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Chapter 423: Dai Lin: ... Cabbage and pig?

Due to the unexpected situation, Sharlayan changed his originally modest plan and decided to set off tomorrow morning.

Jaina, the little princess of Kul Tiras, is also expected to leave Silvermoon City and return to Boralus should be said this morning. She will gather with her parents and younger brother in her hometown for a while before heading to Dalaran to continue her studies.

She originally planned to go to Unicorn Town to say goodbye to Sharlayne, but the plan couldn't keep up with the change.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, Sharlayan, who hadn't slept all night, took the initiative to visit the Kul Tiras embassy in the embassy district.

Jaina packed a lot of luggage yesterday, slept late, and hasn't gotten up yet.

Dai Lin, who has always been diligent, has already picked up the naval sword and practiced in the courtyard.

Knowing that Sarlayan and others were visiting, Daelin opened the door unexpectedly to welcome the guests. He learned about the recent changes in the situation from Sarlayan and received the latest commission from him on behalf of Kael'thas.

"Using icebreakers to transport troops? Yes, but I need some time to deploy the ships."

Sharlayan nodded: "Your Majesty Daelin, how long will it take?"


Dai Lin habitually stroked the raised beard on the side of his upper lip, and calculated it in his heart.

"If you are really in a hurry, I can arrange a few idle ships within half a month, and wait for another batch of icebreakers to return from the sea to run the business before continuing the delivery."

"Okay, that's it."

Sharlayan sighed softly: "Time is ticking, we must build the defense network of Crystalsong Forest before the turmoil in Northrend occurs."

Dai Lin asked in confusion: "The force that caused the vision of Icecrown Glacier is very dangerous? Why do you feel like you are facing an enemy?"

Sharlayan scratched his head and sorted out his words: "Dangerous... not at this stage, but the nausea is real."

"If you don't contain them in advance and let those guys who manipulate undead creatures snowball in Northrend, then it will be really troublesome."

The strength of the undead army has never been individual combat effectiveness, but their ability to snowball more and more.

As long as they can't cause devastating damage to the undead army at one time, they can pull another army from the battlefield after the battle is over.

If you fight for consumption, the high elves who take a small number of elite routes due to population problems will definitely not be able to fight against the undead.

In this case, various fortifications that arm themselves into hedgehogs are essential, so as to reduce personnel losses as much as possible and weaken the enemy's ability to replenish troops.

With the help of arcane puppets, the high elves can build fortifications at a fast speed.

However, driving the arcane puppets requires continuous consumption of magic power. It is impossible for the high elves in Northrend to use the sun well water to replenish energy for a long time, which is too inefficient.

Fortunately, with the help of green dragons and druids, Sas'ara, the tree of life that supports the entire Eversong Forest, is directly connected to the network of the Emerald Dream, and Sas'ara has a symbiotic relationship with the Sunwell.

Theoretically, as long as the staghelm planted in Crystalsong Forest's giant rune tree can be transformed, it should be possible to establish a connection with the Sunwell through Sas'ara across the ocean.

When discussing this matter with Julian and others last night, Salayan wanted to complain.

This style of planting trees wherever they go is similar to that of the night elves... although the purpose of planting trees is completely different.

Needless to say, Fandral Staghelmet, who planted them himself, is of course the most suitable for transforming the giant rune tree.

Originally, Deer Helmet planned to return with other representatives today, but Sharlayan asked Kael'thas to send a message to keep him temporarily.

After negotiating with Daelin here, Sharlayan will go to the night elf embassy next door to discuss the cooperation between the two races on behalf of the Sun King and Staghelmet.

Having never seen it with his own eyes, Daelin was a little skeptical about the dangers of the undead army that Sharlayan said.

But no matter what, this is a request from an ally, and there is a generous reward to be paid, so Daelin will naturally handle this entrustment beautifully.

"Boom boom boom~"

The maid in the embassy had already woke Jaina from her sleep, and the sound of the little princess hurriedly changing clothes upstairs could be heard even downstairs.


Dai Lin's expression was a little embarrassed: "This girl... doesn't care so much about her family."

Sharlayan shook his head and laughed: "Because you are from your own family, you don't have to bother to dress up because you are too familiar. This is a sign of your close relationship."

"That's right..."

