Let Me Be Reborn

966. Falling Stars 26

He purposely raised his fingertips and scratched off the skin. It felt like a Swedish massage, not a scratch on the tickle.

A surprisingly strong stimulus was pushed when the touch of the interstitial fingertips and the slippery oil were combined. Even though it was just pounding lightly on the inside of its thighs, democracy thumped all over like a convulsion.

“Haha, hot state, owner! ”

“No. Instead of staring at everyone. Do you want to be embarrassed? ”

Rather, the lesson of wearing sunglasses on a density hat was a perfect disguise. Democracy is the only one whose face is sold. However, the democracy that had already exploded became increasingly insane.

“Then just one more finger of the master. ”

“Hey, you want some oil, now? ”

He looks carefully and smacks his butt while no one else is watching.


“Are you going to scold me if I keep nagging you? ”


Red palm marks remain on the white buttocks of democracy.

But the thrill of the skunking made democracy even more exciting.

“· · I got all wet because of the owner. ”

As a democracy sees, the crotch is spread to v. The middle of the bikini is turned dark as if it were wet. He sighed.

“You really are an unstoppable girl. You're soaking wet in public places. ”

“That's right. Democracy is a dirty girl. Beat the shit out of me. ”

The democracy has once again shoved its butt up its skunk.

When I saw the desired bouncing butt, my conscience grew deeper and deeper.

‘Ha. It's crazy to come to the beach and talk to me again. I want you to grab someone and soak them up. ’

His shorts slowly stand up and are noticeably plumped. The democrat who caught it reached down and slowly touched his groin.

“You want to join me, don't you? ”

“What are you doing? Hands off?”

“Let me touch you. ”

“Someone's going to get in trouble. ”

“What if you cover yourself with that hat? ”

Democracy has devised a plan.

It was that I would make a veil with a broad brim and secretly touch the frequency in it.

“Jeez · · · ·. Is that how you want to touch it? ”


“Got it.”

He takes off his cloak hat and hides it near his groin. Then the hand of democracy bursts into your shorts as if you were waiting. As the bottom was a short pair of shorts, the object of doctrine was immediately in my hand.

“Oh, were you a no-pants guy? ”

“I can't throw my underwear away while I'm swimming. I'm not wearing it. I'm not wearing it. ”

He wore one pair of shorts for underwater riding. The democracy nods and pulls the object out through the gap in its shorts.

I don't know if it's because of the shorts or because of the long poles, but I noticed a little flutter on the end of my trousers. The guy with the scruffy head looks like a turtle's head.

“Oh, that's cute. ”

The democrat turns his head and looks at the head and smiles.

He pretended to put oil on his back and enjoyed the great daughter of democracy.

“My Lord, oil in my hands. ”

“My goodness.”

He made oil in the palm of his democratic hand. The democracy rubs it all over the palm of its hand and again touches the object of instruction. When the slippery oil and the soft hand of democracy met, the giant rushed out of his trousers with a sudden excitement.

‘Huff. If I catch this, it's really going to go off. ’

He managed to adjust the location of the straw hat and barely hid the scene of the goddaughter. However, my heart was pounding with the thought that other women might get caught enjoying tanning around me.

‘It's been a while. ’

[Do you get scared sometimes?]

‘I'm not a person. It's a felony to get a report. ’


A public place.

And the gentle yet sticky goddaughter of democracy was getting short of breath.

“Phew. This is crazy. ”

“Are you feeling well, my lord? ”

Democracy ridiculed me.

“I can't even stand up anymore. Because you fucked me. ”

“Ha. Now that's the crust. to each other.”

“Did you do that on purpose? ”

“Don't you want to do it too? ”

He only realized the cunning scheme of democracy. Making yourself sick and impatient.

"Look at this? It's getting more and more desirable."

[Master took a punch.]

‘Ha, but there's nothing I can do. Is there a motel nearby or is there a lot of room? If I hid in the kitchen in broad daylight, the other students would find out. ’

At that time, the democracy said as if it had read the mind of the doctrine.

“There's a good way for me. ”


“You can go into the water. ”


Democracy points to the blue sea. It was the sound of underwater sex in a place where other people enjoy surfing.

“Huh. So much for our democracy, huh? ”

“Yes, my lord. Do me a favor. ”

“You can see me in your room tonight. ”

“Ahh, then and now. ”

In the democracy, he felt a different life than usual.

It felt a little more formal and self-assertive.

"It seems a little awkward since the democracy won the Horse War. ’

[As I see it. and change of venue outdoors.]

‘When I climb up, I have no choice but to squeeze. ’

“· · · You want to do that? ”


“Okay, hold on. ”

He ties up the bikini straps of democracy again. In the meantime, democracy did not stop to excite the lesson. It was a gesture of stubbornness that made me unable to endure the lesson in any way.

“I'll go in first. Follow me. ”

“Owner but · · · ·. ”


“Didn't you say you can't get up? ”

“Here's the deal. ”

He covers his groin with a straw hat. It was somewhat silly, but for now it was the best.

“Come right in. ”


When the water soared to hip height, he threw his hat back over his head. In the meantime, a democracy follows.

‘I don't know if it's salty by the way. ’


"Frequently. It's going to be expensive, right? '


He smiles and says to the democracy that followed him underwater.

“Do you know how to swim? ”

“Yes, quite. But this isn't a swimming hole. ”

“It doesn't matter. We just have to dive. ”

Suddenly, he grabs the head of democracy with his palm and throws it into the sea.


The unprepared democracy struggled to see if it was suffocating, and he dragged it out again.

“Take a big breath. ”

“Yes? ”

He throws his democracy back into the sea and pulls it back into his groin. Rarely opened his eyes in the water, he suddenly lowered his shorts and saw the lower half of the lesson he was setting up.

