Level 1 Player

Chapter 159

Chapter 159 guerrilla

High Lord Aksa has been in a bad mood lately.

He fell into the trap of the Great Lord Codygi and lost his mood.

Fortunately, after that, he made a bold choice and made up for the loss of losing his mood.

The problem was after that.

‘Cowardly bastard.’

The great lord Codygi focused on defense and attacked lower-ranking territories savagely.

It was a kind of unwritten rule not to touch the lower territories in the war between the great lords.

It was because there was no need to destroy the place that would become his territory if he was a winner anyway.

However, the great lord Codygi broke that unwritten rule.

As a result, the lesser lords lost their lives at a rapid rate.

There are two choices.

The first is to send a rescue force to a lower estate.

The second was to launch an all-out offensive and see the final decision in a short-term battle.

Highlord Aksa chose the second method.

He fell into the trap of the Great Lord Cody Gi and sent Moud and his men to the lower-ranking estates on the outskirts, but lost all of them.

‘It could be a trap again.’

As the Great Lord of Aksa had no chance of winning a head-to-head match, he thought that the Great Lord Codygi was using a trick.

So he eventually ordered a general offensive.

‘No matter how hard you try, it’s power in the end.’

High Lord Aksa took the risk of coming directly to the battlefield.

He was to completely cut off the breath of Highlord Cody Gi.

He thought that the lost lower estate could only be regained after the death of Great Lord Cody Gi.

Of course, this was an illusion of the Great Lord Aksa.

Because it was Hyunseong, not Codygi, who occupied the lower territories of Aksa Great Lord.

Both the Great Lords of Aksa and Codygi were losing their lower ranks equally.

But the two don’t know that.

He thought that only he was losing his lower territories and that his opponent was gaining them.

So, I was at a crossroads of choice.

The two made different choices.

Lord Codygi dispatched troops to save the lower ranks of the periphery, and Lord Aksa decided to end the war quickly by choosing a short-term war.

From Hyunseong’s point of view, it was one stone and two groups.

Without any hindrance, he had the opportunity to occupy the lower territories of the two high lords.

He also made Cody Gi Dae lord and Aksa Dae lord stand in a guillotine match where one of them had to die.

For Hyunseong, whose goal was to weaken the aggressor-level power, it was a sufficient achievement.

* * *

‘There are quite a few achievements.’

Hyunseong looked at the booty with a satisfied expression.

He got two transcendental grade items by defeating the snake man.

It was just a dagger and a cloak.

‘It’s a complete assassination specialization.’

The dagger had the option of poisoning the user, paralyzing the body and disturbing the flow of magic.

The power was so strong that even Hyunseong couldn’t move his body properly for a while.

In the case of the cloak, he provided a stealth skill.

Surprisingly, the cloak’s stealth function was excellent enough to deceive Horus’ eyes.’Because it’s a transcendental grade.’

The Eye of Horus is mythological.

It was probably not surprising that the Mythic-grade detection item could not detect the Transcendental-grade stealth skill.

‘It will make the assassination easier.’

In the case of the cloak, the skill behind the dimension and its effects overlap, so it doesn’t mean much.

But in the case of a dagger, it seemed to be of great help.

What if you had this dagger when you faced Muduk in the past?

He didn’t know if he would have been able to defeat Muudk if he hadn’t used the magnetic barrier.

‘Let’s move more diligently.’

For the time being, it seemed that it was not necessary to care about the checks and checks of the Great Lord Aksa and the Great Lord Codygi.

No, it seemed like he would be grateful if he sent troops to check Hyunseong.

It is because they generously give out transcendental grade items that are hard to find.

Hyunseong once again set out to conquer lower-class territories.

The conquest went smoothly.

Those who received Hyunseong’s orders and were scattered throughout the invader level also began to achieve some degree of success.

Socialism and communism began to spread rapidly.

Democracy and nationalism also spread quite quickly.

Capitalism, on the other hand, did not have much power.

Hyunseong didn’t care which ideas spread faster.

It was just important that various ideas spread.

‘Anyway, they are all ideologies against the class system.’

It is an ideology that does not recognize the established elites such as kings and lords, so if it spreads throughout the aggressor dimension, it will be quite troublesome.

Of course, there were no special changes right now.

The aggressor dimension was outwardly the same as before.

But it will change over time.

