"Go away. I just wake up and my breath stinks." He xinsui said coyly.

"And they?" Ning caichen immediately got up and saw that on Simmons, men and women were on Simmons.

Ning caichen took out a gold needle and stabbed it among their people.

"Mm-hmm!" They wake up.

"Sister." They said with one voice.

"Sister?" Ning caichen looks at he xinsui suspiciously.

"He is still my younger brother he Xinyang and his younger sister shangguanyue'er. This is your brother-in-law Ning caichen He xinsui said shyly.

"Ningcaichen?" They look at Ning caichen in dismay.

"He was a village doctor. His father named him to mean that he would get up early to collect herbs, and to collect herbs in the morning." He xinsui explains with a smile.

"Brother in law, you are so good that you can enter my dream. And hurt the heart demon. " He xinsui and his wife said with one voice.

"What do you say?" He xinsui asked in surprise.

He Xinyang talked excitedly and told him all about his dream.

"Can you really get into other people's dreams?" He xinsui asked in surprise.

"Yes." Rather caichen nodded.

"Brother in law, you can clean up the evil spirit. Why did you leave suddenly?" Shangguan yue'er asked in surprise.

"I don't love enough." Rather caichen said with a bitter smile.

"What do you mean? Don't you love your sister enough? But what does it have to do with leaving? " He Xinyang asked in surprise.

"You're going to get the wrong idea Ning caichen gave an endless explanation.

"You need a woman's love for you to enter the dream. Over a thousand years of time, the consumption of love is really a lot He xinsui said in surprise.

"Brother in law, you are so powerful that you can have a legitimate reason to go out to pick up girls openly and openly. Ouch! Let go of the pain He Xinyang exclaimed, his ears were pulled by Shangguan yue'er.

"Do you want to have such a reason?" Shangguan yue'er said angrily.

"It's... no, it's not." He Xinyang said hastily.

No one knows the names of he Xinyang and Shangguan Yueer. They are his bodyguards.

He Xinyang was taken away by a Taoist when he was young. He returned to his hometown at the age of 15, but he brought his younger martial sister Shangguan Yueer back. He was an ancient martial arts expert with unique skills at that time.

He xinsui just graduated from university. Because of his younger brother's protection, he started his own business and finally went to the chaotic Middle East to make a world out of it.

This time he xinsui died. The state suspected that he Xinyang and Shangguan Yueer were spies, so they were allowed to live and die on their own.

However, he Xinyang was the brother of he xinsui, whose blood was thicker than water. He Xinyang was upright and had no relationship with brother and sister, and he would not betray he xinsui.

"Is your injury caused by the capital wind family?" He xinsui said that her delicate body was filled with a cold and murderous air.

"Why He Xinyang and Shangguan Yueer show a surprised look. At this moment, they realize that he xinsui has the innate cultivation.

"Sister, when did you cultivate your internal power?" He Xinyang asked in surprise.

"It was your brother-in-law's help to cultivate by luck." He xinsui said.

"Brother in law, you are good." He Xinyang and his wife give a thumbs up to Ning caichen.

"Tell me quickly, is it the wind family of the ancient Wu family in the capital that has poisoned you?" He xinsui said solemnly.

"Yes, I suspect that the Feng family in Beijing colludes with Japanese pirates. If it wasn't for the wind family, we wouldn't be hurt badly. " He Xinyang said sadly.

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