Legendary Hero

Chapter 584: Give 1 point of sunshine to see you bright (one/three)

With a sound, Luo Lin picked up the young crocodile who had been placed under the iron-steel tree with river water to keep his body moist, and slowly put it into the puddle that the soldiers had dug out for a day and a night.

The diameter of the pit is more than ten meters, and the deepest place is more than ten meters. When dug, the groundwater seeping from the bottom of the pit has already seeped more than half a meter deep. It can be seen that the water should be connected to the Hongshui River in the south (Luo Lin Qi's place name). After the excavation, the groundwater has been seeping continuously, and it is obvious that the clear water from the spring's eyes is continuously spraying out. The water does not stop until it reaches a depth of five meters, and the height should be level with the distant river surface.

Bay crocodile especially like water. They are not pure crawling things. In addition to lungs that can breathe out of water, they also have gills that can breathe underwater. In fact, they spend most of their lives in the water. If they are out of water for too long, their wrinkled spine will dry and crack, and they will be full of dust and dirt, which is fatal to the crocodile. .

Especially the larvae are inseparable from water for a moment.

I have to say that the vitality of the gulf crocodile is tyrannical. This little guy dug out from the mother's body survived his life. Luo Lin used divine power to purify the thin dark aura on his body, and signed a soul contract with him. , It became Luo Lin's first contract beast.

In Luo Lin’s vision, his future sentry is to be built by the Red River, and in the crimson land, water is precious. If such a place is not occupied by powerful beasts for a long time, it will definitely be occupied by other powerful creatures. It will never be empty anyway.

That being the case. So why can't this overlord be this little crocodile?

Luo Lin had already decided that he would guard the Red Water River for Luo Lin in the future. Anyone who invades his territory from the river must pass the cruel crocodile first.

The little thing is obviously very satisfied with the environment in the puddle. After entering the water, the originally sluggish spirit immediately became active, swimming in the water several times, and then showing his head again, yelling to Luo Lin on the shore, his body was purified. The spine skin that looked milky white afterwards shrank like a breath, looking very cheerful.

Luo Lin smiled. Throwing down a large piece of tender meat from black spot sheep, the little guy immediately opened his mouth to take it. With that seemingly tender claw, but in fact, it is very powerful, and the action is exactly the same as its mother, easily tearing the lamb into small pieces. Then he grabbed it with his mouth and swallowed it as soon as he raised his neck without chewing.

When he finished eating, he yelled at Luo Lin again, spinning around in the water anxiously, and patted the water with his tail and crystal clear paws. Obviously he hadn't eaten enough. This was a reminder. Luo Lin hurry up and feed.

Luo Lin continued to feed, always seeing the little guy's belly bulging. When he estimated that the opponent was already seven to eight percent full, he stopped feeding.

The little guy has almost eaten, but the meat of the black spot lamb is really delicious. Its meaning is still unfinished. Seeing that there has been no food to throw away, it called and urged for a few times, and its voice sounded lazy and indispensable.

Seeing that there was no meat to throw at last, it was not disappointed either. ‘Wow’ wagging his tail and went to sleep under the puddle.

"Small thing. Give you a name, call it... Dashan."

At the bottom of the water, the little guy groaned and groaned, which was a response, and then there was no sound.

After planning the affairs of Xiaowan Crocodile Dashan, seeing that most of the soldiers were resting, Luo Lin didn't bother him. He returned to the tree house and sat down and checked the precious information that the Goddess of Life had left in the core of his divine power.

I have to say that the wisdom of the immortal is really incomparable. Because of the former God of War, Luo Lin's divine power level has reached nearly 53. He also has a good understanding of divine power, but compared with the knowledge of the goddess of life, It's really insignificant.

The information given by the goddess of life directly refers to the essence of divine power, with essence as the core, and deduces it all the way down, like a waterfall flowing down, endless and full of weather, which makes people read in one breath. There is almost nothing in the middle. Any pause, how can a hearty and hearty joy.

Whenever he went to the wonderful place, Luo Lin felt suddenly open. Although a lot of knowledge needed power to be able to use it, it gave Luo Lin a huge inspiration and made him a lot of benefit now.

‘The thought of the immortal is fascinating like a flawless crystal. Luo Lin couldn't help sighing.

It seemed that he had forgotten the time and didn't know how long it had passed. There was some movement in his ears. With a movement in his heart, he opened his eyes, but the soldiers were already awake.

Luo Lin also got up and stretched his waist. During this period of time, the task was very simple, which was to destroy the beasts around the camp and monitor the movement of the jackals.