‘When I’m lost in thought, I can’t see anything.’

It was difficult for the ideology spread by Hyunseong to attract the monarch who already had a vested interest and the players under his command.

However, attracting ordinary people who are likely to become players in the future and vagrants who rejected the existing system was easier than expected.

In particular, socialism and communism spread rapidly among ordinary people who lived life like slaves.

‘I’ll stop doing what I have to do.’

They had to move diligently to sweep away all the lower territories.

* * *

Six months have passed.

Hyunseong diligently absorbed the lower territories of Aksa and Codygi.

In between, invaders players crossed the dimension gate.

But it was successfully blocked.

As in Tamug’s case, there has never been a major incident involving a large number of people.

Partisha’s dimension also repelled the invaders brilliantly.

As a result.

‘There is no more land to occupy.’

Hyunseong devoured most of the lesser estates under the lords of Aksa and Kodigi.

Of course, there were still many lower-level estates left in the center.

However, it was difficult to approach.

It was because it was too close to the area where the main forces of Lord Aksa and Lord Kodigi were colliding.

‘If you do it wrong, you can have a bad day.’

In the meantime, the power has grown tremendously by eliminating many of the lower lords and absorbing the players under their control.However, it could not be compared with the main force led by the great lords.

‘You have to keep your distance.’

The point of attack Hyunseong was aiming for was after the war between the Great Lord Aksa and the Great Lord Kodigi had ended.

Whoever wins, the damage will be great.

So, I thought I’d try and attack it.

‘But did the lower ranks completely give up?’

The great lords of Aksa and Codygi continued the war, regardless of how much lesser territories were swept away.

‘It would be nice if you restored the lower-ranking estates as before, and sent the servants again.’

unfortunately it didn’t.

‘The magnetic barrier cooldown has returned, but there is no use for it.’

From Hyunseong’s point of view, there was nothing special to do.

He has no lesser territories to occupy.

However, it was too dangerous to intervene in the battle of the great lords.

‘Other areas seem to be okay.’

Hyunseong freed his subordinates to spread the ideology of Earth.

And he gave them a smart phone with an exchange jewel that could communicate with him.

As a result, Hyunseong could sit down and report on the consequences of what was happening across the invader plane.


just like right now.

Hyunseong turned on his smartphone and checked the contents through messenger.


After checking the contents, Hyunseong widened her eyes.

In general, the content delivered through messenger was okay.

It was said that the lord went out hunting to get a myth grade item, that the lords of a lower territory fought a territorial battle, and so on.

For Hyunseong, the information was not very helpful.

But this one was a little different.

‘A thousand troops directly under the command of the Great Lord Sekira?’

Once the distance was close.

The territories of the lords of Sekira were adjacent to the territories of the lords of Aksa and Kodigi.

‘Are you trying to intervene in the skirmish between the two great lords?’

However, the size of the moving troops was too small to be considered.

Isn’t it only a thousand people?

No matter how high-level players were packed, 1,000 men was too small.

The timing was also odd.

‘The Great Lord Sekira must not be an idiot.’

If Lord Sekira wants to profit from intervening in the fight between High Lord Aksa and High Lord Cody Gi, he doesn’t need to go now.

Just like Hyunseong, wait for the moment the fight between the two ends and move your troops.

‘I need to be careful.’

Hyunseong blew the whole message out, causing the troops under Highlord Sekira to scout the direction they were moving.

He also scatters additionally his subordinates to gather information.

Another few days passed like that.


Hyunseong’s expression was horribly distorted.

He sprinkled more of his subordinates and continued to scrape information.

And based on that information, he finally found out where the troops under the direct command of the Great Lord Sekira were aiming and where their final destination was.

‘You’re moving after me.’The troops under the direct command of Great Lord Sekira were moving toward the territory occupied by Hyunseong.

‘Damn it.’

In the meantime, Hyunseong has done her best to prevent information about herself from being passed on to Aksa and Codygi.

This is because he did not intend to correct the misunderstandings of the Great Lord Aksa and the Great Lord Cody Gi.

If it were Earth, it would have been impossible.

Because it was easy to convey information with just one phone call.

However, in terms of the invaders, the only means of communication that could be called a means of communication was to transmit information directly, or to use communication skills such as the monarch’s cry or telepathy.

The problem was that in order to use the monarch’s cry, the two monarchs had to exchange each other’s subjects.

