

 It wasn’t until yesterday when they received a call from the homeless man that the police found the missing Paul.


Luo An turned around and posted the photos of Lyndon, Lyndon's wife, and son Paul at the top of the whiteboard, and then wrote the cause of their death below the three, "bomb" and "disembowelment." .

After finishing writing, Luo An threw the whiteboard pen aside and said sternly:

“Everyone, the murderer behind this case obviously came to the former team leader, Lyndon Osborne’s family.

 There are two main directions for our next investigation:

 First, investigate the cases that Lyndon Osborne has handled during his years working in the FBI, and identify suspects who have a deep grudge against Lyndon and are very likely to attack him. Especially those who have been released from prison in the past year, or who have experienced major changes in the past year.

 Second, the counter-IED agent told me that the bomb went off in Paul's room.

It is impossible for Lyndon and his wife to run to their son's room with a bomb, so there are only two possibilities. One is that the bomb was secretly hidden in Paul's room by the murderer, and the other is that the bomb was sent by Paul without his knowledge. , took it back by myself.

So we will carefully investigate the surveillance of the villa before the explosion, and at the same time investigate Paul's life experience, who he had conflicts with at school, who he had contact with, and people he had contact with on the Internet. "


Luo An’s analysis was very simple and straightforward. The detectives found no problems, so they all nodded in agreement.

Roan first left the special investigation team and went to the office of Potente Byrne, the team leader, to explain the situation to him and asked to see all the cases that Lyndon Osborne had handled during his lifetime.

Potente-Byrne agreed without hesitation. Roan returned to the Special Investigation Team with authority and asked Michelle to log into the FBI internal network to start investigating clues.

 Winslow, Chenelle and Lacey respectively went to Paul’s school, the Linden family’s neighbors and other places to conduct offline investigations.

Luo An began to look through the diary found by the Trace Inspection Section at the crime scene.

But unfortunately, Lyndon is a serious person. This diary does not belong to him, but to his wife. Apart from some complaints, there are no other useful clues in it.

  After pondering for a while, Luo An turned his attention to Mona. He had handed over to her the computer he had found at the crime scene and the electronic equipment found at the crime scene by the Trace Inspection Department.

“I did find some clues here, but they seem a bit complicated.”

Mona rubbed her sore eyes, pointed at the computer on the table and said:

“The computer found by the Trace Inspection Section and connected to the home surveillance system recorded what happened before the explosion.”

There was no sound from the surveillance. The footage showed that some time before the explosion, Linden’s wife had been sitting on the sofa crying. Linden’s face was full of anger, but he still hugged his wife and kept comforting her.

Suddenly, the two of them seemed to hear something. They both looked up at the stairs and discussed for a few words. Linden and his wife walked up the stairs to the second floor and entered their son Paul's room.

The scene in the room could not be seen due to the angle of the surveillance camera. Three seconds later, the explosion occurred and the surveillance camera instantly went dark.

After watching the surveillance, Luo An frowned slightly. Before he could speak, Mona continued:

“This period of monitoring is automatically covered every seven days. During these seven days, no one was found to have sneaked into the villa.

In addition, the handheld video recorder is useless. It only contains a few birthday party videos and other daily videos recorded by the Linden family.

But that laptop you found, I did find some interesting things in it. "

Mona tapped her fingers on the keyboard, and soon a long list appeared on her computer screen.

Mona pointed to the list and explained:

“The laptop you found belonged to Lyndon, and the list was created the second hour after the couple received news of Paul’s murder.

I looked up the name "Miller Merman" at the top of the list. He was a notorious tycoon. Among the names behind him were assassins, intelligence traffickers, and serial murderers. The murderer, the bomber who made the bomb...are not ordinary people. "

 “The name of a group of “talents”.”

Luo An raised his eyebrows slightly and said suddenly:

“Therefore, this list is most likely those people who hated him to the core and might have taken action against his son Paul, as Linden himself had reviewed before he was alive.”

 “That’s right.”

Mona nodded, picked up the coffee and took a sip. Luo An narrowed his eyes slightly, and when he was thinking about the names of these talents, Michelle who was not far away suddenly raised his hand and said hesitantly:

“Luo An, I seem to have found some clues, uh, or problems.”

 (End of this chapter)

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