Lethal Impulse

Chapter 1454: , Duanmuxuan

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Chapter 1454, Duan Muxuan

"In any case, it is my destiny to rebel against the land." I smiled bitterly, without explaining.

Duan Muxuan nodded, then walked around me and said: "This is your choice, I have no right to interfere. But the land should not be destroyed, at least it cannot be destroyed now."

"Oh, why is this?" I asked curiously.

"Don't you know? The power in you is probably the power of Yun." Duan Muxuan said.

"Yeah, there is a fierce battle between Difu and Yu now. I am afraid it is a big battle." I looked at him and said.

"It's normal. Throughout the ages, there have been many unknown battles between Difu and Yun. But I got a ridiculous fact from these battles." Duan Muxuan looked at me and said bitterly, "The existence of Difu , Let us avoid being swallowed by Yun. Otherwise, with the destructive power of Yun, humans would have been charcoal. "

"But the land is also devouring the world, and there are still countless people who have lost their lives." I said coldly.

"Yes, the land is a wolf, and hu is a tiger. And we humans are just a group of white rabbits. What can we do in front of two predators?" Duan Muxuan laughed at himself and said, "I hide Here, I thought no one would come, and I didn't expect to see you again. It's really emotion. "

"Are you hiding here, are you afraid of the enemy?" I looked at Duan Muxuan and asked.

"The enemy?" Duan Muxuan smiled dismissively, his voice murmured: "Although I was defeated, the person who wanted to kill me in this world has not yet appeared. The reason why I came here is to find the existence of humanity Method."

"How does humanity survive?" I watched him muttering to himself.

"Yes, at this rate, it will not take long for humans to perish. Not only one world, but all humans in parallel worlds are going to perish. This is something that cannot be changed. It is not perish and the land, it is perish and ruin. There is essentially no difference. "Duan Muxuan said worriedly.

"Can't we find a way to coexist?" I said bitterly.

"Coexistence? How do prey and predator coexist? How can life and death be conflated?" Duan Muxuan shook his head, and then his eyes said seriously: "Since my defeat, I have been thinking about this issue."

"My world was completely destroyed by the land, even if I had the power of almost God. In the end, it was a failure. By that time, I was extremely desperate in my heart, thinking that the land was devouring the world and destroying humanity is an inevitable thing."

"But the emergence of Yun made me see a turn of events."

"What kind of turnaround?" I asked in surprise.

"I can't tell you now, if I tell you, then this vitality will be destroyed." Duan Muxuan shook his head, and then said: "You can't imagine the power of the local government, especially the local government still has the final means. Once the final means Appears, then there will be no one to stop. "

"What final means?" I asked curiously.

"It is the destroyer named Cangtian. It is the final means of the mansion. It is also the most terrifying power of the mansion." Duan Muxuan sighed and said:

"My world was destroyed by the sky, and I saw it appear with my own eyes. That scene is terrible." Speaking of which, Duan Muxuan's eyes were full of horror.

The characters who can make him so feel terrified. It can be seen that he was shocked at that time. What a horror.

"Just after the heavens appeared, the whole world collapsed. This horrible creature, devoured everything frantically. Everything was devoured by it. When countless strong men finally awakened to what a terrible life form this is, they wanted to escape, already Late, countless powerful people swallowed it, and then melted into the body of "it", making "it" body bigger again.

"It" runs through the world and is abused everywhere. Whether it is a creature, a strong man, a god, a demon, or a space, it is swallowed by "it". "It" is like it will never be satisfied. Continue to devour it. It was an era of doomsday, and all the strong men died. I want to fight it, and I am not an opponent. Duan Muxuan shook his head, as if it was a reluctant past.

"Put it this way, once the prefecture takes the last resort. Then everything will end. This is the so-called end?" I froze for a moment, and suddenly thought of something.

"It should be, anyway, my world is completely destroyed, and the creatures devoured by it have no chance of being ghosts. It is terrible." Duan Muxuan said mockingly.

The two of us spoke while walking on this land. Just then, a trembling roar suddenly sounded, as if something terrible existed.

"It's really nerve-wracking, this guy is back to life again." Duan Muxuan scratched his head, then said to me: "Leave it to me to solve."

After talking, he took my hand, and the next moment, I and him have disappeared.

When I appeared, I had come to a strange area. When I looked up, my face suddenly changed.

In front of me was a behemoth, a huge bone like a snowy mountain. Dancing up and down in the sky, gusts of wind swayed. Moyun turbulence.

This is a dragon, and a dead dragon. But this terrible power is really frightening.

"Oh, why is it resurrected, and I have just solved it." Duan Muxuan sighed and pointed to this huge skeletal bone: "This skeletal body was the ruler of the Demon Dragon Clan in his lifetime. He was called the Dragon Emperor. Strength It ’s absolutely powerful. But then it fell, but even then, it ’s not honest, and it often scams. It ’s really a headache. ”

"How could the bones of Dragon Emperor be buried here?" I asked in shock.

"Is this strange? This is the largest mausoleum in the Devil Realm. Even if the Devil Emperor dies, he is buried here. Speaking of this, there are many Devil Emperors. Some of them did not die, but lived here in seclusion." Duan Muxuan said.

"Why do you know so clearly?" I looked at him and asked in amazement.

"Because I am the tomb-keeper here, I am here to manage. If I'm fine, I often go shopping." Duan Muxuan said with a smile.

I looked at the magic dragon in front of me, even the bones, this terrible breath, no less than Yan Luo. Even more powerful.

At this time, the magic dragon had roared, bursts of powerful dragon roar. Really shocking changes in the situation, the world is eclipsed. A huge bone tail swept across a thousand armies, drawing towards us vigorously, and countless dead soul shadows flashed around the bone tail ground, sending out bursts of scalp and howling.

However, at this time, Duan Muxuan said lazily: "Naughty again, rest in peace."

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