Life is a Game

Vol 2 Chapter 225: Big flower into Peiping

Leaving memory, Jiang Feng was still sluggish in his chair.

He stayed in that memory for so long that he became familiar with everyone in it.

Xia Muzhen, Rouge, Wen Er, the mother-in-law who took care of Rouge, and other tea battles in the hostel, Jiang Feng can remember their faces and voices. Even the owner of the bun shop where Xia Muzhen went to buy buns every day, Jiang Feng remembered that he stayed in the memory for more than 10 days, like a trip to the Star City Brigade, those people were on his journey Met.

Rouge is Li Fen, if he's right, Li Fen is Fen.

San Francisco's trafficker, Mother Chen, is right. A girl like Fen, who looks good, is better than dead.

Jiang Feng sat in his chair for a few minutes and opened the property panel.

Another icon is lit in the recipe bar.

Xia Muzhen (1/4)

[Cooked Chicken Grade C]

Prepared by: Xiamu Bing

Dish details: A very ordinary home-style snack, which is precious because of the strong but dare to say love. Not only is the last fragrance in Li Fen's life, but also Xia Muyi's only expression of love in this life. Within 2 hours after eating, people will have the urge to speak out the love in their hearts.

Number of productions per day (0/5)

Jiang Feng: ...

If he remembers it right, it seems that the number of times of chopped fish head can be made 5 times a day.

This dish is served with chopped pepper and fish head, which is a clear weapon, no disadvantages, 5 times a day, bigger and stronger, and strive to close all matchmaking agencies in Peiping within three years.

The practice of making chicken with vegetables is not difficult. The C-level dishes are within his range. Jiang Feng ordered the recipe several times and felt that he had a good chance of winning.

After reading the method of making chicken with vegetables, Jiang Feng looked at WeChat group again. Comrade Wang Xiulian and Auntie had a great fight this evening. Auntie also held the annual card for the gym in the mall next door. Already.

Filial son Jiang Zaide: Mom, come on, you will succeed! ??????

Undressing tailors love the family: Wife come on! ??????

Favorite wife Jiang Jiankang: Okay, come on! ??????

I love reading in management: auntie come on! !! !!

Jiang Feng thought about it, and felt that he should also follow the wind to encourage auntie.

Favorite to learn the kitchen Jiang Xiaofeng: Auntie come on! ????

Jiang Feng was wondering how Comrade Wang Xiulian and Auntie had fought back. When they looked at the mobile phone, they found that it was almost 10 o'clock. Both of them wanted to sleep and had to sleep before 11 o'clock every day.

Jiang Feng casually sent a message to Wu Minqi to see if she was still in Wu's restaurant.

Jiang Feng: Have you rested?

Kiki: I'm home, just after taking a shower.

Jiang Feng initiated a video call.

Wu Minqi was indeed just after taking a shower, and she was still wiping her hair with a towel. She asked, "Why did you think of making a video call today?"

"Because I miss you and want to see you." Jiang Feng said.

Even after speaking, he was embarrassed. How could he say such an outrageous thing?

Wu Minqi also froze, it took a long time to react, and she was a little sluggish: "Ah."




Suffocating conversation.

"Qiqi, seriously, I really miss you. Taifeng Building will open soon. Come here in two days." Jiang Feng said.

"it is good."

"I'll book a ticket for you."

"it is good."

Wu Minqi looked at Jiang Feng on the screen of her phone, smiled, and first opened the box: "What did you do today?"

"Today we are all busy recruiting, oh, by the way, you absolutely can't think of it, you remember that my third grandfather had an apprentice in Shudi, and he also came, but ..." After Wu Minqi introduced the topic, the two talked Already.

After chatting for more than half an hour, Wu Minqi glanced at the time above the mobile phone: "It's so late, you haven't taken a shower yet. Go and take a shower and go to bed early."


Hanging up the video call, Jiang Feng thought about it, what did he just say?

Oh, yes, book a ticket. Hurry up and book a ticket.

Yes, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

It's better to book the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow seems a bit hasty. If you book the day after tomorrow, you can arrive at noon.

On the other side, Wu Minqi has n’t thought about why Jiang Feng made a video call today after blowing her hair. She can only send a WeChat message to a single dog, but she seems to be particularly researched in terms of emotion, and is passionate about being an emotion expert Months for help.

Wu Minqi: Yueyue, why is your boyfriend suddenly becoming very sticky?

Month: ...

Jiyue: Don't eat, get out.

Wu Minqi over the phone :? ? ?