Hyunseong eliminated all of the lower lords of the occupied area.

Of course, even if a communication network was in place, information could not be transmitted properly.

Communication skills such as telepathy were also useless.

The number of people with skills was small, and the distance over which they could communicate was severely limited.

It was decisively influenced by the magical force field.

As a result, Hyunseong was able to completely block information on local lower-level estates using Tamug and his subordinates.

However, the great lord of Sekira was out of the question.

In the first place, from Hyunseong’s point of view, it was difficult to prevent the circumstances of the local low-ranking estates from entering the ears of the Aksa lords and Codygi lords.

‘I only have about a week left.’

It was because the troops under the direct command of the Great Lord Sekira had relaxed.

The troops under the direct control of the Great Lord Sekira passed through the lower territories, conscripted troops, and continued to expand in size.

As a result, it has now grown to a total of 7,000 battalions.

By the time Hyunseong arrived at the area occupied, it was certain that the total force would exceed 10,000.


Daeyoung Sekira must have obtained information about Hyunseong.

1,000 direct troops.

10,000 troops in the lower provinces of the province.

From the standpoint of the Great Lord Sekira, it was a level that was not burdensome.

But not from Hyunseong’s point of view.

Of course, the number of players under his command is much higher than Hyunseong.

However, there was a problem with the troops directly under the lord of Sekira.

‘I can afford a few hundred, but if it’s a thousand people… … .’

No matter how much Hyunseong flew and crawled, he couldn’t handle it.

Mudq and his men under the command of the Great Lord Aksa.

The snake humans and their subordinates under the control of the great lord Codygi.

They were at a different level from the players of the lower territories.

That too, not a few dozen or a few hundred as before, but a whopping 1,000.

‘Besides, you have to think about the troops conscripted from the lower territories.’

No matter how much I thought about it, there was no chance of winning if I faced it head-on.

‘Then we have to change the method.’

What if a head-to-head match doesn’t win?

All that was left was guerrilla warfare.

* * *

Tvereo majestic and majestic led a large army of 8,000 men and continued the march.

There were still many lesser estates to visit before arriving at the destination.

‘If you just complete the conscription, it will be more than 10,000.’

The fact that he had become the commander-in-chief of an army of more than 10,000 brought a smile to his face.

Tvereo was a player serving the High Lord Sekira.

During that time, he performed numerous activities under the command of the Great Lord Sekira.

But it was the first time he had ever taken command of such a battalion.

Before that, he usually commanded an army of between 500 and 600 men.

Although he sometimes increased his command, he was only able to command a force of at most 1,000 men.

He did, but he now commanded a large army of nearly 10,000.

‘I feel as if I have become a high lord.’

Tvereo was a lower lord.

However, he continued his victories to victory and was transferred to the castle of the great lord with the lord of Sekira.

After that, he gained the trust of the Great Lord Sekyra and became one of his henchmen.

Even if he was the henchman of the Great Lord Sekira, it was good to say that he had very little chance of leading such a large army.

However, he was fortunate enough to be given an easy task to lead a battalion.

This was not the end.

‘If I do well, my immediate military force could be tens of thousands.’

What if Tvereo completes this mission?

At least tens of thousands of players will be able to serve as direct troops.

Not all subordinates under the control of the Great Lord Sekira are the same.

Even if it is a servant, the rank is divided according to the level, occupation, stat, and skill.

In particular, if you have a job as a monarch, your status is determined by the number and level of your subordinates.

What if this works?

Tvereo was able to become the number one among the players with the lord job under the command of the Great Lord Sekira.

‘I think a bum was lucky.’

The great lord Sekira constantly watched the battle between the lords of Aksa and Kodigi.

It was meant to intervene and profit.

The problem was that they couldn’t mobilize many troops.

High lord Sekira was in a territorial dispute with another lord.

Fortunately, it was not to the point of engaging in an all-out war, but to the extent of roaring steadily in small-scale local warfare.

However, it is possible only when the strength of each other is boiled.

What if the Great Lord Sekira dispatched a large force to intervene in the battle between the Great Lords of Aksa and the Great Lord Kodigi?

The enemy will fight a large-scale all-out war, not a small local war.

High Lord Sekira sent scouts in all directions to find gaps between High Lord Aksa and High Lord Kodigi.

