Legendary Hero

Chapter 515: Enlightenment

There is no doubt that Thales is the hero of the human race.

Over the years, he has been leading the army to fight the abyss, killing hundreds of thousands of lizardmen and abyssal creatures. He took the lead in building the magnificent Thales City, which became the largest fortress guarding the southern part of the Holy Land.

Thales claims to be the messenger of the God of War in the world, which is debatable.

It is true that he was victorious in all battles, and his personal and military martial arts were extremely strong, but the God of War never sent a miracle to say that Thales was a divine envoy, and the archbishop of the Temple of War never publicly admitted this.

People who love Taylors naturally believe his statement, but there are always people who hate him, but think it is a mortal arrogant nonsense.

For Thales, none of these matters. He has already achieved fame and has unparalleled prestige in the human race. Even King Irvine is inferior to him.

In a while, he will be the king in the southern part of the Holy Land. The name of the kingdom has been determined. It is called "Gorlock", which means "the land of the **** of war", and he will be the first of the Kingdom of Gorlock. A king.

He has prepared everything. The bishop of the Temple of the Goddess of Life in Thales agreed to crown him, and the bishops of the Moon Temple and the Temple of War will also appear together to recognize his kingship.

God's approval established the legitimacy of his kingship, and at the same time, Thales' direct army also marched into the city, grasping every important hurdle and preventing any accident from happening.

This army is called the Ever-Victory Army, with ten thousand people. It was cultivated by Thales himself step by step. Each soldier has experienced hundreds of battles. They are all warriors who have crawled out of the sea of ​​blood and are absolutely loyal to them.

The soldiers will monitor all mercenaries, adventurers, killers, and rangers with military combat skills in Thales. Master their every move to ensure the absolute safety of the marshal on the day of the ceremony.

With the ever-victorious army, Thales is relieved.

Everything is ready now, just waiting for the scheduled date to arrive.

In the back garden of the Marshal's Mansion, Thales had a rare free day. Then rest in the back garden.

The garden is beautiful, and Thales likes it very much. Of course, he didn't manage it. He didn't have the time and interest. This is from his wife's handwriting.

He was married twelve years ago, and his wife is still very young, twenty years younger than him. She is a gentle and pleasant son who gave birth to three sons. A daughter. The eldest son is eleven years old, and his name is Glion. Rarely, when his father is free, his wife and children are all with him in the garden.

Thales didn't like to talk too much, so he sat on the garden bench and watched his children playing and shouting on the grass.

These cute little guys are his hope for the future, and a large part of the reason why he wants to leave the Kingdom of Grisen is because of them.

Thales hopes that his children can inherit the legacy he has created.

Looked for a while. He waved to his eldest son, calling out, "Glion, come here."

Glion ran over immediately. The weather in the Holy Land is smooth, food is plentiful, and the environment is stable. Therefore, the body of the new generation of human race has greatly increased. Although Glion is only 11 years old, he is already 1.5 meters tall. In the past years, he is already an adult when he grows so tall. Thales was only half a head taller than him.

But now, Glion still looked childish. At first glance, he was still a child.

"What have you learned recently?" Taylors asked gently, as he always did to his children.

But although his attitude is gentle, the majesty accumulated from his long-term leadership in combat cannot be eliminated. In front of his father, Glion dare not show up and honestly said: "Recently, I am learning the basic theory of driving airships. There are abyssal languages, fighting combat skills, and gun skills."

"Yeah, very good." Thales is very satisfied. His children are not mentioned, but the force must not fall. Looking at Glion's sturdy body, he couldn't help but reach out and pat his shoulder with the gentlest "Study hard, don't let my father down."

"I will, father." Glion said cautiously.

"Go and play." Seeing his son's uncomfortableness, Thales waved his hand and let him go.

After watching for a while, Thales felt a little confused under the bright sunshine, and unknowingly, he fell asleep on the chair.

He had a dream.

He dreamed that he had come to an endless wilderness, and in the distance on the horizon, there was a magnificent high mountain.

He didn't know where this was, instinctively, he ran wildly in the wilderness, toward the direction of the mountains.

As he got closer and closer to the mountains, the wilderness turned into fields, the fields turned into fertile fields, gratifying crops, beautiful and exquisite wooden houses, and the calm and calm farmer, everything seemed so beautiful.

