Lethal Impulse

Chapter 1341: Undead resentment is evolving

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Chapter 1341 Undead Resentment Is Evolving

The strength of Honghuang was originally a hundred times stronger than our world. The strong are like clouds. According to the truth, the deadly undead resentment of ordinary people should be trivial for the people of Honghuang. It doesn't affect them much.

But the undead resentment in the floods has become more and more powerful. It is beyond imagination.

Undead resentment itself is a kind of virus-like existence, it will gradually mutate, evolve, and mutate, and the scene before me makes me stunned. The undead resentment is evolving and is adapting to the flood environment.

As can be seen from the people around them, they are all controlled by undead resentment, and one by one begins to kill each other crazy. A horrible emotion rose in their hearts, and above the sky, a black cloud enveloped them, as if to control all the demons.

I stood up from the ground, and then looked at the sky coldly, the dark clouds over the sky, as if looking down on the earth. Seeing this, I roared, and the prison in my hand rushed directly towards the sky.

Carrying the terrible power of slashing immortal sword intention, so suddenly rushed straight to the sky, the terrible power, even the black cloud was shaking. However, after this blow passed, there was still no undead blame.

Originally in my world, I can easily defeat undead resentment. But here the undead resentment becomes more and more powerful. It was beyond my imagination.

Even the extremely domineering sword sword, it takes time to destroy the undead order.

But it is not impossible to destroy, I sneered, holding the prison in my hand, and then the breath of the real demon swarmed out at this moment. At this moment, I am like a demon in the world.

The people around them had to retreat one by one, they did not dare to face my magic, they felt like an ant in front of my powerful power.

This is the breath of the true demon, strong enough to overlook any creature.

At this moment, I held the prison in my hand, and at this moment, I launched a real devil.

At this moment, heaven and earth seemed to turn blood red. Only when I held out my hand, the terrible blow spread like this. As if the void were to be broken. The terrible blow spread out and directly crashed into the black cloud.

The black cloud was scattered by the touch of Jian Qi, and the terrible Jian Qi penetrated through it, tearing the black cloud directly. Among the black clouds, there seemed to be a scream, not only that, but the black clouds did not completely disperse.

I can clearly see that the black cloud stretches out chain after chain to control all the people below. The black cloud is passing through the chain, continuously absorbing the aura on them, after swallowing the aura on them. The black cloud has become more and more, but it has recovered faintly.

"It's terrible, I can't think of the undead resentment being mutated." I saw this, I woke up suddenly, and then waved again without any politeness.

In my constant wave, the terrible sword gas kept tearing the black cloud. But the black cloud has been shrinking, but it has never disappeared. From this we can see how hegemonic the undead resentment is.

Being able to appear in places like the flood, the undead resentment has become more and more terrible.

"It's **** it!" I roared, and I couldn't bear it any more at this time, and then at this moment, I opened my own Honghuang sword world.

When Honghuang Sword World started, everything around him froze. And at this time, a terrible world is opening. This is exactly my wild sword world.

Honghuang Sword World is a field created by myself. In this field, my speed will become very scary. Not only that, but my strength will also climb to the extreme. This is my wild sword world.

When Honghuang Sword World opened, my figure had disappeared. At this moment, my speed has already reached an unimaginable level.

Only a moment later, my figure appeared in the black cloud, and then the prison in my hand was cutting at a terrible speed. Every time I cut, my speed will become faster.

This is the power of Honghuang Sword World. It can make me faster and faster in battle. And there is no upper limit for this kind of fast.

This is the horror of Honghuang Sword World, which can make me more and more terrible in battle.

In this way, I continued to wave prison, and the speed became faster and faster. Later, the people below could no longer see me. Because my speed is so fast, it has reached a level beyond imagination.

The voice of the true devil of heaven and earth sounded in my mind: "There are countless kinds of realms in the world, your wild sword world is absolutely second to none."

I smiled slightly, the prison in hand radiated light, and then just torn through. After the cold light spread out, the terrible force directly shattered the black cloud. The black cloud is too late to repair.

At this time, the black cloud began to roar, and a cold voice sounded inside the black cloud: Forced to obliterate!

When it shouted this sentence, I screamed, feeling that the soul was full of pain. However, at this time, I roared, and the power of the real demon in my body was boiling.

"I want to kill me, really stupid!" When I shouted, the power of the real demon was immense. I originally wanted to kill my power and was forced to disperse in me.

I have long passed the undead resentment and developed antibodies in my body, so I am not afraid of the undead resentment. Even if the undead grudge wants to kill me, it doesn't make any sense.

In this way, I kept tearing the black cloud, and soon even the black cloud with undead grievances lost its resistance at this time. Soon the black cloud was completely torn by me. And at this time, the sky was clear.

The people who were killing each other at this time also seemed to wake up at this time, looking at the sky one by one. The madness in his eyes has disappeared.

At this time, the emperor shouted, "What the **** are you doing?"

These people woke up like dreams, and then some people covered their heads with painful faces: "We seem to be controlled by something, very uncomfortable."

"Yes, our bodies are not under our control."

"I don't know what happened."

The emperor was confused when he heard the descriptions of these people. Only my face calmly said: "This is not surprising, the power of undead resentment is so terrible."

Hearing my words, the emperor wondered: "Undead resentment, what is that?"

"That's a virus, a virus that can devour the world. Now it's in the wilderness." I sighed, my expression full of caution.

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