"Now I can't treat you. You have to go to my hospital, where the medical measures are complete, before you can start to treat the disease. I'll send someone to pick you up. " Ning caichen said.

"We don't have money. We can't afford it." Said Luo Hanguo.

"You're my subordinates. From this moment on, it's all my business to see what you're sick with, and you've got a salary." Rather caichen said calmly.

Luohanguo is silent.

Ning caichen out of the bullpen, immediately call snow white's brother, send coordinates to him, let him pick up Luo Hanguo.

Ning caichen gets on Guo Jingjing's business bus.

Guo Jingjing said as he drove, "do you know everything about Feng family? Even my two families are not rivals of the wind family. "

Guo Jingjing is extremely shocked. I don't know why Ning caichen knows the existence of the ancient martial arts family in China. She also overheard her father mention it and warned her that if she meets the children of the Feng family, she must give in and never offend her.

Think of Ning caichen even wind home dare to challenge, they are not impossible together.

"I don't know, but I'm confident that after three years, I will definitely be able to challenge the wind family." Ning caichen said confidently.

Meng Ya sighs in the sea of knowledge of Ning caichen. She knows that Ning caichen is absolutely capable of fighting against the wind family after three years, and that Ning caichen can grow smoothly.

Now, it's the rhythm of death.

But wealth insurance in the pursuit, to get the help of Luohanguo, after all, to pay.

Ning caichen and Guo quietly leave, it is already late.

Luohanguo's companions continued to come back.

They had a meeting.

"There is a doctor who can cure us, but the doctor has a requirement that we absolutely obey his orders in the future." Said Luo Hanguo.

"Even if we die, we will not surrender to others, and we will never be their lackeys."

"Brother, we must not give in. I'd rather die that way

"Joke, we used to be the scariest army of mercenaries in the Middle East. How can we give in to a little doctor?"

Seven dirty beggars spoke without hesitation.

"The other side promised that once we became his subordinates, we would have two more goals in this life, killing the wind family and suppressing the white pig." Said Luo Hanguo seriously.

"If it's patriots, we're willing to surrender."

One by one, they made a statement at once.

It is for revenge that they muddle along and live. When someone helps them revenge, they give their lives to others.

"We can't implicate others, so take it!" Luohanguo took out a porcelain vase.

Take a dark pill one by one.

It's all gone down and there's no breathing.

as like as two peas, it's a miracle drug. It will be like a dead person, and it will be revived automatically after a day.

Soon, the kind-hearted people in the village came to deliver some leftovers and leftovers, and found that eight of them had died strangely.

Soon the villagers buried them in a hurry all night.

At midnight.

A helicopter landed.

Several people came down and dug out the remains. After that, they inserted them with silver needles and pulled them out. There was no blood, indicating that they were dead.

"It's a pity that the skill has gone, and we can't get any benefits."

"It seems that Luohanguo can make the Yin wind and vigorous Qi disappear."

One by one, they sighed. Originally, the internal power of the mobile phone Yinfeng was absorbed and cultivated. However, they didn't realize the existence of the Yin wind and vigorous Qi.

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