You realize the situation has gotten worse, you let your gaze wander around, and then you answer with a trembling voice.

"Les, Dr. Leonora... I don't know what you heard, but that's probably Dr. Alma's delusion there. She seems to have a personal grudge against me."

"Hmm? Then Dr. Cyrus said that all acts of sexual harassment that disgusted Dr. Alma's ass or rubbed his chest were also delusions of Dr. Alma. So that's what they claim?

Goddamn it......!

The audience begins to blur even further.

The idea that Cyrus is righteous and we are evil, which was shaped until earlier, begins to lean at once by the emergence of a diagram called Cyrus = Evil.

"That officer named Cyrus, he's like a sexual harasser...? Then he's lying about everything he's been saying from the beginning..."

"Wait, wait, there's nothing to prove. Mr. Cyrus said she was paranoid about a female teacher named Alma."

"But when I say that, there's no proof that the battle was 800."

"That's right..."

The audience reacts, five minutes and five minutes.

A lot of female audiences seem to put their shoulders on the claims of Alma and Leonora's side, but the male audience looks louder that they should look at it a little more carefully.

Cyrus hurries back to Leonora to fix it.

"Well, I suppose so. I'm in trouble, Dr. Leonora. Because I am also a woman, I truly take what a paranoid female teacher says and extend it to bullets in public places like this, etc. We're going down to Dr. Leonora's legend, aren't we?

"Heh heh heh... you seem the same, Dr. Cyrus? That's how I've always been good at falling for other people."

Oh, shit.

Dr. Leonora's anger gauge went up to MAX in an instant.

I mean, are those two, originally also due to something?

That's kind of the same age, and Cyrus used to seem to be a teacher at the College of the Brave, so maybe something happened.

Cyrus really coughs up whether he thinks this is an escape.

"As it were, well, in any case, Dr. Leonora. That's not what we're talking about here. This is a place for the students to play. We'll talk about adults later."

Cyrus tries to cut through this place and bring it to the secret room politics again for the good.

But Dr. Leonora won't let you get away with it.

I finally laughed at it and went on like this.

"That's why, Dr. Cyrus. Thou hast called the battle of the pupils, 'Eight Hundreds', etc. You need to let everyone in this room know what a man named Cyrus is who releases such claims, right? If it's clean and clean, you don't have to run, do you?


Dr. Leonora looked like a snake who wouldn't let go if he ate it.


"Besides Dr. Alma, you seem to have a lot of victims of your evil deeds, don't you? ─ ─ One of the things that was particularly terrible was about Dr. Brett there"

Dr. Leonora points to me.

The smiling look all the time seemed to me to be telling me to leave this place to myself.

The teacher turns his gaze to Cyrus again.

"I heard you moved left from Wang Du to the border because you were a violent teacher to Dr. Brett. Sounds like you bragged about him as a 'problem teacher' or something, but that's just how you tailored him, isn't it?

"Chi, no! I was actually consulted by the students......!

"Besides, he cursed Dr. Brett's godchildren as' scumbag braves' and so on, and he also said that there are as many scumbag substitutes and so on?

"Oh, yeah, the lack of roots and leaves! Can you not just bullshit me!? Speak of Dr. Leonora. You will not be excused for dishonor or insult! Do you understand!?

"Dr. Cyrus is the one who keeps saying bullshit without roots or leaves, isn't he?

So finally, Cyrus kicked ass.

No, maybe it's a clean gesture, but his polite language breaks down.

"Huh, we're not talking! If you say that much, Leonora, give me proof, give me proof! I guess not! There's no way! It's all a lie with no roots or leaves! -Come on, give me proof, give me proof!

Cyrus slaps the table provided for the board seat with a bang in frustration.

And Dr. Leonora says, with a soft-face.

"Yes, Dr. Alma."

"Ho ho. Okay, let's flush."

That's what Alma took out, the magic recorder.

I saw that. Cyrus blues his face, but it's too late.

Alma played magically recorded audio.

'Isn't that nice, Dr. Alma?... and yet where there are about three scumbag braves in such a despicable village who are no longer useful, there are as many other things as replacing braves in this country. If scumbags are to feed good brave men like Jake and the others, aren't they hail?'

The voice of Cyrus, a little creepy, but unmistakable, to be a magical recording audio.

The audience, hearing the sound of that magic prop, began to squeal even louder.

Almost everything in the audience's gaze had turned into something that condemned Cyrus.

Cyrus looks around in a panic.

"Chi, it's not! This...! - Oh, you old foxes! Find a voice owner similar to me, do this kind of work, etc! This recording doesn't have the ability to prove anything!

But even with Cyrus' claim, where are Dr. Leonora and Alma's winds blowing?

"Dr. Alma, you want to stay ahead of me?

"That's right, Dr. Leonora."

Alma plays back the audio he once stopped.

The first thing that came through was Alma's voice.

"Mr. Cyrus... are you serious about that?

'Oops. Excuse me, have you passed the word?... But Dr. Alma, even if you're still a child, you're not allowed to lack courtesy. They need to know with their own minds what it means to rumble to someone in a position like me. Isn't that right? ─ ─ And that's even more so if you're an adult like a teacher. Unlike Dr. Brett, if you're a clever Dr. Alma, you know what I mean?

When I heard the earlier audio, and after I heard the suspicion of sexual harassment of Alma, the "meaning" of these statements was also sufficiently conveyed to the audience.

Hearing his own voice, Cyrus makes a noise.

"Stop it! Stop flushing it now! I'm telling you, I don't have the ability to prove that stuff! Dishonored! All of you... you're not allowed to do this! You must know!!!

But Dr. Leonora calmly cut back on Cyrus' story.

"Right. Is the ability to prove in court something like the degree of reference? Until I presented one of the judgment materials to the audience here. And then, as Dr. Cyrus would like us to discuss it later."

─ ─ In the end, Cyrus was calling to the end, but the audience's reaction was historical.

Almost monochrome, something that turns the eye of condemnation to Cyrus.

Eventually, Cyrus, unable to stand those eyes, walked away from the venue to escape.

Incidentally, Cyrus was pursued for that position on the Inquiry Committee of the Association of the Brave at a later date, thereby losing any power base that he had built over the years, well, aside from that.

If you look at the current audience...

"" Yikes!

Dr. Leonora and Alma had a high touch and were celebrating the victory.

... Yeah, let's not piss those two off, me.

Scary. Scary.

─ Well, that's why three of the strongest rookie brave fights became winners of the year: Rio, Illis and Mayfa.

The three honored in front of a large audience and brave men seemed very illuminating, but also very pleased.

I praised the three of them a lot, hugged them a lot, and a lot of them.

I'm sure it was my fault that Dr. Leonora and Alma witnessed the scene and nearly lost my life, both socially and physically.

That happened, and eventually it calmed down, too.

I took my three godchildren back to the inn for a peaceful and enjoyable dinner.

And then...

It's my last job.

I take the three Rio's out of the inn in the middle of the night.

Then he took three of my strangers to the arena the night nobody was gone.

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