Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 470: Four explosions, jumping into the elevator shaft

Chapter 470 Four explosions, jumping into the elevator shaft


The SWAT team had just sealed off two stairs and an elevator inside the building when a deafening explosion suddenly sounded and the whole building seemed to shake.

 “Are there any casualties?”

Luo An quickly asked loudly about the situation of the SWAT team members, then quickly pressed the communicator and asked:

“Mona, where did the explosion happen?

 Sniper, what's going on now? "

“The explosion location is on the fourth floor where the target person is!”

Mona, who stayed outside and was responsible for surveillance video matters, frowned and quickly typed on the keyboard while replying:

“The target person found out about our actions through some unknown means!”

As soon as Mona finished speaking, the sniper lying on the roof of another building continued:

“The explosion location is the target person’s bedroom!

The scene is now obscured by smoke and obstacles, and I can’t see clearly what’s going on inside! "

Luo An cursed in a low voice, and then ordered loudly:

“Comprehensive blockade of this building! The rest of the personnel, quickly go upstairs to search for the target person!”


A group of agents responded in unison. The SWAT agents quickly divided their forces into two teams to carry out Luo An's order. Several agents from the special investigation team also worked in pairs to start searching for the target person.

Luo An and Chenier were in a group. The two of them ran up the stairs quickly with weapons in hand. When they reached the third floor, Luo An suddenly grabbed Chenier and several SWAT team members and retrieved three items with them. room on the first floor.

The layout of this building is somewhat similar to the layout of some university dormitories in the East. There is a long corridor inside the building, with houses for residents or families on the north and south sides.

Chenier held the weapon and stood close to Luo An to inspect it carefully. As she walked, she asked in a low voice:

“Luo An, do you think that guy Eneston came to the third floor?”


Hearing Cheniel’s question, Luo An replied in a low voice:

"Enestone is a killer. It is impossible for this guy to commit suicide. The explosion just now may be that he wants to eliminate some clues, or it may be that he wants to divert our attention."

Before this operation, Luo An had already sent someone to get the layout of this building. Through observation, he found that there was no suitable way to escape from the roof of this building. Unless the opponent dared to escape without his life, he dared not reach the eighth floor. BASE jumping.

There are SWAT members waiting on the street. They dare to shoot if the opponent dares to jump.

Since this road was unavailable, Luo An thought about it like a killer and found that the best way was to detonate a bomb to attract the attention of the SWAT team members, quickly run to the third or second floor, and then find a way to leave.

 But the SWAT team members had already arrived on the second floor, so the only place the other party could go was the third floor.

After listening to the explanation, Cheniel nodded slightly. What Luo An said made sense, but there was also a problem. There were so many residents on the third floor. It was impossible to determine whether the people in each room were working or resting at home at this time.

Thinking of this, Cheniel frowned slightly and asked in a low voice:

 “Luo An, we...”

Before Chenier finished speaking, Luoan's face changed due to the early warning feeling brought by the danger sensing potion. He suddenly reached out and grabbed Chenier's arm and pushed her to the ground. At the same time, he shouted loudly to the SWAT team members:

 “Get down!”





The next second, four deafening explosions suddenly erupted not far from Luo An and others. The doors of the three rooms were instantly blown to pieces. Orange-red flames and black-gray smoke and dust instantly drowned several SWAT members.

Fortunately, Luo An warned in time, and several SWAT team members reacted quickly enough. Their clothes lying on the ground were only burned by the flames, and one team member's head with a helmet was hit by a wooden block. Nothing serious outside.


 Chenier quickly got up from the ground, looked at the messy scene in front of her and cursed:

 “What a madman!”

 Turning to look at Luo An, he found that Luo An quickly ran to another room that was not destroyed by the bomb. He kicked open the door and rushed into the house quickly.

