Life With You

Chapter 849: Who is she from you?

Diana called Tian Li in the middle of the night. When he connected, he was confused and seemed to be asleep.

"Calling so late, what's wrong?" Tian Li asked.

Diana didn't mean anything, she said directly: "Is the batch of beef you ordered in France a regular channel?"

When Tian Li heard this, he paused for a moment, and his voice became sober, "Yes, why do you suddenly ask?" After a pause, "What happened?"

Diana talked about the restaurant in the evening, Tian Li said sternly: "Don't worry, I will never drag you into the water even if I speculate on my own. The source of this batch of beef is formal and can be reviewed by any department at any time. I am not here. Night city, come to work in other places, you wait for me to book the earliest flight back tomorrow."

Diana said: "I'm also afraid that there are any problems that might involve you, so let me tell you first, if everything meets the specifications, then I'm not afraid to investigate."

Tian Li asked: "Did you offend someone? It was said that it was food poisoning. The food test at the Health Bureau is very safe. Now the industry and commerce suspect smuggling. How do I feel that I am deliberately rushing you when I come out?"

Diana replied truthfully: "I don't know, but it is true that this stuff is strange."

Now I can only wait for the review results from the industrial and commercial side.

Chang Jingle was always thinking about this. He ran to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau the next morning and wanted to ventilate directly with their director Lu Bin. However, when Lu Bin was not there, he met Sheng Chenzhou.

Sheng Chenzhou said: "The road bureau has gone on a business trip to another place, what can you do?"

Chang Jingle didn't want to move more with the Sheng family, but Lu Bin could not be found at the moment. Sheng Chenzhou, the secretary of the secretary, may be the person who knows the most, so he can only tell the truth.

Knowing why Chang Jingle came, Sheng Chenzhou said, "Is it last night? Then I really don't know."

Chang Jingle said, "Can you find out for me?"

Sheng Chenzhou didn't put up the score, and said: "Let me ask, you will wait in my office for a while."

Chang Jingle sat on the sofa in Sheng Chenzhou's office. After waiting for more than ten minutes, Sheng Chenzhou came back. The two looked at each other. Chang Jing said happily, "Are there any results?"

Sheng Chenzhou closed the door and watched Chang Jingle replied: "I asked my colleague who worked overtime last night, and he said that the result has come down, and there must be smuggled food."

Chang Jingle frowned slightly. Diana sent him a WeChat message last night, saying that Tian Li would return to Yecheng today to ensure that the beef source was regular. If Tian Li dared to pack the ticket, what went wrong?

Chang Jingle asked, "Did you say what kind of food?"

Sheng Chenzhou replied: "Beef, the beef they brought back from the restaurant, was tested to be Japanese Kobe beef, which has been listed as one of the banned import foods since 2011."

Chang Jingle said: "I have eaten her beef. It is definitely not Kobe beef. It is said that it was shipped from France. Channels can be checked at any time."

Sheng Chenzhou said: "The following inspection process has special personnel to check it. I can't see it. The current result on my side is like this."

After that, he added: "What you eat is not Kobe beef. It does not mean that there is no such beef in her. It is not uncommon for the smuggled goods to go to many countries. It is more risky to smuggle into Japan directly. We A few days ago, a batch of illegally smuggled items were also found. From abroad to the night city, a total of four countries and more than a dozen large and small cities were found."

Chang Jingle is neither a policeman nor a member of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. It is useless to argue with Sheng Chenzhou about black and white. He asked aloud: "If this is the case, how should I be punished?"

Sheng Chenzhou said: "The latest Food Safety Law defines smuggling as an imperfect definition. There are currently three categories, one is the number of illegal products owned by operators, and the second is the impact of illegal products on consumers. The degree of injury, there is also a suspected amount, and the size of the operator’s premises."

"I've heard of your friend's store. I am passing by the hottest restaurant in the night city now. I saw that the floor area is not small and it is high-end consumption level. If it is finally confirmed, it will be sentenced for lack of integrity."

When Chang Jingle heard the sentence sentence, his heart seemed to have been tortured by fire and then thrown into the ice cellar.

He was angry that Tian Li had troubled Diana, and he felt sorry for her current situation.

After a moment of silence, he looked at Sheng Chenzhou and asked, "Can you solve it privately?"

Sheng Chenzhou said: "It is suspected of smuggling, and now the colleagues below are still sure. It is very difficult to handle. I am afraid that I will not be able to suppress it. You can find a road bureau."

Chang Jingle got Lu Bin's phone number from Sheng Chenzhou, and when he went out, he called, but Lu Bin didn't answer it. Chang Jingle sent a text message and reported his home. After half an hour, Lu Bin returned one and said Being busy, contact him later.

The restaurant is closed today, and there are negative comments on the Internet, saying that customers who ate at QUEEN last night broke the news, and several people were picked up by 120 for food poisoning. Some people broke the news by their real names on Weibo, saying that they were one of the victims. Give any response.

Good news often requires vigorous packaging to spread from one to another. However, bad news can be spread like a snowball without anyone pushing it.

Han Chunmeng saw the news on the Internet and quickly told Song Xi. Song Xi called Diana again, and learned that it was true. It took just a while last night and things became what they are now.

Song Xi had an operation in the morning. During her lunch break, she ran to Diana with Han Chunmeng. Diana hadn't slept all night, and there was a black mass under her eyes. Song Xi frowned and said, "What happened to you? Don't call me?"

Han Chunmeng said, "Wheat didn't tell me either."

Diana said: "I didn't let him say, I thought it was nothing."

Everyone is very busy, don't influence if you can.

Song Xi asked about the cause and effect, and said, "I'll call Zhisheng."

Diana said: "Don't bother him, he is so busy."

Song Xi said, "No matter how busy my family is, I have to solve it."

George Sheng received a call from Song Xi. She was not free at this point and was in a good mood. He asked, "Miss me?"

Song Xi said solemnly: "I will miss you when I go home and tell you something..."

George Sheng listened, "I will ask Yuan Bao to ask."

Song Xi replied: "You can't let the princess be wronged."

George Sheng said: "I know." Song Xi's family, there is no reason to be wronged.

As soon as the phone was hung up here, George Sheng immediately answered Chang Jingle's, and they said the same thing.

George Sheng said: "Diana is Song Xi's family, who is she from you?"

Make it clear that ridicule and provocation.

Chang Jingle knew that he couldn't keep it, paused for a few seconds, and replied casually: "My sweetheart."

The corners of George Sheng's lips curled up like a smile, and he said in a low voice, "You also have today."

In the past, Chang Jingle acted recklessly and teased George Sheng all day long. Now, in Hedong and Hexi for thirty years, don’t bully the young without a wife, and make sure that everyone gets married first and who is a bachelor.

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