Level 1 Player

Chapter 200

Chapter 200 an upcoming threat

Hyunseong returned to Earth.

There was a lot of work to be done.

First, I filled in empty items among the items on sale in the system store.

After that, he received a report on the situation and cracked down on the dimensions that were under the control of Sakhrani.

The majority meekly accepted Hyunseong’s rule.

There were also those who rejected and rebelled against Hyunseong’s domination.

Although they were few, they could not be left unattended.

This is because the servants under Saekrani, who meekly accepted Hyunseong’s rule, could be swept away and cause a large-scale rebellion.

‘There is no time to rest.’

After suppressing those who rebelled against him, Hyunseong called Marcos and told him that he had removed Saukrani.

Marcos was overjoyed.

Although Hyunseong promised revenge for Saukrani.

However, he did not expect much because it was not written in the contract of the soul.

However, Hyunseong solved the problem in a hurry.

-thank you. Thank you very much.

“no. It was possible because they attacked from there first.”

– Choi Hyunseong did a great job.

After thanking Marcos for a while, Hyunseong hung up the phone.


Then he let out a long sigh and sat down on the bed.

tiredness came

His stamina and mana were brisk.

But his mental fatigue remained the same.

For more than ten days, he struggled with the White Dragon without even being able to sleep.

After that, for more than ten days, he dealt with the things that had been pushed back and suppressed those who rebelled.

‘Let’s take a break for just three days.’

Hyunseong also needed a break.

The three days passed quickly.

On the first day, I slept all day.

The second day was spent with his parents.

On the third day, I wanted to rest without thinking, but my sister Choi Hyun-ji and Lucia came in and had to be dragged around by them all day.

‘I haven’t done anything yet, but it’s already been three days.’

In my mind, I wanted to rest for three months instead of three days.

No, that wasn’t enough.

Considering that Hyunseong has been running non-stop for the past three years, it was okay to rest.

But Hyunseong couldn’t.

Because he knew his rivals were growing rapidly while he was on break.

Also, Hyunseong knew why the level 1 players who had waged a dimensional war with him were defeated.

It’s because it’s just been lazy.

Satisfied with the current situation and avoided risk.

As a result, he was faced with an even greater danger.

Hyunseong had no intention of following the same train as them.

‘Let’s try a little bit more.’

What if I became the one who took off the bridle?

True freedom will come to Hyunseong as well.As soon as Hyunseong finished his three-day break, he actively engaged in dimensional warfare.

Hyunseong, who was still strong, got non-grade weapons and armor.

Unranked achievements were also obtained and stats increased explosively.

It was as if there was nothing that could stop Hyunseong like that.

Hyunseong went on a winning streak.

The achievements increased rapidly and the stats increased.

Skills also increased.

In addition, through actual battles, he awakened the powers of the dragon blood sword, which is a non-grade weapon, and the dragon armor, which is a non-grade armor, one by one.

Hyunseong has grown at a frightening pace.

And the number of people who looked at it with displeasure began to increase.

* * *

A space where everything is pure white.

Hundreds of players gathered there to hold a meeting.

“The kid who has not been awakened for less than a hundred years is breaking the balance between the friendly and the enemy.”

The slender man with golden skin frowned and said.

“Are you talking about a guy named Choi Hyunseong?”

asked a woman with red skin and hair.


The slender, golden-skinned man nodded her head and answered.

“But there is nothing we can do.”

At the words of a woman with red skin and hair, a slender, golden-skinned man frowned upon her face.

“I want to tear him apart and kill him right away.”

Others burst into laughter at the words of the man with a slender body and golden skin.

“Are you saying that we should break the agreement and start an all-out war because of one kid like that?”

“You worry too much.”

“We are just bystanders. I cannot get involved in the affairs of those who have not taken off their bridles.”

The reaction of those gathered at the place was negative.

“Then you mean to leave him alone?”

A slender man with golden skin asked the others.

“He will soon be freed from bondage. Then the conquest through dimensional warfare will be over soon.”