‘Ahh · · ·. You want me to suck it. "

Democracy understands the importance of the doctrine. With a quick glance, it figures out the location of the object and pushes it open. Salt water seeps through the cracks and tastes salty.

‘Ugh, ugh. ’

But the democracy sucked hard at the object, holding its breath so as not to disappoint him.

Taun gladly looks down at the democracy dived into the water. No one would have expected to receive a Pelant in the sea.


The democracy, which was no longer tolerable, reaches out its head.

“Ha, ha · · · ·. Master, did you have a good day? ”

“No, it's not enough. ”

He brings democracy down again. This time, the preparing democracy dived by sucking oxygen as hard as the ball swelled.

‘Hmm, democracy sucks. ’

[It's a bit cruel, isn't it? This looks like waterboarding.]

I said, "Well, I did it at first, but now I do it voluntarily. ’

The democracy was diving on its own without him forcibly throwing it in, as he said. The third time democracy came out of the water, he said.

“Put your bikini down. ”

“Yes, my lord. ”

The democrat makes a loop with his finger and grabs the bikini panties and flips them to the side. Meanwhile, a tight-knit doctrine clings to the back of the democracy and aims for a hole in the water.

“If we stick together like this, we'll disguise ourselves as lovers. ”


“I'm backhogging. ”

The place of doctrine and democracy was far away from the gym and the students, so no one knew about them. There was no doubt that handsome, muscular men and a prominently beautiful democracy were posing as lovers.

He hugged the democracy from behind and flashed.


Then he lowered his hand and aimed back at the hole.

“I think I'm somewhere. · · · ”


He successfully inserted it into the water toward the hole in democracy. When the half-floating democracy came back down to the ground, it was deep inside.

“Haa, Haan! ”

“Shh. Don't make a sound when I see you. I'll take care of it. ”

The lesson of successful insertion repeats that he held and held a democratic waist. It looked like lovers in love were doing a lot of skinship, but in reality, it was an underwater posture.

“Haha, ha, ha! ”

“It's hot in here. The water is cool.”

“Ahh · · · I love democracy. Thank you, Master.”

“Here's your reward for doing a good game today. ”

“Thank you. Democracy will be better. Aww!”

I felt a little strange when I was underwater.

When I hit and entered, I heard a sound that sounded like the air was full. The air in the vagina is escaping through the pumping.

“Ugh, ugh. Ugh!”

“I want to make it harder, but I can't feel it. ”

“How can I help you? ”

“I'll give you a good dive. Can you try again? ”


“Dive your head all the way forward. ”

The democracy listened to him and bowed down and dived.

He looks around and grabs the democracy's waist with both hands and starts pulling it hard.


It became a very unique position even in the simple backdrop, because it was underwater. The democracy was submerged in the water like a frog swimming, clinging to him.

The tighter you tug at your waist, the more chaotic the democratic body in the water shifts.


A breathtaking democracy resurfaces its torso.

“Lord, Lord, I think I'm going to suffocate. ”

“Really? Let's change our position, shall we? ”


“Turn around very often. ”

The democracy has stopped its succession with a regretful look. And as he turns to face her again, he takes her deeper.

“You're too deep. I can't feel my legs. ”

At the depths of his chest, the democracy sank almost to the bottom of his chin. At that time, he lifts up his waist with both hands, as if he were holding her up.

“Are you okay with this? ”

“Yes, much better. ”

“Then let's beat to this position. ”


Democracy does not understand the meaning of doctrine, but the doctrine put up a fake object and pushed it back into the gap of democracy.


Democracy is deepened each time it is lifted up and down by the teachings. It was also done underwater, so it seemed that other people were just hugging each other in the water and playing with each other.

“Hehe, hehe! ”

“If you're uncomfortable with this pose, wrap your legs around my waist. ”

The democracy wrapped around the waist of the doctrine, creating a posture like standing up and listening. However, gravity quickly exhausted the horse, and when it was underwater, it consumed much less physical strength.

“Ha ha ha ha ha! ”

Every time the democracy was hit frequently, his eyes loosened, groaning. Moreover, even though they were far away, people's eyes were increasingly focused on their over-skinship.

“What's with the couple? ”

“I don't know. I'm so excited. ”

“What a posture. Underwater?”

I felt that the gaze around me was getting warmer.

If you repeat the same behavior more than once or twice, everyone will feel disgusted.

‘This won't do. Democratic expressions, and people are looking at it strangely. ’

He paused his conscious poking around.

The democracy was already snowed in and out of his mind.

“Ha, ha, state, master. ”

“Hold on. We're gonna get caught. Let's change positions."

“Well, how? ”

“I'll dive this time. ”

The lesson of democracy, on the other hand, was obtained by you. When I opened my eyes in the water of the sea, it was hard to fathom.

‘Guess I'll find out. ’

He groans and finds the thighs of democracy. He pushes his face straight through his crotch.

‘Found it.'

In that posture, he dropped the democracy bikini completely.

“Hak! State, Master! ”

With his undressed bikini panties in his shorts pocket, he stretched out his missing democratic legs and shoved his tongue.


I felt the saltiness on my tongue because I was underwater. Especially the more I opened my mouth, the more salt water flowed in and the harder it was to pay off.

"This isn't gonna work. I need to swallow it. ’


Like this.

When he opened his mouth, he began to question the wide open democracy. Once the groin and mouth are in perfect contact, the salty water no longer comes in. In that state, he sucked it up like a vacuum cleaner and cast a precious tooth.


“Aha! Lord, master! ”

A democrat trembles with a bow at his waist in a vacuum bamboo. Several researchers who thought they were acting strangely came around.

< 966. Star Descending 26 > Ends.

Angry Fire Column

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