Then, by chance, I realized that a monarch from a vagabond was occupying the lower territories indiscriminately using the wars of the Great Lord Aksa and the Great Lord Kodigi.

Upon learning of this fact, the Great Lord Sekira became greedy.

If the lower territories were owned by the lord of Aksa or the lord of Kodigi, he would not have touched it prematurely.

However, in the Vagabond’s territory, the situation is different.

After the war was over, it was difficult for the lords of Aksa or Kodigi to claim ownership.

Highlord Sekira did not invade the territories of the two lords, but only took the territories occupied by the vagrants.

In the end, Highlord Sekira decided to move a thousand men under his direct command.

The vacancy of about 1,000 people could be hidden somehow.

He thought that it would be enough if he conscripted the insufficient troops from the lower territories.

‘I’ll finish it right away.’

Tvereo planned to get rid of the vagabond monarch at once and seize the subjects under his command.

“Heh heh heh.”

A burst of laughter erupted.

What if this plan succeeds?

Tvereo will become the number one player among the players with the monarch job under the command of Great Lord Sekira, and enjoy all kinds of wealth and glory.

Tvereo continued his march with a happy smile.However… … .


Far away, I saw the castle of a lower lord who had to stay tonight and conscript troops.

But something was strange.

The lower lord’s castle… … .

was burning brightly.

* * *

Hyunseong thought of guerrilla warfare the moment Sekira Daeyoung moved his troops.

After that he went straight to action.

Hyunseong’s target was not the main force of the Great Lord Sekira.

The main force of the Great Lord Sekira was too large.

In addition, there were 1,000 of the direct subordinates of the great lord of Sekira.

Hyunseong targeted the lower-ranking estates under the control of the Great Lord Sekira.

In the meantime, Hyunseong attacked only the lower ranks under the command of Aksa Daeyoung and Kodigi Daeyoung.

The lesser estates under the command of Great Lord Sekira did not even look at him.

Because there was no need to increase the number of enemies for nothing.

But if the opponent drew his sword first, there was no need to hesitate.

‘If it’s going to become an enemy anyway, it’s better to get rid of it in advance.’

Having made the decision, Hyunseong indiscriminately occupied the territories of the Great Lord Sekira.

Hyunseong even went on to assassinate himself, and he even gave Tamu the transcendent-grade stealth cloak he had obtained by defeating the snake man to use.

The lower-ranking estates under the great lord Sekira passed over to Hyunseong.

The players who would become enemies in the future became allies.

They also stole food and military supplies that would belong to the enemy.

The castle was burned and the residents were moved to other estates.

‘But there are still many.’

Hyunseong tasted the battalion of the 8,000-strong enemy.

‘I should have moved sooner.’

What if you moved faster?

He might have been able to cut the enemy’s force by half, less than 4,000 men.

‘But there is still a chance.’

Hyunseong, with Tamug wearing a Transcendental Grade Stealth Cloak, passed through the enemy’s base and entered deeper into the territory of Highlord Sekira.

‘I’ll show you what real guerrilla warfare is.’

* * *

“I feel so refreshed after he is gone!”

A low-ranking lord drank alcohol with a bright face.

He felt very good.

This is because the superior who had been telling the truth for so long has finally disappeared.

“So do I, my lord.”

“After he is gone, I feel refreshed as if a sick tooth fell out.”

The servants were pleased with the lower lord.

“Anyway, both him and I are colleagues of equal standing who swore allegiance to the High Lord Sekira. Isn’t it?”

“I will meet you.”

“But how can he treat me as a colleague as a subordinate!”

The lower lord shouted with an angry expression.

“He must have been a man of arrogance.”

“Come right. Such a person does not last long. Perhaps he will soon lose the trust of the Highlord.”“Then there may be a chance for you, Master.”

“Are you talking to me?”

The lower lord asked with a pale expression.

“Yeah, such a guy also did the battle, but his personality is great and his skills are excellent, isn’t there a law saying that the Lord God doesn’t want to fight?”

“Well, that’s right.”

The low-ranking lord’s mood improved at the praise of his servants.

Lower lords enjoy the same status as kings in their territories.

There was not a single person in the territory who said anything to the lord.

He is free to enact his own laws and to collect taxes.

He doesn’t have to look at others and he doesn’t have to bow his head.

Until he met the lord himself or met a superior who was instructed by the lord.