“It’s not like this has happened once or twice, isn’t it too sensitive?”

At the negative reaction of others, a slender man with golden skin distorted her face.

“ A person named Choi Hyunseong is different from those who have taken off their bridles so far. Does he think the problem will be resolved if he unbridles? Rather, the balance between the friendly level and the enemy level will be completely disrupted. We must do whatever we can to get rid of it when we can.”

A man with a slender body and golden skin vomited his enthusiasm.

“Electronics and cultural goods. A person named Choi Hyunseong is using it to continuously extort allied dimensional points. It seems light now, but as it builds up, it will eventually grow large enough to upset the balance of power. In addition, the seller of electronic products and cultural goods belonging to the friendly dimension also joined hands with Choi Hyunseong. This is a serious problem. It is never something to be taken lightly.”

“I understand what you are trying to say. But how do you go about solving that problem? Are you saying that we want to break the agreement and start an all-out war? To give up the hard-won peace?”

At the question of the man who seemed to be half a bird and a human being, the man with a slender body and golden skin was at a loss for words.

“Even if you make the concession a hundred times and you are right, if that becomes a problem, then you have to go and solve it. The players of the friendly level are just as diligent in increasing their strength as the players of the enemy level. Trust them.”

‘Cowardly bastards.’

They too are aware of the problem.

Hana was afraid of breaking the agreement and was unable to use her hands.

If the agreement is broken, an all-out war will break out and the current peace will be blown away.

“We all know you want war, not peace. But if that’s the case, I should have made the excuse a little more plausible. Did you think we would cooperate with you if you mentioned a kid who hasn’t even taken off his bridle yet?”

“I don’t think that kid will be the one to break the balance between the friendly and the enemy.”

“So do I.”

“To ask for a meeting just for that kind of thing, you don’t have the guts.”

“I’m going back.”‘Damn.’

Her slender body and golden-skinned man noticed that her own guess was wrong.

She was ignoring some of her problems while being aware of them.

She wasn’t even aware that one of the majority was going to be a problem.

‘Sloth bastards.’

Most of those guys probably had a complacency thinking that if there was a problem, they could go ahead and solve it.

However, the idea of ​​a man with a slender body and golden skin was different.

The friendly level and the enemy level have always been in balance.

What if someone who excels at the enemy level appears?

An outstanding person appeared in the friendly dimension as well.

As the balance continued to be balanced, the friendly level and the enemy level could continue to maintain their current state.

However, this was not something to be taken lightly.

Points of the friendly dimension were flowing into the enemy dimension.

Choi Hyunseong’s opponent, who appeared in the friendly dimension, did not fight him, but rather went under him.

This was a serious problem.

However, there were too few people who took this matter seriously.

The players who had gathered in one place disappeared all at once.

Not all of them disappeared.

There were few, but some remained.

“I agree with you.”

She said a woman with red skin and hair.

“But agreeing and starting an all-out war are two different things. Most think that an all-out war is premature. It would be unreasonable to convince them with such a cause.”

The rest, including a woman with red skin and hair, were the main proponents of an all-out war.

However, these were also divided into rigid, medium-rigid and weak.

The woman with red skin and hair was a weak communicator.

“Stupid bastards. If we have to go to war anyway, it is advantageous to win the game quickly.”

One of the main radio waves of rigidity raised his voice.

“That’s it. Choi Hyunseong is also a problem, but the people around him are also a problem. They expanded their power by talking about alliances, but now they are joining forces to attack friendly players.”

Hyunseong works alone.

Only then can he monopolize his achievements and achievements.

So Hyunseong borrowed the power of the alliance only for defense.

Among the alliances united around Hana Hyunseong, there were cases where they joined forces not only for defense but also for attack.

Even if we share achievements and achievements, we are joining forces for safety.

As such cases increased, the alliances united around Hyunseong began to thrive.

Of course, it was insignificant enough to affect the overall trend.

In addition, the players of the dimension being invaded were gradually mimicking the alliance created by Hyunseong and gathering strength.

