Chapter 279 Ability enhancement, establishment of organization; day opportunity

After applying the drug, He Yong’s brain became extremely clear.After thinking about it, he remembered himself where he had seen this miraculous drug.

That’s right, it’s in the movie “Never Ending”.

He Yong’s words also reminded Xu Che, no wonder he thinks the name of this medicine is so familiar, because it has appeared in the movie.

Moreover, in the movie plot, the effect of this smart drug is very similar to that of the smart drug in reality. It can be said to be exactly the same. The development of the brain is unforgettable, and the thinking is quick. “Why is this and why? It’s just a drug fabricated in the movie that actually appeared in our real life.”

Xu Che frowned and couldn’t help muttering to himself.

“Mr. Xu, the contents are so unreasonable.”

He Yong saw the matter very openly. He smiled and said: “We may never know the reason why the containment produces supernatural power, as long as we figure out its characteristics.”

“What you said makes sense.”

Xu Che also nodded, he looked like a medicine bottle in his hand: “Maybe I should also take this medicine to see what effect it will have on me”

At present, Zhao Lun has taken this medicine for two years, and his body is fine, and He Yong has no problem with the medicine.

He should also be able to try it, and, he is not… an ordinary person, if this smart drug is really a drug that can develop the brain, then more different effects may happen to him.

Thinking of this, Xu Che poured another 1 medicine from the medicine bottle and put it into his mouth.

This kind of smart is soft and waxy, almost tasteless, Xu Che ate it easily.

And at the moment he swallowed the medicine, he suddenly felt a change, and an extremely cold sensation impacted his brain, making his brain: unprecedented awake.

This feeling is like the tranquilizer made by Wang Xian. “It seems that even if this drug is not used to develop the brain, it can be used as a tranquilizer when encountering an indescribable monster.”

Xu Che thought secretly.

Then, as He Yong said, Xu Che also felt that his brain had changed.First of all, his thinking was extremely clear. He could understand everything in an instant. The memory of the past is like a book. It can Read it at any time, there won’t be any details that you can’t remember.

At the same time, it also has the ability to remember everything. No matter what, even if you look at you inadvertently, you will always remember it. However, the effect of this drug on Xu Che is more than that. “How about Mr. Xu, this? Does it feel so good?”

Seeing Xu Che feeling with his eyes closed, He Yong couldn’t help but say.

“It’s pretty cool”

Xu Che smiled, he is now heartily excited, because he discovered that not only his brain is developed, but his abilities have also been enhanced.

The first is the ability to predict the future. In the past, he could only predict the next three minutes. Now, after a rough estimate, he can almost predict the situation in the next five minutes. This is not the biggest change. The biggest change is the ability of his God Realm. , As time progressed, when he had just awakened the power of the gods, he could only cover the gods to a distance of 20 meters around him.

And with the passage of time, his ability is also developing, and he is almost the same now, and he can already cover the distance of 50 meters around his God’s Domain.

However, after taking this clever medicine, the scope of his God’s Domain has been greatly expanded again.

Xu Che can’t wait to give it a try.

“Holy area.”

As soon as he thought, the light that only he could see spread to the surroundings.

Suddenly, Xu Che could feel that the villa he was in was completely under his control.

Preliminary estimate is that the Fan of God’s Domain, he is the center, and the radius is 200 meters! This is a qualitative leap, which means that the situation of a domain and 200 meters around are all under his jurisdiction. .

“This time this ability is really enhanced!!!”

Xu Che couldn’t help sighing.

The God Realm of 2 is enough for him to do whatever he wants.

In addition, he can also start to learn various things to enhance his knowledge level.

“According to Zhao Lun’s previous description, he basically takes one 1 of this drug every three days, which can ensure that his brain is able to operate at high speed throughout the day. The way he takes it is done.”

Xu Che thought, and then he wanted to look at He Yong in front of him: “Do you have a feeling of wanting to beat and scold me now?”

This is testing the side effects of this drug.


He Yong shook his head: “Mr. Xu, I still respect and believe in you as always.”

“It seems that the priority of the side effects of this drug is lower than the effect of the diary.”