This lesser lord met Tvereo not long ago.

He tried to look as good as possible.

However, T Bereo ignored the lesser lord and rather humiliated him in front of his subordinates.

There was no such thing as a dog-whistle.

Where is that?

He requisitioned the troops he had worked hard to raise, and that was not enough, so he took food and military supplies.

Because it was the order of the Great Lord Sekira, he had no choice but to keep his mouth shut even when he was bitten and beaten.

It was humiliating for a low-ranking lord who enjoyed the same command as a king in his own estate.

“But when will he come back?”

The low-ranking lord, who was drinking with a pleasant smile, carefully asked his servants.

“I’m on my way to subjugate a monarch who is a vagrant, so he won’t come back soon, will he?”


The lesser lord frowned.

It would have been better for him to die than to suffer such humiliation again.


At that time, a sword was locked in the heart of the lower lord.


His eyes clouded and his mind wandered.

‘What is this?’

He thought he’d be better off just dying, but he wasn’t really serious.

Isn’t there a saying that it’s good to be alive even if you roll in the dog poop?

However, the lower lord’s thoughts were cut off.


Hyunseong smiled and drew his sword.

Together with Tamu, he ignored the enemy’s main force and jumped into the enemy line.

He was a little worried at first.

This is because if you make a mistake, you could be isolated in the enemy’s base.

However, the boundaries were neglected to the extent that such concerns were ignored.

The lesser lords were vigilant, and as a result they could end their breath too easily.

‘Let’s move diligently.’

He could not afford to remove the servants who had departed from his control.

I had to get rid of as many lesser lords as possible within tonight.

‘I’ll cut it in half.’

Hyunseong moved his body with a lively look.

The enemy’s main force was 8,000 men.It was difficult to win if we met head-on.

Even if we were victorious, the damage to our allies could not but be enormous.

Hyunseong drew attention to the fact that 7,000 of the enemy’s 8,000 were conscripted from lower-ranking lords.

He said, ‘Once you get rid of the lesser lord, it’s game over.’

Hyunseong raided lower-ranking territories in the way of the enemy’s main force and eliminated the lords.

As a result, he made friends with the forces of lower lords who were close to becoming the enemy’s forces.

Hyunseong’s thoughts did not end there.

He said, ‘It’s not just about organizing.’

The death of a lesser lord is meaningless unless they are players.

Even if the lord he served is dead, the commander of the troops requisitioned from their territory belongs to the commander who conscripted them.

But they were all players.

What if Hyunseong kills a low-ranking lord?

They become subordinates of Hyunseong, not under the commander who conscripted the troops.

‘This is the player’s blind spot.’

In the first place, obeying the orders of the commander they recruited was due to the order of the lord they served.

What if the lord you served changes and gives the opposite order?

They can turn the tip of the sword upside down at will.

* * *

‘I’ll chew on it and eat it.’

Tvereo sharpened his teeth.

I never dreamed that the monarch from the vagabond would attack the lower ranks of his allies first.

There was not one Youngji who suffered.

As a result of sending reconnaissance, all of the lower-level estates that had planned to stop by and recruit troops were empty.

Instead of occupying the lower territories of Aksa and Codygi, who had become communist, only the lower ranks of their allies were taken away.

Tvereo, who tried to set a big ball without damaging his allies, had no such disappointment.

‘I will not let it go.’

After tonight, I was planning to immediately move my troops to restore the stolen lower-level territory and to devastate the territory ruled by the monarch from the vagabond.

‘I will not kill you finely.’

What if you just catch a vagrant monarch who humiliated you?

He will repay him a hundredfold and a thousandfold for the humiliation he felt.

Tvereo forcibly calmed his anger and went to sleep.

I had to get a good night’s sleep in order to work diligently during the day tomorrow.

That was then.


The door to the barracks swung open, and one of the men rushed into the barracks.

“Lord, it’s a big deal!”

At Suha’s words, Tvereo jumped up from his seat.

“What’s going on? Have the enemies even made a surprise attack?”

There was a bright smile on Tvereo’s lips.

What if the enemies had a surprise attack?

It’s enough to run away right away and run away.

What if the vagrant monarch himself led the troops and attacked them?

There was no need to bother looking for it, so it was a good thing.

“Oh, that’s not it! A rebellion has occurred!”


Tvereo’s face was dyed with absurdity.

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