Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 400: roots entangled

Sharlayan is already very familiar with Bladestorm and its variant abilities.

There is no doubt that most of the weaknesses of this kind of skills that rely on rotation to increase damage are near the top of the head that cannot be defended.

Sharlayan had observed and calculated before the war started.

The Destroyer's height was close to 3 meters, almost reaching the ceiling in this underground hall, not enough for Sarlayan to avoid the blade circle and jump into the eye of the storm.

The three archmages who were the targets of the attack must have no time to fight back. Sharlayan's long-range attack...not to mention the power, the accuracy is really worrying.

Valeera only throws some small props that are mainly used to attract attention, and the attack power is somewhat lacking.

At this time, it was the turn of Lailas, who had been hiding in the dark, to make a move.

With the efforts of Sarayan and other five legendary powerhouses, all of Saina's defenses were completely broken down.

Lyras, on the other hand, obtained the attack bonus provided by the dragon's roar. Under the circumstances, theoretically, as long as his full-strength aiming and shooting can hit the target, he can kill with one blow.

Suddenly being given the important task of collecting heads, Lailas felt a lot of pressure.

"Suck ~ call ~"

Following the method taught by the eldest sister Alleria, she took a deep breath to calm her emotions, and Lailas drew the bowstring firmly with a firm gaze.

"Yes! Leave it to me!"

Lailas' weapon is the Quel'Thalas golden bow that Alleria once used, and it can be considered high-quality among epic weapons.

Under the stable control of Lailas, the fully drawn bowstring did not tremble at all, and the charging effect of aiming and shooting was superimposed step by step.

"Sharlayan, can you think of a way to stop that six-handed monster?"

Lailas said with some concern: "I'm worried that the gale brought by her high-speed rotation will cause the arrow to deflect, even if it's only for a moment."


Sharlayan looked at Saina thoughtfully: "It should be possible, you should be ready at any time and wait for my signal."

As Lailas said, Saina's blade whirlwind brought a strong swirling airflow in this small hall, which might affect Lylas' sniper accuracy.

Sharlayan temporarily inserted one of the Valaghar swords into the ground, and the palm of his left hand shone with a soft green light.

"Lylas! Now! Launch!"

Sharlayan's left hand clenched tightly, and a string of thick plant roots suddenly grew out of the dark sewer floor, which happened to tightly entangle Saina's leg.

This is the skill that Sharlayan chose when the druid... no, the Thornyspeaker reached level 30-Root Entangling.

After officially taking up the role of Thornyspeaker, starting from level 30, the skills chosen by Sharlayan will have two sides of one effect, representing the power of life and death respectively.

The entanglement of roots catalyzed by the force of nature can give birth to tough vines in a short period of time, temporarily restraining enemies in place.

The vines catalyzed by the power of death have another effect, and the focus of the two is different.

Although the entanglement of roots only restricted Saina for less than a second, but one second was enough for Lailas to play.


Lailas, who was fully charged, shot out the arcane energy arrow on the bowstring with a soft sip, and the blue-white streamer flashed across the dim hall in an instant.

Within a second of Saina being restrained by the entanglement of roots, this energy arrow pierced through her weakened aura and hit her right eye precisely, and shot out through the skull without losing momentum.

No matter how tenacious a demon with vitality is, once the brain is broken down, it is doomed to die.

Saina's body continued to rotate several times in inertia, and finally fell limp to the ground, with her left eye wide open, she fell to the ground and lost her life, her soul was forcibly sent back to the Twisting Void.


Salayan couldn't feel happy when he thought that the demon he had finally killed would be resurrected again in the future.

Sharlayan: "Is it true that only by killing demons in the Twisting Nether can they not be revived?"

[Not so, if you can cut off the source of demon resurrection, you can also eradicate their resurrection ability. 】

Sharlayan raised his eyebrows: "Tell me in detail."

[Don't listen to his nonsense, this option is more difficult, do you know what powers the demon's resurrection? 】

"do not know."

[The star soul of Titan Argus. 】


Sharlayan complained angrily: "Then, if you say it, it means you didn't say it?"

