Let you make props, what the hell is this space elevator?

Chapter 360 Without a lithography machine, the science fiction industry cannot agree!

While Jiang Chen was busy, Bluestar's major robot companies were preparing for the World Robot Conference.

Originally, everyone was not keen on the robot conference. Generally speaking, most companies go to the robot conference to make soy sauce.

The excitement is all from those top manufacturers, and their orders are also theirs. Ordinary companies just go to make up the number.

But under the leadership of Long Guo, the people of these companies are more serious about developing robots than before.

Products with low technological content are no longer produced. R\u0026D personnel study the images of clumsy robot dogs and door frame robots every day, hoping to create practical robots like them.

Originally, they wanted to buy Benben and door frame robots from Longguo for research, but Longguo issued an order that the export of these two products was prohibited.

Therefore, if foreigners want to study, they can only use some images on the Internet.

The result of this is that there are endless copycat versions of the clumsy mechanical dogs and door frame robots made by foreigners.

In order to show their identities, rich people can only buy fake versions to enjoy themselves.

Want to get Benben and Jambbot?

That's harder than finding an artifact from the British Museum that belongs to Britain.

Rich people have money, of course they have the idea of ​​​​underground transactions.

But they forgot one important thing, the clumsy mechanical dog and the door frame robot system were both developed by Jiang Chen.

After Jiang Chen knew that someone was trading Benben and doorframe robots in the black market, he thought of a way.

That is, the stupid mechanical dog and the door frame robot can only be used in the mainland of Longguo.

After leaving the mainland of the Dragon Kingdom, the two of them will enter the self-destruct process.

There is no way, the foreign robot research and development team can only try to send emails to communicate with Jiang Chen.

But Jiang Chen firstly didn't have the time, and secondly, he was not very willing.

Can confidential technology be shared casually? He didn't see other teams being so sincere, so let's share their technology first.

For a while, these R\u0026D teams could only make their own.

At the World Robot Conference, in addition to household robots, the most popular ones are industrial robots.

Mark of the Space Exploration Company, after studying the robot developed by Jiang Chen with Aidepu, immediately reacted to something bad.

Jiang Chen doesn't seem to have developed industrial robots?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

With Jiang Chen's attainments in artificial intelligence, how could he not know how to make industrial robots?

Unless Jiang Chen's brain went crazy, Mark couldn't find any other reason to explain it.

There is no doubt that the other party must have hidden a hand.

After Mark reported the situation to Eagle Sauce, Eagle Sauce soon asked Mark to investigate.

Mark found FANUC, which is a chicken in the pot. As a FANUC that was once invaded by Jiang Chen and MOSS, after suffering from that invasion, the whole company became a lot more honest.

The purpose of Mark looking for them is very simple, just to ask whether the industrial robots manufactured by FANUC have been shipped to Longguo.

To Mark's surprise, FANUC said that it hadn't received any orders from Longguo for more than a year.

Mark understood almost instantly that this matter must have something to do with Jiang Chen.

There are no reports on the Internet about Jiang Chen manufacturing industrial robots, but now it seems that Jiang Chen definitely did not give up on this one.

Even FANUC's industrial robots are not needed, which means that the level of robots manufactured by the other party will definitely not be lower than FANUC's industrial robots.

Mark frowned, thinking that by allowing Jiang Chen to develop like this, wouldn't this be stepping on them?

Mark is used to being the proud son of heaven, so he couldn't bear this blow.

He sat in the chair without saying a word, and soon found a new solution.

What if I join forces with Aspen Photolithography in Holland and don't provide you with a photolithography machine?

Without a lithography machine, there would be no chips. Do you still want to be a robot?

Mark did what he said, and he reached Aspen in one phone call.

After the people on Aspen's side understood Mark's meaning, they didn't make a statement.

It is well known that Academician Jiang of Longguo is a ceiling-level scientist. If they offend each other, wouldn't they have no chance to cooperate with each other in the future?

Aspen expressed their company's concerns to Mark very bluntly, but Mark did not give up.

"Don't forget your EUV lithography machine, you can't do it without our hundreds of scientists."

"Who sells the lithography machine and who does not sell it, we have the absolute right to speak."

The people in Aspen stopped talking.

The manufacture of the EUV lithography machine is indeed inseparable from the help of the other party, if he insists on cooperating with Jiang Chen now, he will definitely offend Ying Jiang.

This deal is definitely not worthwhile at this stage!

Eagle Sauce has strong scientific and technological strength, how can an academician of Longguo compare with it?

Although Jiang Chen is capable, Asi knows that the other party has not established a cooperative relationship with him, and it is too risky to offend Ying Jiang for the other party.

After Aspen analyzed that he absolutely couldn't be alone with Mark now, he immediately changed his face.

"Mr. Mark reminded that, in this case, the new generation of 7nm EUV lithography machines will not be supplied to them."

"A company in Longguo just asked us to order ten lithography machines, and now we won't ship them."

Mark heard the smile and saw that the other party finally got on the road, so he hung up the phone with satisfaction.

This news quickly reached Jiang Chen.

"No delivery?" Jiang Chen was speechless, he had seen shameless people, and now he didn't deliver the goods after taking the order, he made it clear that he wanted to bully them.

Without a lithography machine, Jiang Chen was really worried.

If it's other machines, Jiang Chen doesn't have to worry.

The lithography machine is gone, so let him rub the chip with his hands?

Without a lithography machine, the science fiction industry can't agree!

When it comes to lithography machines, Longguo is actually quite embarrassed, because he didn’t focus on it in the early stage, so he invested very little in this area. It is very difficult to catch up with others in a short period of time. Now it’s better, and he was directly stuck. neck.

The Dragon Kingdom has no needs, but it doesn't mean that Jiang Chen has no needs.

To manufacture the space carrier Luanniao, it's no wonder that it can't independently research core-level military chips, which can drive various control systems.

Jiang Chen, who finished chatting with Guo Fan about the promotional video, was going to prepare to inspect the Xuannv unmanned fighter jet, but now that he is fine, he is not in the mood at all.

Fortunately, Xuannv's design was not much different from Baidi's. Jiang Chen handed over the matter of Xuannv to MOSS, and even divided him into a research team.

MOSS, who led the team for the first time, was shocked at once.

[Administrator, is it really appropriate for me to lead humans? 】

"What's inappropriate, you are me, they will not be disobedient, by the way, remember to wear sunglasses when you enter the laboratory."

"Some researchers reported that you look a little... scary without sunglasses."

MOSS: ...

He obviously didn't do anything, so why do humans say he's scary? !

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