Hearing He Yong’s words, Xu Che analyzed that this is good news, which means that even if He Yong takes the drug, he cannot betray him.

“Mr. Xu, I have an idea in my mind now.”

At this time, He Yong said.

“What do you think, say.”

Xu Che replied.

“I think we can also follow the example of Liguo and Fuxiguo and establish an organization to manage the shelter.”

He Yong said: “At present, we still have some difficulties in obtaining the containment objects in the hands of various national organizations. However, we can focus on the containment objects such as smart medicine that have not yet been received by the state. Is our chance.”

“Containment objects, can it be said that there are still many contained objects that have not been collected?”

Hearing this, Xu Che asked.


He Yong nodded: “Contained objects are not static. He is always increasing. So, as far as the world is concerned, no longer…There are still many contained objects.”

“In today’s world, containment objects are both a danger and an opportunity for us humans. If we control all the containment objects in our own hands, then we can definitely stand at the peak of human society.”

Hearing He Yong’s impassioned words, Xu Che just smiled.

The so-called peak of human society is of little value to him. Since the discovery of pioneers more powerful than humans, and the so-called peak of human society, high-dimensional creatures that directly surpass one dimension of human beings, in front of these existences, It’s as ridiculous as playing house.

However, He Yong is right to say that these containment objects are an opportunity for them.

This supernatural force, which is completely against logic, may be able to help them better deal with those high-dimensional creatures.

You must know that high-dimensional organisms are also completely contrary to the current human science.

As the old man said in Jackie Chan’s Adventures, it takes magic to defeat magic.

Perhaps these inexplicable containment objects can also have an effect on high-dimensional creatures.

“Okay, do it if you want.”

Therefore, He Yong’s suggestion that Xu Che did not refuse, but directly agreed: “This so-called organization, you can do it alone, and you will be the leader of the organization. As far as I am behind the scenes, you can do it. If you have any needs, you can do it. Call me, I can also help you accomplish some things.”

“Okay, thank you Mr. Xu, I am relieved with your words.”

Hearing this, He Yong said gratefully.

Xu Che nodded and said, “Very well, I’m leaving first, just call me if I have anything to do next.”

After speaking, Xu Che is about to walk out of this villa.

However, He Yong came up and asked, “Mr. Xu, please give the organization a name.”


Xu Che frowned, thought for a while and said, “Think about this kind of thing yourself.”

“Although I am the leader of the nominal organization, you are the boss behind this organization. Of course the naming right belongs to you.”

He Yong insisted.

“All right”

Che touched his nose and thought for a while before he said: “If you insist.”

“Just called”

“God chance.”

“Day Chance”

He Yong chanted a poem with emotion, “Don’t ask the secrets of the heavens, don’t seek the avenues and do nothing, this is really a good name.”

“I didn’t expect you to know this unpopular poem.”

Xu Che just laughed.

“I didn’t remember it at first, but after taking this smart medicine, I remembered it all of a sudden.”

He Yong answered truthfully.

“Oh yes, speaking of this medicine, I will save you a few more pills.”

With that said, Xu Che took out a few smart pills from the medicine bottle.

And He Yong also thanked him again and again as if he was a treasure.

After doing this, Xu Che was ready to leave here.At this moment, He Yong’s contact suddenly vibrated.

And this liaison device is a special liaison device of the Li Guo Super Management Committee.

He Yong hurriedly answered, and Xu Che stopped, wondering what the Super Management Committee would give to He Yong.

This time, He Yong spoke for a long time, and just hung up the communication device.

“What did the Super Governing Council say?”

Xu Che immediately asked: “Is it about Xu Che’s sister Xu Rou?”

“It’s just a part.”

He Yong replied truthfully: “People from the Super Governing Council told me to stand still with regard to Xu Rou. They want me to investigate another incident.”

“Another event what event”

Xu Che asked again.

“Not yet said.”

He Yong shook his head: “The Super Management Committee has contacted the responsible persons in all southern cities in Fuxi, and will hold a video conference in a while.”


Xu Che raised his brows, things seemed a bit uncomfortable, do you want all the city leaders to have a meeting together?

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