Life With You

Chapter 564: Hard work

The bridge was in a mess, and the entire driving lane was blocked. Six bodyguards came down from two cars. The men rushed to the side of the car, four of them supported the car to ensure that the car would not fall down with a slight shake. One opens the driver’s seat and the other opens the rear door.

The bodyguard stood by the door, looking at Song Xi's eyes with a trace of panic, as if it wasn't her that he saw, but George Sheng, who was bound to be angry.

Song Xi didn't know how pale his face was at this moment, as if Kong had dried blood and was like a white paper.

In the first sentence, she said: "Save my friend first!"

The bodyguard behind her was already pulling Diana, followed by Han Chunmeng, and finally only Song Xi was left. She was shocked that she didn't have any strength at all, so the bodyguard stepped forward to help her unlock the seat belt, and then lifted her head to hug her from the car. come out.

Although the catastrophe did not die and was shocked, this incident also gave Song Xi an initiation again. It turns out that there has always been a hidden danger to her life. Is it Song Yuanqing's enemy? Or Song Yuan's revenge from jumping the wall?

Putting this aside, Song Xi turned his head to look at the arm of the bodyguard. Fortunately, Diana and Han Chunmeng were not injured. Song Xi stepped forward and just wanted to talk, but her ankle hurts so much that she said, "Ah". She almost didn't kneel down, but fortunately, the bodyguard beside her was quick-eyed and held her back.

Song Xi was sent to the doctor nearby. Fortunately, it was not a fracture, but a soft tissue contusion, but the injury was considered to be the more serious of the same type. Her ankle was swollen, and there was bruise inside. The doctor wanted to help her rub the tendons. Open, this pain is not something ordinary people can tolerate. Song Xi asked everyone to go out. He also asked for a special wooden stick from the doctor. He put it in his mouth and bit it. Outside the door, he couldn't hear the slightest movement inside, but Song Xi She was in a painful cold sweat. No matter how she comforted herself, she was also a doctor. She must maintain the quality of a doctor, but in fact, she was so painful that she didn’t recognize her. If she didn’t have any strength, she might kick the doctor in front of her. .

When George Sheng arrived, Song Xi’s feet had just been rubbed, and his ankles were simply bandaged. Except for the thickness, the scary inside was not visible, but Song Xi’s eyes were red and the whites of his eyes seemed to ooze blood, which made him feel the pain of acupuncture. .

The doctor originally prepared a wheelchair for her. George Sheng was useless. He directly hugged her and went to the inpatient department. Song Xi buried her face on George Sheng's chest all the way. Whether it was because she was shocked or resisting tears, her body remained slightly. Trembling.

Yuan Bao came with George Sheng. One was to question the bodyguards, and the other was to take care of the emotions of Han Chunmeng and Diana for Song Xi and George Sheng. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with both of them, just scratching their hands. skin.

They said a few words to Song Xi in the ward, and then Yuan Bao asked someone to take Han Chunmeng back, and called Chang Jingle.

Chang Jingle came to visit Song Xi, and said by the way: "Don't worry about your friend, I will send her back to the hotel, and you will take care of it."

Song Xi was strong enough in front of him. George Sheng did not ask anything about what happened before. He waited until everyone was gone and there were only two people left in the ward. He reached out and touched Song Xi’s face. Crying, without disguising, all the emotions burst out.

George Sheng's dark eyes were filled with distress and a trace of cruelty, which was full of desire for revenge, no matter who it was, he wanted the other party to pay the price.

He has always been a person who can't speak sweet words, and there are very few people who can make him whisper softly. At this moment, Song Xi's wounds and tears really hit his heart, so he instinctively He lowered his voice and whispered to her like a feather, for fear that she would blow her away if she was panting.

"Stop crying, sorry, I didn't arrange it."

Holding a tissue in his hand, he gently wiped her tears, even the voice was extremely gentle.

Song Xi nodded and sobbed, "It's none of your business."

She also didn't want him to apologize, things are impermanent, people can only do their jobs, and life depends on the sky.

George Sheng didn't think so. Song Xi was his woman. He couldn't even protect his own woman, so what kind of face would he like to talk to her?

With a thousand words, George Sheng looked at her with a deep gaze, his thin lips opened, and he said in a deep voice, "I really want to tie you to my belt."

So unless you hurt him first, no one can move her.

What a tender sentence, but Song Xi just smiled strangely. With a burst of tears, he said to him with red eyes: "Your pants belt is too cold."

George Sheng looked at her, two seconds later: "Rogue."

She is said to be a gangster. Recently, the two of them are like a shadow, like glue and paint. Many times the door is closed. Before turning around, she was pressed against the wall by him. The day before yesterday, she wore a short sweater and raised her arm to hug him. When the neck was pressed, the metal buckle on the belt was stamped on her stomach, and her whole body was agitated by the cold.

At that time, she reacted very much and shocked him.

Speaking of hooligans, Song Xi's brain circuit turned elsewhere and sighed lightly: "Hey, today is the first anniversary of our wedding, and I am planning to give you a gift. Now that this is happening, I feel helpless."

George Sheng didn't ask her what she wanted to give, but said directly: "I also have a gift for you."

Song Xi supported her swollen eyelids and asked curiously, "What gift?"

George Sheng pulled out a black ring box from the jacket pocket on the back of the chair, opened the lid of the box with her back, and took out the ring. From Song Xi’s perspective, she didn’t even see what the ring looked like. He raised her left hand and put the ring on her ring finger.

The whole process was smooth and flowing, like a common meal, without a sense of ritual, let alone excessive rendering.

Song Xi only felt a cold finger and put the ring on. He looked at her. There was no extra expression on his handsome face, but his eyes were cold and hot. Indifference was born, and the heat was because of her.

Thin lips lightly opened, and he whispered: "I have been wronged by marrying me. I don’t even have a wedding or a ring. If you want to make it public, wait until your feet are up. Let’s choose a day and make up for everything that we didn’t do before ."

Song Xi’s tears poured out in an instant, blurring her vision. She had thought about countless scenes of being proposed to put on a ring, and even once fantasizing that the person who proposed was not him, but the fate is like this, and the two are completely unmatched. The people got together, and from then on, love, affection, family, honor and disgrace, they must share together.

Song Xi cried for a long time, and the first thing after she calmed down was to raise her hand to look at the ring.

The ring was bigger than she had imagined. It was in the shape of a crown. The main diamond at the bottom was a rare black diamond over eight carats, and the top was inlaid with a dazzling red diamond of about three carats.

The black is pure, the red is strong, this ring is like George Sheng's people, only those who are considered hard by him are qualified to wear the ring he gave.

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