The alliance that was firmly united with Hana Hyunseong and the alliance that was quickly formed right away differed greatly in size and cooperative power.

“If we go on like this, all the buds will be cut off before they even bloom.”

“In order to protect the sprouts, an all-out war must be waged immediately!”

“Even if it’s Choi Hyunseong, we need to get rid of him right now.”

One by one, the main radio waves chimed in.

However, they only raised their voices.

They are also bound by rules.

What if I made a fuss?

It could have been sealed by the hands of friendly level 1 players instead of the enemy level 1 players.

The main fighters did not intend to wage an all-out war until they gave up their freedom.

“Everyone be quiet.”Then a woman with red skin and hair raised her voice.

At that moment, the main radio waves who had been making a lot of noise shut their mouths all at once.

“Is there something you can do?”

A woman with her red skin and hair asked her man with golden skin in her slender figure.

“You didn’t know that those cowards would be against you, did you?”

“There is a way. But I need your help.”

“What is it?”

The woman with red skin and hair asked the words of her slender man with golden skin.

“I plan to use the Black Dragon God.”

“That guy?”

The woman with her red skin and hair frowned.

The existence of God did not get along very well with those who had left their allies and enemies and took off their bridles.

They tried to dominate those who could not take off their bridle.

And sometimes they reach out to those who have taken off their bridles.

“Heukroesin and Choi Hyunseong are not related at all.”

“It looks like it was a failure after trying for nothing.”

“right. And I still have regrets for a person named Choi Hyunseong.”

“It looks like they are trying to throw a person named Choi Hyunseong to the god of black magic.”

At the words of the woman with red skin and hair, the slender, golden-skinned man nodded her head.

* * *

Break! Break!

Hyunseong wielded a dragon blood sword and pushed the opponent one-sidedly.

The opponent seemed to have a hard time even defending Hyunseong’s onslaught.


At that moment, Hyunseong’s dragon blood sword cut off the right arm of the opponent who was holding the weapon.


After that, the dragon blood sword stopped exactly in front of the opponent’s neck.

“I will surrender.”

The opponent declared surrender.

“I will be faithful in the future, my lord.”

The opponent knelt down and swore allegiance to Hyunseong.

‘It’s okay.’

Hyunseong, who had occupied one enemy dimension, smiled with satisfaction.

After dealing with Saukrani, Hyunseong continued to win.

As a result, Hyunseong quickly grew stronger.

The points that temporarily exposed the bottom to make the Book of Immortality, which had been lowered in grade, into an unpaid skill again continued to increase.

This is because more points were accumulated than the points consumed by using the Balaur and Dimensional Gate skills.

There was no worry about the future.

Because he has teamed up with his competitor, Marcos.

‘But how do you use your points?’

After upgrading the growth-type skills to unpaid skills, Hyunseong couldn’t find a place to properly use the points.

What if other growth-type skills were acquired?

There is a place where you can use your points.

However, growth-type skills were not so common.

There were no items for sale in the system store at all, and it was not easy to obtain even if they wanted a huge bounty from the dimension they controlled.

‘I’m sure there are other uses.’

The guest was unbridled.

Still, I needed points and joined hands with Hyunseong.

‘The only things that can be purchased with points are the creation level skill book or a skill book with a lower level.’

It was hard to believe that Hana Guest had accumulated points to purchase a creation level skill book or a skill book with a lower level.

The unbridled Gespit obviously possesses several types of unpaid skills.

There is a difference between a non-grade skill and a creative grade skill.

No matter how many creation-grade skills you possess, it is of little help to those who have taken off their bridles.

‘There must be a reason why you need points.’

But Hyunseong couldn’t figure out what the reason was.

‘Let’s diligently collect it.’

Hyunseong had no intention of wasting points.

In the case of other first-level players, they became sluggish after reaching a certain level.

He had nothing to do with points, so he used points for his hobbies.

However, Hyunseong had no intention of doing so.

I thought that the key to raising the rank of the system shop that did not go up was the point.

