Life With You

Chapter 847: Help her

Something really happened. Three of the three patients who were unwell eating in the restaurant, two of them were sent to the same hospital. Diana followed the second patient, but the buttocks were still hot in the hospital, and the third was also sent. After a series of rescue and diagnosis, the doctor was diagnosed with food poisoning, and Diana could not understand the professional term. Finally, the doctor used plain language and said that this kind of poisoning bacteria can only appear in meat.

Diana's heart sank, but she didn't panic on her face. She actively contacted the families of the two patients in the hospital, indicating that she was solely responsible and had paid the hospitalization fee. Then she immediately called the foreman and told the restaurant to close in advance, not to receive any more customers, and to stay The leftover food of the customer in the accident.

The foreman was very embarrassed. He said that the clerk had already cleaned it up. Diana said, "Then keep the trash and ask someone to watch it and don't move."

When Chang Jingle rushed to the hospital, Diana was making amends with the customer’s family. Now the doctor diagnosed food poisoning and the family was very angry. Before he saw anyone, he heard an unfamiliar voice and cursed in particular: "You The restaurant charges are not cheap, right? More than two thousand steaks, and a bowl of soup is also a few hundred big. I will take my girlfriend to eat, and eat your environment and quality. If you are good, you will send me directly to the hospital. It doesn’t matter how expensive it is. You can’t do things without your conscience. This is a human being, a living person, and now the gastric lavage toss is neither a ghost nor a ghost. What is the use of your apology?"

Then came Diana's voice, sincerely saying: "I'm really sorry, if it is our fault, I will bear the responsibility and will never shirk..."

"If? The hospital left the words here, food poisoning! My girlfriend and I had a meal together at noon, and she was fine at that time. It won't work after eating in your store. It's not your problem. problem?"

The family members of the third patient who had an accident also followed suit. One was accidental, the other was accidental, and the third was definitely not accidental.

Diana kept lowering her posture. No matter what they said, she responded. Chang Jingle walked down the corridor and saw Diana nodding and bowing in front of several people. At that moment, his heart hurt.

The male family member was very angry and pointed to Diana: "I tell you, if my girlfriend has something wrong, I will never let you go, and you should not open any restaurant. Your heart is dark. …"

Diana stood in place with a flushed face, and suddenly a cold male voice came from behind: "What can you say to me."

Diana was a little confused, turned her head and saw that Chang Jingle's familiar face appeared in front of him, but he did not look at her, indifferent and full of unpleasant gazes, staring at the grumpy male family in front of him.

The man looked at Chang Jingle, frowned, and asked impatiently: "Who are you?"

Chang Jingle replied with a calm face: "You don't need to worry about who I am. You can tell me if you have any questions. What are you doing with a woman in public?"

The man was already angry, and his voice was even louder when he heard the words: "My girlfriend was eating at her restaurant. The food poisoning was sent by 120 for gastric lavage. Now she is still alive. Who am I not looking for?"

After all, without waiting for Chang Jingle's answer, he opened his mouth again: "I don't care who you are, you and her husband can't make up for her this time. To tell you the truth, I am not short of money. I have already reported the police. , Don’t you apologize to me, it’s no use!"

The man's voice fell, Chang Jingle reached out to hold Diana's wrist and pulled her away. Diana's scalp was numb, and she looked at him after a pause, and asked in a low voice, "Where to go?"

Chang Jing said without changing his face, "Didn't he say it's useless, so why don't you talk to him."

Reason tells Diana that, whether or not she is nonsense, she must maintain the attitude that an operator should have. However, Chang Jingle held her hand so tightly and pulled her back and walked away so firmly. In an instant, in her heart There was a huge sourness, suspected of being wronged.

Before he showed up, she didn't feel wronged, but he came, just as he helped her drive away the strange man who bullied people on the street before. He said that he could find him for anything in the future. Whenever he shows up, wear Anna will have the illusion that a person is very pitiful.

In front of other people, her career is all-round and exquisite, but in front of him, she is just a woman. He does not allow anyone to bully her and speak loudly to her, no matter who is right or wrong.

Diana was dragged away by Chang Jingle in this way. Behind her was the dissatisfied voice of the customer’s family. When she turned a corner, Diana's mind was refreshed, and she pulled her wrist from under his palm. She stopped in place and said: "Chang Jingle, do me a favor."

Chang Jingle looked at her, trying to hide the distress in her eyes, "you said."

Diana said, "Do you know anyone from the Health Bureau? I want to find someone to check in the restaurant and see if it's my problem."

Chang Jingle didn't have the right person in his mind, but he responded, "I'll help you find someone."

Then he asked: "What are you going to do next?"

Diana said: "The first one who had an accident in my restaurant was a child. It seemed that he hadn't been sent to this hospital. I'm going to see him."

Chang Jing said happily, "I will accompany you."

He had seen her being bullied, how could he bear to let her face it alone.

Diana didn't want him to see her embarrassed again, and said: "If you are not busy, go to my restaurant first. The foreman is also a girl. I'm afraid she will get messed up."

Chang Jingle hesitated, he didn't want her to be alone, and he knew what she was most worried about at the moment.

Diana preemptively said: "I'm going to see the patient, I can take care of these, you help me look at the restaurant."

There was a tough request in her eyes, as if to entrust him with the most important things. Time was running out, and Chang Jingle was not long-winded, and they agreed, and the two were divided into two groups.

Diana went out to another nearby hospital, while Chang Jingle drove to the restaurant, calling Duan Ke on the way and asking him if he knew someone from the Health Bureau.

Duan Ke said that he didn't know him, and Chang Jing said happily, "Hurry up and ask someone to ask me. I will count as much favor."

Duan Ke heard Chang Jing's unconcealed eagerness, and quickly said: "Okay, I ask them all to ask."

Driving back to the restaurant from the hospital, there were a few red lights on the road, and the car was blocked for more than half an hour. When Chang Jingle got off the car and walked in, the police and other uniformed people had arrived in the restaurant. The foreman was following They negotiated, and Chang Jingle walked over, the foreman seemed to see a savior.

Chang Jingle said that he came to take care of it on behalf of the shop owner. The police said to him: "Someone called the police to eat here and caused food poisoning. Now colleagues at the Sanitation and Anti-epidemic Station have to bring back food for inspection."

Chang Jingle said: "Yes."

He accompanied him throughout the whole journey. In the middle of the journey, Ke called and said he had contacted him. He found a deputy bureau of the Health Bureau.

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