On the second day, the assigned Jiang family got up early, each performing his or her own duties, what to do, and those who were not assigned to the task, such as Jiang Feng, Jiang Yanlian, and Jiang Yanqing, could play each one.

The decoration of Taifeng Building came to an end, but it has not yet been completely completed, that is, these two days, and the two sisters have only had a leisure time in these two days.

When the decoration of Taifeng Building is completed, the facilities of the back kitchen are settled, and the old man must catch them to practice cooking.

It is for this reason that Wuyi has assumed that the two sisters have been playing wildly these days.

Jiang Feng accompanied the two sisters for a day in Peiping City, and spent most of their time on the subway. Basically, they ate from one store to another. The two sisters fed Jiang Feng one by one from their snack and fed him. Yes, although there was only one sip, but it couldn't hold up much, he came back with a snoring at night.

On the third day, Jiang Feng picked up at the airport and began a happy cohabitation life.

As the saying goes, Xiaobie wins the wedding. Jiang Feng has spent more than 10 days in Xia Mudi's memory. To outsiders, he has only seen Wu Minqi for a few days, but it has been more than 10 days from his perspective. .

The flight was on time. Jiang Feng waited for more than 10 minutes at the exit to Wu Minqi. As a result, she asked her luggage and bags, "Did you eat?"

"Eat the plane meal on the plane, it's okay, the food is good, one person also gave a spoonful of old godmother sauce." Wu Minqi said.

Jiang Feng :? ? ?

When he went to Peiping before, he also took a plane. Why didn't he get this treatment.

"Is everything going well in the store?" Wu Minqi cared.

"It sounds smooth to hear from my dad. I ca n’t get involved in those things. Otherwise, I ’ll take you to the store to see if I have to go back home? It ’s almost finished and the kitchen is finished. "Jiang Feng said.

"it is good."

Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi were heading for the subway station and received a phone call from Jiang Jiankang.

"Hey, smash, your grandma's trustee sent the big flowers over, but it seems to be blocked on what road, where and where the driver is a foreigner and can't find the road. Your grandma can only arrive in the afternoon by plane in the evening. Now, you are free in our house. You used to pick up the address. I will give you the address now! "Jiang Jiankang said with a loud voice, and he seemed very noisy there.

Jiang Feng :? ? ?

"Big flower? Dad, are you wrong? When did grandma say she was coming, why don't I know." Jiang Feng said.

"That's right, this is what your grandma just called and told me. Your grandma's coming was settled a few days ago. Didn't your mother and I tell you? Oh, maybe it was too busy at that time We forgot to tell you. "Jiang Jiankang said," I'll hang up first. It's too noisy here. I'll send you the positioning later. "

"No, Dad, don't hang up, why are the big flowers sent over?" Jiang Feng is now choking ~ ~ Dahua is a pig, and it was once the heaviest pig of the Jiang family.

Even though it may have been fed by Grandma Jiang during this period of time, it is said that there are more than 200 kilograms, and a pig is transported from Z City to Peiping as far as one or two thousand kilometers. Where is it easy to transport?

"Your grandma is here, and no one will raise the big flowers, so I will definitely deliver them." Jiang Jiankang said.

"Aren't there any other pigs in the pigpen? Didn't grandma send the two flowers and the three flowers together?" Jiang Feng is now real.

"Erhua and Sanhua have n’t been delivered, are n’t the two pigs still young? Your grandma gave him to the neighbor's grandma Li, and the big flower is still yours. Did n’t you say you want to keep it as a pet? Grandma just entrusted him to carry it all the way. "Jiang Jiankang said," Okay, don't say it, you can pick it up, I have hung up beforehand! "

"Don't, don't, don't, where is Dahua transported to raise?" Jiang Feng began to jump outside with a rush of nonstandard Northeast dialect.

"Oh, yes, yes, it ’s okay to smash you to remind me, I almost forgot. The big flowers were sent to Professor Li's house to raise them, Professor Li and they would come over in two days. The pigpens let them have that thing. The housekeeper is still a manager. Anyway, it ’s just someone like the housekeeper. I ’ll send you the address together, and you will send the big flowers over. I ’m really busy here, I ’m going to hang up, I ’m really Hang up. "Jiang Jiankang did not give Jiang Feng a chance to speak, and hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?" Wu Minqi asked.

"We may not be able to go home first, we have to pick up the big flowers." Jiang Feng was still a little hesitant.

"Who is Dahua? Is your cousin?" Wu Minqi asked curiously.


Wu Minqi :? ? ?

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Genius remember the address of this site in a second :. Mobile website reading URL:

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