‘Well, you can use the mercenary hire when you are in a hurry.’

Just like in the past, when you hired a guest to save the planet.

* * *

Desanija was a level 1 player.

One wasn’t very lucky.

He was attacked by the enemy dimension and the friendly dimension was destroyed.

Desanija wanted revenge.

And luckily, I got a skill and was able to connect with a transcendent being.

Desanija succumbed to the transcendent being and gained the power to take revenge.

Desanija used the power she received from a transcendent being to defeat the enemy level 1 player who had occupied her dimension.

his homeland was restored.

Hana Desanija was not satisfied with that.

He was more actively engaged in dimensional warfare and increased his power.

However, he also had something to watch out for.

It was those who took off their bridles.

Those who have taken off their bridles cannot participate in the affairs of those who are not bribed by rules and conventions.

But there is one exception.

That was the case when he became a member of a transcendent being like Desanija.

Desanija became a subordinate of a transcendent being, and a being outside of rules and conventions.

Therefore, the subjects to be most wary of were those who took off their bridles.

What if those who took off their bridles found out that they had become members of a transcendent being?

De Sanizha had no choice but to lose his life.

For this reason, Desanija thoroughly hid the fact that she belonged to a transcendental being.

He just acted like he was one of many 1st level players.

As a result, Desanija has been able to continue to grow without any problems so far.

What if time continues like this?

What if he had the conditions to fully accept the power of a transcendent being?

At that time, I thought that there was nothing to be afraid of even if I met someone who had taken off my bridle.

But there is a problem.

He said, ‘I thought I was running out of time.’

There was a misfortune that I wanted to avoid no matter what.

The one who took off the bridle found himself.

Desanija is ready for battle.It’s impossible to win.

But it was impossible to sit still and die.

“You don’t have to be so vigilant.”

The unbridled man said so.

“Because I just want to meet your master through the medium of you.”


Desanija asked with a bewildered expression on her face.

That was then.

Feeling dazed, Desanija’s consciousness evaporated as it was.

And a transcendent being took over Desaniza’s body.

– What is the dragon?

The transcendent being who occupied Desaniza’s body asked.

“I have a favor to ask of you.”


“okay. I want you to get rid of the player with the name Choi Hyunseong. If not, you can make it into your family.”

-Ha ha ha ha ha!

A transcendent being burst into madness at the words of the one who took off the bridle.

– I didn’t know the day would come when you guys would ask me for a favor. That’s such a stupid thing to do.

“You know that you also have a debt to repay to a person named Choi Hyunseong, right?”

– I don’t.

“Is it acceptance? Rejection?”

asked the unbridled man.

-It’s up to you guys.

“For now, I will spare your family.”

-Is that the end?

like a family member?

It’s a shame, but I could have made more in the future.

“Give me points.”


“You can make a family like this with more than 50 people.”

-Hmm, that’s tempting.

“I’ll give you half the points for prepayment. And if I finish this job well, I’ll give you the other half of the points by post-payment. You probably won’t lose anything.”

The one who took off the bridle waited for an answer from the transcendent being with an anxious expression.

-If you give me all the points that can make 100 members in advance, I won’t accept it.

“Do that.”

The unbridled man nodded his head in response to the suggestion of a transcendent being.

Then, the transcendent being descended and held hands with Desanizawa.

-Okay, the contract has been made.

With those words, the will of the transcendent being that descended upon Desanizha disappeared as it was.


Those who have achieved their purpose, who have taken off the bridle, also climbed the dimensional gate and disappeared.

“Your pig.”

The unbridled man who returned to his dimension growled low.

The one who took off the bridle was a man with a slender body and golden skin.

“Did you succeed?”

asked a woman with red skin and hair.

“Yeah, the bleeding was bigger than I expected.”An unbridled man with a slender body and golden skin answered.

“After all, it was worth keeping him alive.”

The slender, golden-skinned man and the red-skinned and haired woman knew that de Saniza belonged to her transcendental being.