Daelin inexplicably looked Sharlayan up and down with a scrutinizing gaze, and that strange look made him feel uncomfortable.

"…What's wrong?"


Daelin aroused Sharlayan's curiosity, but he didn't say the rest of the sentence.

[nmd! There are also broken chapter dogs here? 】

[What exactly did the pangolin say!? 】

Ten minutes later, Jaina, who had finished preliminarily tidying up, hurriedly lifted her skirt and walked downstairs.

"Brother Salayan, why are you here so early?"

Sharlayan smiled and waved to her: "I'm here to say goodbye to you, and I'm leaving for Northrend later."


Jaina froze for a moment, and then showed a look of surprise.

Recently, Jaina has been living in Unicorn Town to receive the teachings of Stellagosa, and occasionally heard Sharlayan and others talking about Crystalsong Forest.

Although she didn't hear any confidential news, Jaina, who was smart in ice and snow, easily deduced that the high elves planned to occupy the now unowned Crystalsong Forest and rebuild Sandara, an ancient elf city.

During the 2 years of studying with Kael'thas, Jaina read a lot of history about the Highborne in the Great Library.

The Moonsong Forest was a territory governed by the Highborne as early as the Dark Night Empire, and the Highborne, the descendants of the Highborne, took it back and rebuilt it.

Except for the night elves who also inherited part of the inheritance of the night empire, other races are not qualified to make irresponsible remarks on this matter.

Sharlayan had already secretly disclosed the information that Quel'Thalas planned to rebuild Sandarra to the night elves high-level through the channel of Staghelm.

Perhaps because they are still busy with internal struggles, Malfurion and Tyrande have not clearly expressed their opposition so far.

That being the case, Sharlayan simply took their attitude as acquiescence and no objection.

"The ruins of the ancient elf city..."

Jaina was obviously moved, but she also knew that she would not be able to spare time to go to Northrend in her next plan.

Jaina grabbed Sharlayan's hand and shook it coquettishly: "Brother Sharlayan, if you find the tome left by Sandara in Crystalsong Forest, remember to make a copy for me~"


Daelin, who was watching from the side, stared at Sharlayan sharply.

Sharlayan smiled wryly, and pulled his hand out of Jaina's grip without a trace.

"Okay, if I can find it, I will definitely keep an eye out for you...Although I don't think there will be anything left after all these years."

After saying goodbye to Jaina, Sharlayan went to the night elf embassy next door without stopping.

Lu Helmet is a bright and cheerful person, although sometimes this kind of temper will cause him trouble, but this is also where his personality charm lies.

It is precisely because of Staghelmet's character that so many druids who advocate changing the status quo are willing to follow him.

For those who know that they recognize it, as long as they have the ability to achieve it, the deer helmet can be said to be responsive.

"Crystal Song Forest? Rune giant tree?"

Knowing the purpose of Sarlayan's visit, Lu Helmet showed a look of reminiscence, and it took a few seconds for him to show a sudden look.

"I remembered, there is indeed such a thing, because Andashir... tsk! Forget it, let's not talk about this."

Andashir's being cut down was an unforgettable pain in Lu Helmet's life. He only hated himself for not being rigorous enough in doing things and not being considerate.

Sharlayan patted Staghelmet's thick arm in understanding... He wanted to pat his shoulder, but he was not tall enough, and standing on tiptoe always felt a little funny.

"Don't pay too much attention, there are so many perfect things in this world."

"Saronite is essentially the 'eye' through which the Old Gods peer into the world."

"If the expansion of those mine veins cannot be contained within the shortest possible time, the entire world will be brought under the surveillance of the ancient gods."

"Andashir has fulfilled his mission very well. Although it has left a lot of troubles, it is not all fruitless."

Lu Helmet sighed: "I know, maybe it's because I'm old, I always think back to those years unconsciously over the years."

"If we had been more cautious at the time, could we have achieved the best of both worlds, blocking the spread of the mineral veins while preventing the excessive growth of Andashir's roots, preventing Yogg-Saron from invading the Emerald Dream?"


Lu Helmet patted himself on the cheek heavily: "Forget it! It's meaningless to be obsessed with the past all the time! We should focus more on the future."

"Don't worry, I will contact the instructor as soon as possible."

"Shandara City is, after all, one of the ancient cities of the night elves. The rebuilding should be approved by him. Just wait for my good news."

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