As like as two peas, the merciless fairy's practice is similar, but it is less than the use of trial power to improve.

And its power is greater than that of the power of judgment.

All kinds of signs show that the skill is very powerful.

"I don't know. There are these two kinds of skills in my blood inheritance, and the one I want to practice most is the one I want to practice, but my body will automatically operate the skill of forgetting emotion, so I can't help practicing it myself." The heartless fairy sighed.

Rather caichen a Leng, did not expect the merciless fairy body has two kinds of skills.

"What's the name of Gongfa?" Ning caichen knew that the martial arts were against the heaven and could be practiced under the prohibition of the great emperor in the underworld, without any restriction of the rules of heaven and earth.

"Forget love too much and protect forever. In fact, what you and I practice is a mental method. Eternal protection is the second part, and forgetting love too much is the first part. But I can't practice eternal protection. "

"I can't practice the supreme forgetting skill, but he Mengya can practice eternal protection."

"Yes! I was a man who could practice. I thought that no one in the world could practice. I didn't expect that you two could practice. " The heartless fairy sighed.

"Tell me about your first parents! Maybe we can find some clues from them. "

"I don't have parents. Since I woke up for the first time, I crawled out of a dark world. Later, I learned that it was the mausoleum of gods and demons. I saw the grave keeper. The grave keeper only told me that I had been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years and it was time to go out for a walk, or I would never wake up. "

Ning caichen heard the whole body from chicken skin creeping.

The heartless fairy gushed out her heart's words. After all, only Ning caichen could talk to her.

These and Xiutian said that Xiutian didn't know what to say, but Ning caichen could understand.

After climbing out of the dark world, I found that I had climbed out of the grave. There were tombs all around. Every tomb had a tombstone, recording the name of every great power.

And these great powers sleep here forever, never resurrect, they are really dead.

But they were cultivated into immortal bodies, but they were also killed.

A hunchback old man told her she had been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years.

Ask the tomb keeper about his life experience.

The grave keeper replied that when the opportunity came, he would wake up.

With the grave keeper, I put a bunch of carnations in the Tomb every day. I don't know how long it took.

The state of the body's forgetting feelings is loose.

Happy to tell the grave keeper.

The grave keeper sighed and said, "it's time to come. Go out."

Then it appeared on the battlefield. Many primitive people used stone tools to fight.

Seeing the bloody scene, I was frightened, but the self forgetting skill in my body turned automatically and broke through.

When I woke up, she became a newborn girl.

A tribe defeated, killing all sensible children, leaving children under three years old.

Adopted by the patriarch.

After that, he practiced the merciless skill. He didn't marry all his life. He knew that his adoptive father and mother had passed away and wandered around the world.

Finally, he cultivated himself to be immortal. He fought with the great emperor in the underworld. Finally, he fell down. When he woke up, he was a baby girl. He did not reincarnate. He was adopted and grew up.

Time and again to the point of immortality, they were killed by the great emperor of the underworld. They laid out and built the insect kingdom again and again.

In the insect kingdom.

But in the beginning, it wasn't the insect kingdom, it was other creatures. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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