She deliberately left one.

She de Saniza because she was a benefactor to herself and her allies dimension.

But she had no intention of letting it go.

When she had grown enough to fully accept the power of a transcendent being, she was going to get rid of it.

She did, but she had something to use before that.

“Can I succeed?”

The woman with her red skin and hair asked with her anxious expression.

“You must succeed. If we fail, we end up losing points.”

A man with a slender body and golden skin answered with a firm expression.

Actually, throwing points wasn’t a big deal.

The real problem was that there was no way to get rid of the existence of Choi Hyunseong.

The transcendent being is not bound by rules and conventions.

So I was able to use this trick.

But what if you can overcome even this trick?

At that time, there was only an all-out war.

* * *

‘I wish I could go on like this.’

Hyunseong smiled satisfied and registered the items in the system store.

In the meantime, Hyunseong’s power grew day by day.

His achievements also piled up quickly.

As he grew up without any problems, Hyunseong’s point of view had no choice but to feel good.


Then Hyunseong’s smartphone rang.


Hyunseong checked the message on his smartphone without much thought.

[The enemy is under massive attack.]

After checking the message, Hyunseong frowned.

And opened the dimension gate towards the dimension where the problem occurred.


Hyunseong passed through the dimensional gate.

“Hold on!”

“As long as we persevere, we will unconditionally win.”

The dimension that was contacted that it had been invaded was in turmoil.

It was a situation similar to when Saukrani targeted Cairo in the past and attacked the dimension controlled by Shizura.

‘I won’t make you regret that you attacked in the first place.’

Hyunseong gave the power of the Black Dragon Shinma Gong and the Book of Flames to his servants.

Fragile! Whoops!

At the same time, the bodies of the subjects were covered in jet-black lightning and flames.

“The Lord has come!”

“Sweep it all away!”

The friendly players with high morale pushed the enemy players wildly.

That was then.


Enemy players’ bodies were dyed with jet-black lightning like their allies.


Hyunseong put on a bewildered expression.

The energy of the jet-black lightning that covered the body of the enemy players was very familiar.

That wasn’t the end.

‘Does it contain the power to annihilate the source of existence?’

As friendly players and enemy players, who have the power to annihilate the source of existence, collided, casualties occurred one after another.


Hyunseong went out to clean up the situation himself.

That was then.

Someone quickly approached Hyunseong and swung his sword.


Hyunseong blocked the opponent’s attack.

‘Who is it?’

It was the first face I had ever seen.

But it felt strangely familiar.

It wasn’t something he was used to seeing.

This was a familiarity with the aura the opponent was holding.

‘no way?’

Hyunseong quickly spewed out a book of black magic and flames, covering his entire body.


At that time, the opponent also covered their whole body with a jet-black lightning bolt.

“who are you?”

Hyunseong asked.

“You don’t need to know that. die.”

The opponent has launched an onslaught with that horse.

Break! Break!

Hyunseong survived by activating the Dragon Foot and passive skills.

One opponent’s attack was quite powerful.

Aww! Aww!

Every time a jet-black lightning bolt from the opponent hit Hyunseong, a strong shock was delivered.

‘strong. But that’s not the author’s full strength.’

Hyunseong knew what the source of the power the opponent was exhaling was.

‘The Black Dragon God.’

A god that Hyunseong forcibly took power and used it in the past.

The power of the Black Lightning God covered the opponent’s whole body.

‘Did the family of the gods invade?’

Things weren’t so good.

Hyunseong once defeated the family of gods once in the past.

However, there was a very big difference between the family of the god that was defeated and the family of the god in front of me.

It was the basic specification of the body.


Even if you are a member of the gods, the amount of power you can accept depends on what your original background is.

However, the clan of the gods in front of him was far stronger than the clan of the gods he had dealt with before.

What do you mean?

It meant that he could receive more and more of the power that the Black Lightning God gave him.


As if to prove Hyunseong’s thoughts, the jet-black lightning that covered the enemy’s body began to grow darker.

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