Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1503: Must be shot

The top of the big tree.

Li Fan watched the **** bear approach the monkey baby's cabin little by little.

10 meters, 8 meters, 5 meters, getting closer and closer, the monkey baby did not respond, still asleep.

If it weren't in a state of deep sleep, at such a close distance, the monkey baby should be able to sense danger.

But since a person lives in the deep mountains and old forests, even when sleeping, one should maintain a high degree of vigilance.

"The monkey baby is still too young after all." Li Fan commented in his heart.

Of course, this does not affect Li Fan's recognition of the monkey baby.

When the **** bear was only about one meter away from the cabin, the monkey baby finally got the sense, opened his eyes, got up, and looked vigilantly outside from the door.

At this moment, Li Fan nodded secretly. Although his reaction was a little slower, he still had enough time to deal with it.

The **** bear has arrived outside the wooden house and is sniffing fiercely with his nose. It should have been attracted by a special smell in the wooden house, and is now looking for something that emits that smell.

At this time, the monkey baby also saw from the crack in the door that this uninvited guy was a **** bear.

Then, without appearing flustered, a pair of eyes fixed on the **** bear's every move.

Perhaps after smelling something like that inside the house, the **** bear started pushing the door.

Its talent potential is as high as 70%, its intelligence is not low, it can distinguish the position of the door, and it is the easiest to be pushed.

The **** bear is very strong and powerful, and the door, which was only bolted with wood glass, was easily pushed open by the **** bear.

The entire cabin has only one door and no windows. The monkey baby cannot escape outside the house at the first time, and can only face the **** bear inside the house.

The small wooden house has a small space, and it is not a small danger to the **** bear and the monkey baby in the house.

But if it can escape outside the house, it will be difficult for the **** bear to pose a threat to the monkey baby.

The monkey baby also knew that he had to go outside the house as soon as possible, otherwise, he would be very passive.

The **** bear squeezed into the house, as if from the monkey baby, he felt a trace of danger. The **** bear appeared a little uneasy and roared in a low voice.

The monkey baby's skill is not low, and it can indeed pose a certain threat to the **** bear. The **** bear's intelligence is not low, and it can naturally be felt.

However, the threat posed by the monkey baby to the **** bear was not enough to make the **** bear feel scared and retreat. Instead, it aroused the ferocity of the **** bear, and a trace of anxiety caused it to fall into a violent state.

In the next second, the **** bear suddenly swooped at the monkey baby, the monkey baby's eyes condensed, and his short body flashed, which was able to escape the attack of the **** bear's paw.

"Good opportunity." The monkey baby's eyes lit up.

Just now, the **** bear's attack caused it to leave the door. The door was already open. Just one more step, the monkey baby can flash to the door and escape to the house. At that time, there is no need to be afraid of this big guy.

However, the monkey baby obviously underestimated the intelligence of the **** bear. Just when the monkey baby wanted to get out of the door again and grab the door, the **** bear stepped back and blocked the door again.

The monkey baby was slightly startled, wondering if the **** bear hit and bumped by mistake and retreated, or because he knew that he wanted to go out, he retreated and blocked the door?

"If it's the latter, it's too smart, I'm afraid it's smarter than the father's big monkey." The monkey baby thought in her heart.

At the top of the big tree not far away, Li Fan chuckled and said, "It seems that things are a little troublesome."

There is a curse, and he can know very clearly what is happening in the cabin.

However, although it is a bit troublesome, the monkey baby is not too dangerous. The two sides have to compete several times. The monkey baby should be able to find a chance and escape outside the house.

However, things often happen with accidents.

"Master, there is another **** bear approaching the cabin. It is a female bear. It seems to be a pair with this male bear. The talent potential has reached 70%, which is very rare." Xiao The curse said in Li Fan's mind.

"Here is another one? Isn't the bear a solitary animal?" Li Fan was slightly surprised, but then he thought that this season is the season of black bears. It is normal that one male and one female two bears appear at the same time.

However, the talent potential of the two bears reached 70%, which really surprised Li Fan. As Xiao Zhou said, this is very rare.

Suddenly, Li Fan's heart moved and said, "Little curse, it's the season for the black bears to admire each other. These two guys appear together, obviously for this purpose. Do you think the cubs they gave birth to have talent potential? Could it be more than 95%?"

"This..." Xiao Zhou muttered, "This is hard to say, the possibility should not be great. However, it is not completely impossible."

Li Fan nodded. Animals with a talent potential of more than 95% can't be met. Li Fan doesn't expect to meet another animal like this.

However, there is a slight possibility now, and Li Fan is equally delighted.

At the same time, I made a decision in my heart. After the two big guys are born, I have to come here again to see what the talent potential of that little guy is.

Although the possibility of reaching more than 95% is very small, as long as there is a trace, it is worth a trip.

Of course, this is a later story. Now, if there is another big guy in the small wooden house, and the two big guys cooperate fully, Li Fan estimates that the monkey baby will be in trouble.

For two guys with 70% talent potential, there is no doubt about their ability to cooperate.

Moreover, the approaching female was probably summoned by the male in the wooden house.

Now, the female was very close to the wooden house, and the male in the wooden house roared happily, seemingly very proud, but also slightly taunting.

The monkey baby also sensed that a new danger was approaching, and then, what seemed to be thought of? His complexion changed suddenly, and his rather calm face began to become flustered.

Obviously, the monkey baby also thought of the danger that was approaching at this time. It was another **** bear.

If it is outside the house and a few more **** bears come, the monkey baby is not afraid, because with his skill, he can easily escape, and the **** bear is impossible to catch up.

But in this small wooden house, facing two such clever **** bears, the monkey baby knew that he was a bit fierce.

There is even only "fierce" and no "good luck".

At this moment, the monkey baby was a little regretful, regretting that she shouldn't be living alone in this deep mountain and old forest because of some skill.

You may encounter beasts here, the monkey baby naturally knows and is prepared.

In fact, the monkey baby is not afraid of encountering beasts. Faced with the most powerful beasts such as tigers and blind bears, he can easily escape even if he can't beat them.

He couldn't imagine that he would be blinded by two extremely clever bears, stuck in a small wooden house. With his agile skills, there was no room for display, and it was impossible to escape.

The monkey baby is flustered, he does not want to die, he is only 18 years old, he has just found his dream, and has not had time to realize it.

The monkey baby tried to calm himself down. He knew that the more flustered he was, the more dangerous he was.

But knowing that Gui knew, he couldn't calm down anyway, because another bear, blind, had already arrived outside the wooden house.

On a big tree not far away, Li Fan saw that the female was also outside the wooden house, and knew that this time he had to make a move.

Otherwise, the monkey baby that was finally found must be explained tonight.


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