Thales slowed down and walked slowly on the field path. There would occasionally be pedestrians along the road. These pedestrians saluted him and called him the marshal respectfully.

"Where is it?" Thales couldn't help asking.

"Go along the road and you will find the answer, Marshal." The pedestrian replied.

Thales became more puzzled. He once again speeded up his pace and crossed the fields and entered the mountains. The mountain road was very gentle. There were many fruit trees growing on both sides of the road. Sometimes you could see bright and delicate wooden houses among the fruit trees.

Thales felt a little thirsty, and couldn't help reaching out and picking a moist red fruit. After taking a bite, the sweet juice trickled down his throat. It was delicious.

He ate several times and then continued to walk to the top of the mountain. The mountain was extremely high. Although the road was flat, he went all the way up, and he hadn't reached the top after walking for more than two hours. Looking back at the bottom of the mountain, he could see clouds lingering, and the figures walking down the mountain were as small as ants.

Continue to go up, and walk for more than an hour, the road is getting flatter and flatter, and there is a fork in the road, one road continues to go up, one road leads to an unknown place surrounded by white mist.

It seemed that he felt a call. Thales did not continue to go up. He walked into the white mist and went all the way in the mist. About ten minutes later, the mist suddenly dissipated and everything suddenly became clear. A rock platform appeared in front of him. There is a long table full of fruits and delicacies. There are also delicate wine glasses on the side of the table. There are amber wines in the glasses. Just looking at it makes people feel delicious.

At one end of the long table, a blurry person was sitting there. This person gave Thales an extremely familiar feeling, but he was enveloped in a psychedelic light, unable to see the specific appearance, Thales’ heart Confused, but he walked up and sat down naturally in an empty seat.

"Wine and delicious food, please enjoy." The man said.

Thales felt that many things in his heart had disappeared. The etiquette, fear of strangers and guard against strangers did not appear. When the other party spoke, he naturally began to enjoy the food.

The food on the table was so delicious that Thales quickly became intoxicated, eating until he felt full before he stopped.

"As my messenger, you accomplished my mission very well," said the vague person.

Thales was still puzzled. Hearing this, he guessed: "You are my lord, God of War?"

The other party did not answer, and continued: "Your mortal glory will always come to an end. When that day, I will lift your soul to the sky and become an eternal and immortal hero."

Thales was startled and wanted to speak, but found that he could not speak. Everything in front of him became blurred, and the white mist became thicker and thicker, covering everything.

Suddenly, Thales felt his body shook, and then he heard his wife's shout: "Master, it's getting late, it's time to go back."

Thales opened his eyes and saw his wife, sons, and daughters all standing in front of him. He was still sitting on the bench in the garden. It was then suddenly:'So I just had a dream. . ’

In just such a moment, the content of the dream has been a little lost. The sweet wine, the beautiful scenery, the lofty mountains, etc. are all a bit blurred. Even if you think about it carefully, you can’t experience the beautiful feeling again, but only He still remembered clearly what the fuzzy figure said to him.

"Eternal and immortal heroic spirit? God, is this your promise to me? But why do you promise me at this time?" Thales covered his head and asked gently in his heart.

He couldn't understand, or even know whether it was a revelation from God, or that it was just a simple dream.

"Mother, I'm hungry, let's go back." The youngest daughter Weiwei's words came into his ears, and then Thales heard his wife whispered: "My dear baby, wait a while, my father hasn't woken up yet. ."

The brief exchange between the mother and daughter allowed Thales to completely recover from the trance caused by this bizarre dream. He returned to reality. He stood up, walked over and picked up his little baby, his face showing that he had never before The past smiles kindly: "Let's go~www.readwn.com~ Little things, we're going back."

He saw his wife's face showing a look of surprise, and he couldn't help but feel guilt. He was too busy before to take care of his home.

He decided that it seemed that when he became a king and everything stabilized, he should make good compensation for his wife and children.

At this moment, the ambition in this invincible lion's heart began to decay, he was captured by the net of family affection, and he would slowly become weak.

But in the soundproof underground secret room of the remote hut in Thales, there is a **** who is doing his best to learn the skills of hunting lions.

This **** is talented, he is not afraid of hardship, or even death. He quickly becomes familiar with his new weapon and makes great progress every day.

In the last month of his life, the **** exploded with the greatest passion.

In this case, the time for the king's coronation and ascension approached day by day. (To be continued)


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