Himeko looked at this pseudo-Lori with a smile.

School Principal,You also have today.。

Yesterday, I came to her with a video of appreciating her.

How majestic it was to speak back then.

That's the end of our business.

Now isn't it feng shui taking turns?

"School Principal, it looks like you're going to be surrounded by a group of people. "

"Himeko, I think I'm probably a little sleepy. Teresa softly opened the office door.

Do you want to escape?

You can't escape.

She felt the same way yesterday.

When I was appreciative, goosebumps fell to the ground.

What's the difference between this and being watched by yourself?

"School principal,In order to record some important information that may be overlooked,I will use cameras and other methods so that you can see today's live broadcast content the next day。 Himeko hooked the corners of her mouth, and the whole person was like a red-haired witch.

Theresa let out a lovely lament, "Don't you, Himeko, I don't think it's okay?".

If others see her like this, I'm afraid I'll have to call her a little devil.

"Why is Himeko-sensei so scary all of a sudden?" Kiana whispered, her voice a little lower than that of a mosquito.

But the office is so big that you can hear it all at once.

I'm afraid that after today's experience, what will she do in the eyes of the students?

"School principal, come on, face it as well as I do. "

There is still a sentence that I am reluctant to say.

You can't escape, Principal Academy.

Theresa shuddered.

This Himeko is really terrible today!

I knew that I would have taken Kiana with me to find her in the morning.

At least there is a good niece to accompany her to share the extent of social death.

Now it's broken, and the good and bad are all left to her alone.

Brother M in the live broadcast room made a move.

Clicked on Teresa's series character from the Valkyrie list.

"Is there so many roles for each character?" asked Brother M.


"Isn't this an old tradition of Missan?".

"Yes, this game is so beautiful, even I design a few sets of clothes for you, for fear you don't like it. "

"Cast a wide net, it's up to you which bite you like. "

"If I'm not mistaken, Missan even figured out our operating system and started creating new ones. "

Brother M nodded.

Yes, there are so many Valkyries, it's really a bit of a dazzling feeling.

Hover over to stargazing.

"This armor is a bit ancient, if memory serves, this should be a traditional ceramic costume, right?".

When Teresa saw this face, she was stunned.

I don't remember when I wore something like this.

Is this the future?

But against her face and her voice.

She felt a cool breeze blowing through her.

I regret letting Mei Yi watch the live broadcast together.

Otherwise, one less will know.

She's one less branch dead.

"The first embrace under the moon?wow~dark Lolita style!".

Brother M couldn't take his eyes off it.

If there was no Grecell.

That's the character who caught his eye yesterday.

On the street, you can see the kind that can love so much that you can't walk.


"Is Brother M actually Lolicon?".

"No, I think it's just plain perverted, just like us. "

"Well, well said. "

Kiana had a shocked expression that I couldn't read.

The school principal's clothes are very good-looking.。

But it's not so appealing, is it?

"Auntie, you're so welcome. "

"Say no more, you guys. Dressa was about to cry with a grieved expression, and her face was shy and red.

This expression is still since I met my aunt.

I really saw it for the first time!

Kiana straightened her chest and smiled, looking at Teresa as if she were a junior.

I feel like there's been a lot going on in the past two days.

Witness history every day.

Today I saw the shy Teresa again.

But logically speaking, isn't the age of the eldest aunt quite old?

Can you still blush at such an age?

"Shame on ......you," Teresa lamented.

Brother M is still continuing to appreciate.

"Valkyrie Oath, this is also very good, does this belong to the kind of dress of a church nun?".

Teresa recognized at a glance that this was what she was wearing at the moment.

Now I have no face to see anyone.

The previous two sets can be said to be worn by the future or other Delisa.

But now it's her.

When she was looked at, she shivered.

It's going to make her happy.

If it gets out in the future.

How can the majesty of the head of St. Freya's school be maintained?

Fortunately, this video is currently only a few of them in the audience of Honkai Impact World.

Mei Yi looked at the time, it was quite late.

She won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow.

Even if the head of the school is here.,It's impossible to take a vacation every day for them, right?


Brother M took a quick look at Delisa's armor.

"My favorite is this, stargazing, under the moon. These two are the most gorgeous, and the rest of the armor feels too combative. "

"I'm not saying it's bad, everyone has their own love. "

Brother M hurriedly folded his armor.

"By the way, I almost forgot to appreciate our game's main character, Kiana. "

"But it's almost time today, so let's save this for tomorrow, goodbye everyone!~".

On the other side, Kiana's smile froze instantly.

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