As soon as he stood up, a scout came over and reported in a low voice: "Sir, we found the trace of that boa constrictor."

"Oh." Luo Lin's eyes lit up. These giant pythons, gulf crocodiles, and dark tigers are all overlord-level beasts with very powerful souls. Killing one can bring everyone a huge improvement. Luo Lin couldn't help but care.

"Then go." Luo Lin smiled.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Here, Luo Lin is busy clearing the various threats around the camp, while Ellen of the Silver Fortress has begun routine inspections. As the commander of the Expeditionary Army of the Gods of Nature, she must clearly control the land that has been conquered by the Gods. Case.

With her current strength, of course, there is no need to inspect specific territories one by one. At this moment, she is standing by the Eternal Pool, the core of the fortress.

This is a concave circular ground with a diameter of five meters. The carved runes are so complicated that they are unimaginable. There are condensed and huge forces flowing in the runes. The scale of these forces is so huge that A layer of halo that looks like clear water is formed on the circular ground, which makes the ground look like a pool of water, hence the name of the Eternal Pool.

In Alan's eyes, there are hundreds of power links between the Eternal Pool and the void outside, and each link represents a **** who sends power to the Silver Fortress.

Among these links, thirty-five links are stable and powerful, which are the strength of sentries that have been formed, and thirty-five links represent the current thirty-five sentries around the Silver Fortress.

The power of these sentries is also different. The power sent by huge sentries is more than five or six times that of weak sentries, and some sentries have begun to form the next level of power links.

The masters of these powerful guard posts are all middle-level gods, and they all have developed subordinate gods. These subordinate gods guard around their main gods. As time develops, these powerful guard posts will gradually develop toward the fortress.

In the end, when these middle-level gods became powerful gods, their sentries became the same level as the Silver Fortress.

This is the expansion mode of the gods of nature. If they expand step by step, one day, the crimson land will be completely purified.

This model may not be the best, but it seems to be most suitable for natural gods with independent personalities. Only in this way can the potential of the gods be maximized.

Today, there are five medium gods who have successfully established such a large guard post, distributed in the three directions of the north, south, and east of the Silver Fortress, but there is no one in the most dangerous west.

If the **** of madness Kaus launches a general attack on the fortress, then the silver fortress will still face the pressure of the dark legion.

"Oh, it's still a little harder to build a large outpost in the west." Allen sighed. It's not that there are no gods to try to build outposts, but whenever the outpost becomes a certain scale, the **** of insanity will send troops to destroy it, and one has not fully grown. How can's guard post withstand the impact of the huge dark legion, so for a long time, the gods who did this would often end up dead.

After all, there are already three natural gods who have suffered a great loss in the west.

After carefully looking at the situation of the Eternal Pool and the surrounding links, after confirming that everything was in order, Alan set his sights on one of the power links.

This power link is very weak, less than one percent of the large-scale sentry post, and it is not stable. The transmitted power is sometimes strong and sometimes weak. When it is strong, it is about the size of an ordinary sentry. When it is weak, it is only equivalent to five. The priest’s faith link.

Of course Allen knows what seems to be Rollin’s team. She also knows that he is the only one of the hundreds of newly joined demigods to take his team to the west, and the farthest he went, he passed the westernmost hurricane. The sentry of the gods.

You don't need to look at it. Looking at the power transmitted from the sentry post, Allen can guess what Luo Lin is doing now.

Allen checked the situation of the soldiers of the Holy Spirit, and UU read www.uukanshu.com suddenly smiled: ‘It’s a good job. There has been no attrition yet. ’

For some reason, Allen remembered the time when the two of them were trapped together in the ancient century. The days when they were in trouble together and got out of trouble with all their hearts, now that they think about it is very nostalgic.

At the beginning, the conflict between the two in Nordrassil, in the view of Alan now, is just two young people having a temper. Recalling the appearance of Luo Lin trying his best to run away in embarrassment, Allen The corners of his mouth couldn't help but he smiled.

‘Are you clearing away the threats around you? You will quickly get the madman's attention if you do this. Just let me help you. "

Allen was happy to think that the Luo Lin she knew belonged to the kind of person who could grow wildly with just a little sunshine, and could grow into a big tree without paying attention.

Now, the help he needs most is not material or strength, but a period of quiet development. As long as through the most difficult time, Allen believed that even if the **** of frenzy reacted, it would be too late to kill him.

‘In this way, I will play a full-scale attack. Kaus, I scared you so much. Allen soon had an idea. (To be continued)

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