"Beauty, this is your job, it has nothing to do with me." Rather caichen said with a smile.

"Caichen, if you do this, you will die. They don't have money to treat the disease. They can't delay the disease." Guo said quietly and seriously.

"I'm a private hospital, and there are so many public hospitals in many countries. Just ask them to see a doctor." Rather caichen said coldly.

"How can you forgive them?" Guo Jingjing's tone softened. He knew that his relationship with Ning caichen was not clear. He said that the lover couldn't make sense, and that his friends didn't seem to have any friendship. By what order would you rather caichen do things?

"They are ill. Why do I have to give them free treatment instead of asking them to be grateful and not resentful to me. I have paid so much for the problem, and there is only endless resentment. Since they hate me, let them hate more. Helping them all the time seems like the more I owe them. " Rather caichen said with a sneer.

Guo Jingjing smiles bitterly. She is also the first time to see such a shameless villager. However, things have to be solved and can not be motivated.

This group of villagers are so shameless and so poor in morality that they have to teach them slowly, but Guo Jingjing has no ability to teach them.

However, as government officials, Guo Jingjing's mission and responsibility are to lead them to become rich and to make them well-off.

"Beauty, I owe you in my last life. In fact, I have solved the problem for you. Wait for the good news Rather caichen see Guo Jingjing not happy, feel uncomfortable.

"Have you solved it?" Guo Jingjing blooms a joyful smile and wishes to embrace Ning caichen.

"They came here to plead, and I asked the village head to represent them. So they have to choose a village head. So wait until they select the village head, and then the charging standard will remain unchanged. That is, there are two major characteristics. If you want to get free treatment, you must get the signature of the village head, and then go to your place for examination and approval, and verify that they are extremely poor families. Only then can they be eligible for free treatment benefits. " Ning caichen said with a smile.

"If you set up obstacles for them, if you want free treatment, you have to ask for help and rub away their bad roots. Good idea. I didn't think of it. You're the smartest. You can lead the whole county to become rich in three years. I promise to marry you. " Guo Jingjing looks at Ning caichen with a smile. His eyes are a bit obsessed.

Ning caichen feels the change of Guo Jingjing, the temperature of Love rises, but it is always unable to compare with the small shadow, which is always a little bit worse.

"Do you want a kiss as a reward?" Ning caichen shows a smile of evil charm.

Guo Jingjing is particularly happy, because Ning caichen helped to play a practical role, and also established the authority of the government. Naturally, it will bring great prestige to Guo Jingjing.

Some people's bones are mean. If you don't beat them, you will not know how to advance or retreat, and what will you do.

Ning caichen see Guo Jingshu eyebrow smile, it is from the heart of the smile, the smile is particularly good-looking, can not help but look stupefied.

I have to admit that Guo Jingjing is very beautiful. I can't help indulging in it.

Guo Jingjing is very confident about her appearance. Seeing Ning caichen's infatuated eyes, she knows that her charm fascinates Ning caichen, but she doesn't know whether she really wants to marry her.

Now Guo Jingjing likes Ning caichen more and more. If he doesn't see Ning caichen, he will miss him. He likes to be with him very much. He is very happy with him.

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