Lethal Impulse

Chapter 1421: Unprecedented peace

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Chapter 1421 Unprecedented Peace

"Even in the Earth Mansion, Yan Luo is the strong man who shakes one side, but in the Realm of the World, the weakest is the strength. If the Realm of the World is really coming, what kind of land and world must be in this power. The next collapse. "Li Taiyi said in awe.

"At that time, the world will be completely ruined, and we will never be able to go back to the past. At that time, our human destiny will be extremely miserable, and that is the scene of destruction and even more misery." I squinted and muttered. : "Hopefully I will never see that scene."

"Yes, in the face of this monstrous trend, no matter what human choice, the outcome will not change anything." Li Taiyi said.

I nodded and my expression was so dull that humans have never been so vulnerable. Now humans have been driven off the food chain. In front of ghosts and yu, human power is insignificant.

"What can we do now, what is it?" I looked at Li Taiyi and asked.

"The war between the prefecture and Yun is probably about to begin. But that is not what we humans can do. The only thing we can do is to find ways to improve our strength. Fight for what we can do in the future." Li Taiyi said calmly.

"Well, that's right." I looked at my palm, and then said: "I have the power of Yun now, but it is only close to Yan Luo's strength. Although it is very powerful, but I want to fight against the next catastrophe. , I am afraid it is not enough. "

"The power of Yan can devour the power of ghosts. As far as I know, it should be the most powerful force in the world." Li Taiyi said.

"Indeed, but I vaguely felt that there is nothing invincible in this world." I laughed at myself, and then said: "Even if it is Yu."

"Now the Cangtian City is temporarily stable. The battle between the Earth Mansion and Yun will inevitably weaken the strength of the Earth Mansion. Now the two countries have shrunk their defenses, which is the best proof." Li Taiyi said.

"But even so, we have destroyed the two great nations, and the situation will not improve." I shook my head and said helplessly: "As long as the local government wins from the war, then our efforts will vanish. . "

"Yes, in front of these two behemoths, we are nothing but ants." Li Taiyi sighed with emotion. Then he said, "Since this is the case, the next time, I am afraid it will be the last peace."

"Well." I nodded and said, "During this time, the capital will not invade us. Similarly, we should not fight against the two kingdoms. Instead, we should look for other ways to find opportunities for humanity."

"Well, that's what it is." Li Tai nodded and thought deeply: "There is not much time left for us. Now we must find a way out for humanity before the war between the prefecture and Yun."

"Otherwise, no matter which side wins, it will be a catastrophe for us."

This conversation ended in this way, and after that, in the following month, I tried to exercise the strength of Yun. Yun is a force that is detached from ghosts and darker than ghosts. This force is very overbearing.

During this month, in order to grasp this power, I put in no idea how much effort. Fortunately, Liu Ying and they were with me. At this time, the two countries did not invade. At this time, Cangtian City ushered in an unprecedented period of peace.

The ghosts that had swallowed the human world had all shrunk into two kingdoms at this time. Not only that, ghosts wandering in the wild are becoming scarcer. So many people in Cangtian City decided to go outside and see this strange world.

In a beautiful canyon, I was holding the prison in my hand and was constantly sweeping. Every swept, carrying the power of domineering, this force is terrible, it can destroy everything.

A whole mountain collapsed in front of me at this time, which shows how terrible my blow was.

"Zhang Fan, you are too powerful now." Liu Ying looked at me admiringly. And Su Yumo beside her nodded.

I smiled slightly and said indifferently: "It's nothing. My strength is not particularly strong. In the world, I am just an ordinary one."

"It's hard to imagine that an ordinary yam has such a powerful force. If the yum world really appears, do we humans still have a way to live?" Su Yumo grumbled.

"There must be. In any case, we humans must survive. It is helpless to pay some for this." I smiled slightly, and my expression was very calm.

After this month, I have basically grasped the strength of my body, and I can also integrate it. It can even be said that although I am a human, it is no different from Yan.

"I don't know where exactly the war between the prefecture and Yu was fought." Liu Ying asked.

"I don't know about this, but it should not be in our world. This is also a good thing." I looked at the sky and said with a melancholy voice: "Whether it's Yun, or the land, they are all powerful forces, far from We can imagine. "

"The war between these two great forces will inevitably lead to the destruction of life and even the destruction of a world. We can't see it, which shows that the war is far away from us. This is a good thing for us."

"I just don't know what the situation is now." Su Yumo said.

At this time, a voice said: "Now the two sides have not officially started, but the two sides are brewing. A war is about to erupt."

I turned my head and looked at the person who made the noise, it was Sima Yi.

"You seem to know something." I looked at him and asked.

"Yes, I looked at the battlefield from afar. Both sides didn't take me seriously." Sima Yi looked at me, and then smiled: "Speaking, the strength of your body really surprised me because I was Never seen such power in a human being. "

"This was given to me by my father. I don't understand why he could give me this power." I mumbled to myself. It is a pity that my father is now missing, otherwise I will definitely ask.

The power of hu is not something that mortals can control. Not even the prefecture can master it.

"Your father is absolutely extraordinary. As far as I know, it is very difficult to achieve this level." Sima Yi exclaimed and looked at me and said: "This time, for us, is The most peaceful period. I am afraid that the battle between the two sides will last a long time. "

"Oh, how long will it last?" I asked curiously.

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