Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 490: Ram's successors

Chapter 490 Ram’s Successors

 The person on the other end of the phone who called Luo An was someone from the LAFD (Los Angeles Fire Department).

So many people died in today's bank robbery + gas case, coupled with the publicity of major media, the whole of Los Angeles knew about it.

 Every law enforcement agency quickly learned that the person responsible for the case was the Special Investigation Team of the FBI's Los Angeles branch, so they immediately called Luo An after discovering the clues.

 “Thank you, I’ll be there right away.”

 Getting the specific address of the robber's abandoned vehicle, Luo An simply thanked him and hung up the phone.

Throwing the phone to Lacey, Roan glanced at Winslow and Chenelle who were unconscious in the ward, then quickly turned around and left the hospital building.

As soon as he walked to the hospital parking lot, Luo An suddenly thought of something and turned around and said:

“By the way, Michelle, go to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Once the test results come out, call me immediately.”

Botulinum toxin is a special pathogen that grows in soil and has anaerobic properties, which means that oxygen can kill it.

 But this kind of thing cannot be made casually, especially a whole bottle of poison gas, which means that the person who made it has quite complete experimental equipment.

When the staff of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention arrived at the scene, Luo An had asked them to seize the time to collect the pathogens left at the scene, go back and conduct tests, analyze the genome of the botulinum toxin in the air, and determine where the bottle of poisonous gas came from.

 “OK, I’ll go to the lab right now.”

 Michelle nodded heavily upon hearing this, turned around and walked quickly in the other direction.

Mona and Lacey got into the SUV, Luo An stepped on the accelerator and drove the vehicle towards the location mentioned by LAFD.

While waiting for the traffic light at an intersection, Luo An suddenly tilted his head and asked:

 “Mona, how is the monitoring situation at the bank?”

"Very bad."

Mona frowned when she heard this, and without making any move to open her laptop, she directly spread her hands and said:

“The surveillance videos of that bank are all saved on the disk at the back of the computer.

The staff in the control room said that as soon as the robbers broke into the bank, they entered the control room and pulled out all the disks.

One of the robbers first threw the disks into a box filled with water to soak for a while, and then put them in the microwave in the rest area. After starting the microwave, the disks exploded together with the microwave, causing complete damage beyond repair. "

 “We met a very well-trained group of guys this time.”

After Mona finished speaking, Lacey in the back seat of the car sighed with emotion, and then counted the actions of the robbers with her fingers:

“There were six robbers in total. When they entered the bank, they first took out a “Closed for Business” sign and hung it at the door to prevent anyone from entering.

 Three people controlled the scene, herded the hostages together to prevent anyone from pressing the alarm device, and then took away their mobile phones and disks in the control room, throwing them all into a box and soaking them in water.

The other three men held the manager hostage and walked to the big iron gate. They waited for the time lock to open and asked the manager to use the password and fingerprint to open the big iron gate. Then they entered the safe and vault to withdraw money and open the box.

 In less than ten minutes, several people completed their actions. They took out the prepared bleach liquid and spread it everywhere to erase any fingerprints or other traces they might have left. The last few people quickly exited the bank and drove away before the police discovered anything unusual. "

  “Really a group of talents.”

Luo An narrowed his eyes slightly and was silent for a few seconds before asking:

“Lacie, did the hostages at the scene see the characteristics of the robbers?

 Such as tattoos or scars. "

 “No, no clue.”

 Lacie shook her head and explained:

“The robbers were all wearing black clothes, black pants and black gloves, with several circles of tape wrapped around their wrists to prevent the gloves from falling off.

On their heads, these people all wore poker masks that only had their eyes missing and covered their necks.

The hostages could not clearly see the specific faces of the robbers. The only thing they were sure of was that judging from the position of their eyes, the robbers were all white. "

After hearing what Lacey said, Mona frowned:

“So, we actually didn’t get any useful clues about this group of robbers?”

 “No, there are still some.”

Luo An chuckled and said:

“At least we know that there are six robbers in total, and the weapons they hold are AR-15 automatic rifles.

Also, Lacey, what are the patterns on the six people’s playing card masks? ” ˆ ˆ Lacey thought for a while and replied:

“A big king, a small king, a red ace, a red 3, a black 4 and a black 8.

The three people in the front go in to grab the money, and the three people in the back are responsible for controlling the field. "

“Clear division of labor, tacit cooperation, quick action, and careful planning.”

 Luo An turned the steering wheel, drove the SUV into another street, and said with a smile:

 “Another group of inheritors of “Ram Technology”.”

Mona and Lacey were speechless when they heard this. They knew who the "Ram" in Luo An's mouth was.

The SUV quickly arrived at the address mentioned by LAFD. It was a small parking lot, not too far from the scene of the bank robbery.

When Luo An and the other three arrived, several Los Angeles firefighters were holding two large water pipes to extinguish a burning van.

 “Hello, Roan Greenwood.”

Ten meters away from the fire-fighting site, Luo An took out the FBI's golden badge, briefly introduced his identity, and asked:

 “What exactly is going on?”

 “A passer-by called the police.”

An LAPD sergeant reached out and shook hands with Luo An, then pointed at the white young man with a lot of freckles on his face who was communicating with Lacey not far away and said:

“He was riding a bicycle waiting for his girlfriend in this area and called the police when he saw the burning car.

 When we came here and took a look, we found that this car turned out to be the car abandoned by the group of bank robbers. "

 “OK, good work.”

 Luo An briefly exchanged a few words with the police chief. Seeing that it would take some time to put out the fire not far away, he turned and walked towards the young man holding a bicycle beside him.


“Hello, just call me Allen. You are the FBI’s Team Leader Greenwood, right? You are so handsome!”

The boy named Allen looked to be underage. While shaking hands with Luo An, he kept talking and said with excitement on his face:

“That car on fire was the car driven by the bank robbers, right?

so cool! I really didn't expect that a story like this in a movie would happen before my eyes!

 Oh, I'm sorry, Captain Greenwood, I didn't mean that the robbers were powerful, I meant... um..."

 “OK, I know what you want to say.”

Luo An chuckled. He could understand what the young boy in front of him was thinking. He asked directly without saying anything critical:

“Besides the scene of the car on fire, did you see anything else?”

Allan shrugged and said that when he arrived here on his bicycle, he only saw a black 8-seater MPV, also known as a station wagon, passing quickly in front of the burning van.

 What should be a lighter was thrown from the rear window of the black MPV, and then the van burst into flames.

 Luo An and Lacey looked at each other and both guessed the situation at that time.

Before Allen arrived here, the group of robbers had already moved their money and guns from the van they used to rob the bank to a black MPV they had prepared here in advance.

Considering that there was a strong smell of burning gasoline in the van where the flames were being extinguished, Luo An guessed that the group of bank robbers had probably filled the van with gasoline before getting out of the car.

The lighter Allen mentioned should be correct. It was the scene where the robber used the lighter to ignite the gasoline, causing the car to burn.

Luo An thought for a while and continued to ask:

“Alan, have you seen the license plate number of that black MPV?”

“No, it was too far away at the time, and I didn’t pay much attention, so I didn’t see it clearly.”

 Allen shook his head, Roan's expression remained unchanged, Lacey frowned upon hearing this, and just when she was about to say something, Allen continued:

“But before the black MPV left the parking lot, another LAPD police car drove out of the parking lot, and the time difference was less than one minute.

 I feel that the police in the police car should have seen the group of robbers. "

 “What? Police car?!”

 (End of this chapter)

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