Chenelle followed closely behind and hurriedly ran into the room and found Luo An standing at the door of the bathroom in this room. The wall behind the toilet had been blown open, and there was a **** hole inside. Seeing the sparks flying from time to time on the lines around the wall of the big hole, Cheniel quickly reacted, looked at Luo An with admiration, and analyzed:

“The fourth explosion just now turned out to be here. This is the elevator shaft. That guy Eneston is going to escape from the elevator shaft to the first floor?!”

“No, he should go to the underground parking lot of this building.”

Luo An shook his head and pulled off a piece of sheet from the bed in the bedroom.

Amid the doubtful looks of the SWAT team members and Chenelle, Luo An wrapped the bedsheets around him, pressed the communicator, and said loudly:

“Winslow, Lacey, take people to the underground parking lot quickly!

Mona, check the surveillance video of the underground parking lot. Is there anything going on? "

Winslow and Lacey quickly agreed and led the people towards the underground garage. Mona tapped the keyboard quickly with her fingers, and then said urgently:

“There are two surveillance cameras in the underground parking lot, and they were just smashed!”

 “OK, I get it.”

The sheets had been wrapped up, and Luo An turned his head to several SWAT players behind him:

“Hurry to the underground parking lot and remember to take the stairs.”

 Several SWAT members nodded and quickly turned around to leave. Chenelle frowned slightly:

"What about us?"

 “Hold on to me.”

Luo An grinned, stretched out his left hand and grabbed Chenier's waist. With his right hand, he shook the made sheet hard, tied the steel cable in the elevator shaft, and jumped directly to the bottom of the dark hole with Cheniel. Go down.



Several SWAT team members were shocked when they saw this scene. They looked at each other, said a few federal-style exclamations and curse words, and hurriedly left the room and ran down the stairs to the underground parking lot.

In the dark elevator shaft, Chenelle held Luo An with a tense face. She found that she had far underestimated Luo An's acting style and courage.

The location where the elevator stopped in the underground parking lot, as well as the lift's upper cover being opened, proved that Luo An's guess was correct. Eneston's escape route was indeed the underground parking lot.

The rope made of bedsheets was of average quality and was quickly cut into two pieces by the elevator cable.

But Luo An didn't panic, because the moment the sheets were cut, he just arrived at the elevator with Chenelle.

Luo An gently stepped on the roof of the elevator, threw the torn sheets aside, released his hand on Chenier's waist, and sent her into the elevator. Then he jumped into the elevator, walked out of the elevator door and entered the underground. Parking lot, and tidying up my hair that was blown away by the falling breeze.


After seeing this scene, Cheniel's thoughts were in a mess. She opened her mouth and didn't know what to say. She paused for a moment and took a deep breath, holding the weapon and observing the surroundings carefully.

At this time, Winslow, Lacey and several SWAT members also rushed out from the stairs not far away on the other side.

Without hesitation, they scattered with weapons in hand, while Winslow shouted:

“Look carefully at the bottom of the car and the trunk of the car! The target person is definitely here!”

Hurrying forward to retrieve the weapon, Winslow was stunned for a moment when he saw Roan and Chenelle.

The SWAT team members who followed Luo An and the others had not yet arrived at the underground parking lot. How could Luo An and Cheniel go downstairs so fast?

 “You came down by the elevator?”

 Chenelle rolled her eyes, shook her head and said:

“No, I jumped down the elevator shaft.”

 Winslow: “…”

  Winslow and Chenelle both looked at each other strangely during the regular meeting. Roan quickly walked to the surveillance video that Mona had said was shattered before, and looked around carefully. He suddenly pressed the communicator and asked:

“Mona, when will the nearest subway arrive at the nearby station?”

 “Estimated 6 minutes left.”

Mona on the other end of the communicator typed on the keyboard a few times, quickly answered Luo An’s question, and then asked:

"Why do you ask?"

Winslow and Chenelle also came over at this time. Roan pointed to the grid drain under the wall not far away and said coldly:

 “This guy Eneston, I’m afraid he escaped from here to the subway station!”

 (End of this chapter)

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