Although the news of the national jade seal has already been passed, Gao Xiang and his party still planned to visit because of the face of Li Fen and Cui Xiaoya.

Cui Zhimin is still in his 60s...but he looks... quite tough. When Gao Xiang and the others saw him, he had just finished breakfast and was walking in the yard. .

Gao Xiang's group of four directly explained their intentions, saying that they were here for a tour. They had met Li Fen before, so they came to visit at random.

When Cui Zhimin heard Gao Xiang's intention, he quickly and enthusiastically brought Gao Xiang's 4 people close to the house.

There was also an old grandmother who was about the same age as Cui Zhimin in the room, apparently he should be his wife.

Cui Zhimin ordered his wife to serve tea to Gao Xiang and others.

From this, it can be seen that the living conditions of Cui Zhimin's family are indeed very good, if not the best in the village, they are at least in the upper and middle reaches.

No matter what you do or talk, you can see that it is different from those villagers who have been poor for a lifetime.

Gao Xiang's four 44-year-old young people couldn't let the older generation serve them no matter what, they hurriedly stepped forward to help, and sat down again after the tea was ready.

It wasn't until this time that Cui Zhimin asked, "I heard them say, aren't you here to visit relatives? It seems that Cui Dapao is your cousin."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang waved his hands quickly and said: "Oh, this is a long story, I will not hide it from you, in fact, we are not related to uncle and nephew, because some coincidences entered Cui Dapao's house, and he saw him sick at that time. Lie down on the bed miserably."

"As a person, I naturally can't wait to die, so I helped him treat him."

"As the saying goes, help people to the end, and send the Buddha to the west."

"In order to avoid trouble, I had to declare to the outside world that I was here to visit relatives, or I had a reason to help him."

Cui Zhimin didn't suspect him, and he knew about the same from yesterday, and he knew that Bu Disturb, who had not been walking around the village for several days, finally appeared in everyone's sight.

Combined with what Gao Xiang said, we can understand the ins and outs.

Cui Zhimin shook his head and said, "Son, it can be seen that you are all kind-hearted, but all your money is spent... it's a waste of money, thousands of dollars are gone."

"Of course, if Cui Dabao can reform his ways, you have done a good deed, just be afraid of him..."

Cui Zhimin didn't finish the rest of the words, and Gao Xiang knew what he meant.

Gao Xiang waved his hand and said, "It's okay. When I encountered that situation, I couldn't just let him die, but if he was rescued, it would be unreasonable to let him live in such a sloppy life. I can only help how much... how much?" As for what to do in the future, I think he should also have a law in his heart."

Cui Dapao did seem to have changed a lot as the villagers described, but Gao Xiang was not sure if it would really change in the future.

What Cui Dapao said was really beautiful, and Gao Xiang also felt his sincerity, but it was true when he just got out of his misery.

On other people, most people will do the same, but when things get better in the future, after a long time, whether the habits of the previous half-life can really change, Gao Xiang is really not sure.

Seeing Gao Xiang say this, Cui Zhimin didn't say anything more.

After chatting for a while..., Gao Xiang also told Cui Zhimin about the situation of Li Fen and Cui Xiaoya, and Cui Zhimin was relieved when he heard that his grandfather and grandson were doing well.

Although the actual distance between the two is not far, the road is too difficult to walk, and both sides are elderly, it is really inconvenient to walk.

The three of Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi sat together... One morning, Cui Zhimin finally asked to leave Gao Xiang and others at home for dinner, but Gao Xiang politely refused.

The reason for refusal is naturally Cui Dabao, who is alone at home, no matter what...

Whether this person has changed in the future, Gao Xiang can't just ignore it all of a sudden.

When Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi returned to Cui Dapao's house, they found that Cui Dapao was sitting alone in the yard, wondering what he was thinking.

Gao Xiang stepped forward and asked: Uncle, why did you run away by yourself, is there something wrong?"

Seeing Gao Xiang's return, Cui Dapao showed a hint of joy on his face, and replied, "It's alright, it's just... Seeing that you guys won't come back for so long, I'm a little worried, just come out and wait..."

Gao Xiang heard the words and smiled and said, "We are all so old, so nothing will happen."

"It just so happens that you came out too, so let's get some air outside and let's cook."

Cui Dapao smiled and nodded, then his expression became a little hesitant, and finally he seemed to have made up his mind and finally asked, "When are you going to leave?"

: Ask for a reward, ask for all support.

Chapter 1287

Gao Xiang was stunned when he heard the words, and after thinking about it, he said, "The day after tomorrow, your physical condition should recover almost the day after tomorrow, so we should leave."

"There's nothing else to do here. There are still a lot of things waiting for us outside. We can't stay here forever."

Cui Dabao was obviously in a low mood, and after waiting for a long time, he showed an open-minded expression: "That's right, you are all still young, you really can't stay here all the time, and you don't belong here."

But anyone could see that his open-mindedness was faked.

Anyone who has been alone for most of his life, finally met a few people who can accompany him, and will leave in a few days, and it is completely irresistible, who can be open-minded.

Gao Xiang naturally felt Cui Dabao's emotions.

But it's hard to say anything, he can't be soft-hearted, he really can't stay here forever.

Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi didn't speak a word, they were just busy with their own affairs.

Seeing that the four of them didn't speak, Cui Dapao hurriedly said, "I didn't intend to embarrass you, I just feel a little sad."

"You saved my life and brought me a new life. Looking at such a clean yard, I feel that I have the courage to live. Anyway, I should thank you."

"But you have also seen my conditions. There is nothing in the family, and some are just an old house and an old life. There is really nothing to repay you."

"I can only wish you good luck in your future life in my heart."

Gao Xiang, who was busy with his work, saw Lu Wanxi's lips moving, and he didn't have to think about what Lu Wanxi was muttering.

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