[Yeah, classic nonsense. 】

[However, it is not completely impossible. 】

[If you can use the power of death to imprison the escaped souls of the demons at the moment of their death, so that they cannot return to the Twisting Nether, theoretically, the problem of demon resurrection can be solved once and for all. 】

"Is it imprisoning the soul..."

Salayan had just witnessed the escape of Saina's soul, and he was completely unable to react at the speed of the escape into the void.

"Try it with other demons in the future, maybe it will work, but it should be necessary to further increase the strength of the Thorny Whisperer profession."

After the warrior level broke through the bottleneck, Sharlayan temporarily provided all the experience points to the druids, and adjusted the allocation again only after ensuring that he became a Thorntalker.

Ranger? Forget it for now, at least Sharlayan can't spare the energy to level up the ranger class right now.

After being promoted to a legend, the speed of upgrading has slowed down significantly. It is impossible to advance to a level by killing a monster by leapfrogging as before.

In addition, when killing the demigod-level demon Saina this time, there were a lot of people who grabbed experience. Sarlayan's fighter level was still stuck at 50, but the Thorn Whisperer's level had increased to 31.


Unlike Sharlayan, who only entered the battlefield in the mid-term, the Dalaran suppression force led by the three archmages had gone through rounds of bitter battles before.

After confirming Saina's death, Luo Ning sat down on the ground without any image, and used several powerful spells one after another, his magic power was almost exhausted.

Carlisle and Rommath are in good condition, but they are also holding their staffs and gasping for breath.

Most of the other Kirin Tor guards and mages also collapsed to the ground, and many of them retched after seeing the horror near the blood pool.

Calle, the uncle of the Mediterranean, walked to the pool of blood with his staff sticking to his pale face, and picked up a severed arm while suppressing his nausea.

On the finger of this hand is a ring with the Kirin Tor mark on it. Only Kirin Tor members are eligible to wear this kind of ring, and it goes without saying whose part it is.


The tail of Kalei's staff lightly tapped the ground, and the rising flames ignited all the stumps in the hall.

Removing the ring from Delandon's finger, Callai threw his arm into the flames as well.

"Old friend, may you find the long-lost peace in another world."

Archmages all have profound academic knowledge, and have some one-sided understanding of the existence of the Shadow Realm.

They know that after a person dies, the soul will be led to the Shadowland, but no one knows exactly what the Shadowland is.

[Nonsense, those who know the inside story of the Shadow Realm are dead people. If there are no special circumstances, the living will never be able to deeply understand the Shadow Realm. 】

[In other words, the information about the Shadow Realm that Xiao Sa knows is exclusive news? Can you take it out and make some articles? 】

[No need, why are the living studying the world of the dead? In the future, if there is a chance to enter the Shadow Realm as a living person, let's talk about it. 】

"Indeed, but..."

Sharlayan twitched the corners of his mouth with a half-smile: "It's just right to use this information to lure a certain archmage who is very interested in the power of death."

[… Kel'Thuzad? 】

With the demons headed by Saina being crusaded, Dalaran's sewers regained their calm.

With this lesson learned, Antonidas made up his mind to strengthen the management of the sewers and not let this mixed area out of the Kirin Tor's control, lest someone take advantage of the chaotic situation in the sewers again.

Antonidas' decision will inevitably attract a lot of opposition, especially from those mage masters who are associated with shady organizations.

Sharlayan did not pay attention to the follow-up progress of the sewer management, after all, this is Dalaran's internal With the great help of Rommath, Sharlayan and others, the harm of the saboteur Saina has not been further reduced. expand.

Knowing that there was a demigod-level demon lurking underground in Dalaran, Antonidas broke out in a cold sweat.

If Delandon hadn't found out that there was a strong enemy underground with his own life, God knows how long this time bomb will be buried.

Taking this as an opportunity, Antonidas overcame the opposition within Dalaran with a tough attitude.

He decided to take the initiative to go to Silvermoon City, taking the opportunity of participating in Kael'thas' enthronement ceremony to reconcile with Quel'Thalas.

The subsequent diplomatic tasks will be handled by the old politician Romans.

After a **** battle, Lyras wanted to relax in Dalaran.

After releasing him readily, Sharlayan took Valeera for a stroll on the streets, heading all the way to the mage tower in Kel'Thuzad.

"By the way, is that cat named Mr. Bigworth alive or dead?"

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