Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 453: Muradin's Probing

"Live: Azeroth (

Before leaving Eversong Forest, Sharlayan forcibly captured Inas from the underground research room of Deep Shadow Manor.

Although Inas held Sharlayan's face and rubbed it unhappy for a while, she still agreed to temporarily help her son manage the territory.

As a member of the dragonflight, Inas is well aware of the Titan Guardian's abilities.

In terms of force alone, Loken was not ranked among the guardians, and he competed with Mimiron for the bottom one or two all the year round.

But as the King of Wisdom, Loken's strengths are not in combat.

Just like Mimiron was able to develop all kinds of novel inventions, Loken also used his ingenuity to help his companions win the difficult decisive battle against the Dark Empire.

However, Loken's combat effectiveness is not strong according to the standards of the guardian of the titans. After all, he has the strength of a demigod, much stronger than parallel imports like Varimathras.

Leaving aside Loken's personal strength, the steel army in his hands is not even willing to provoke even the mighty Dragon Clan.

Before sending Sharlayan away, Inas asked worriedly: "Are you sure you are sure to force Loken back? It will be troublesome if you completely annoy that narrow-minded guy."


Sharlayan sneered and said: "As long as I can return from this trip smoothly, the era of Loken covering the sky with one hand in Ulduar will come to an end."

"At that time, I don't think he will be able to spare the energy to pay attention to us 'fragile' mortals. The raging Azadas and Thorim alone are enough for him to drink a pot."

The reason why Tire was hunted down wildly by Loken regardless of the cost was because he and Azadas took away the Norgannon disc that recorded Loken's criminal evidence.

The body of the Norgannon Disc is located in Ulduar. It is a set of high-tech recording equipment left by the dream-weaver Norgannon. It can record all the changes in Azeroth at all times.

Of course, it also includes Loken's betrayal.

Loken, who learned that the evidence had been revealed, hysterically asked Yogg-Saron to take action, barely killing the mighty Guardian of Justice Tyr at a huge price.

But the stolen Norgannon Disc did not return to Loken's hands, but was taken by Azadas to the southern Uldaman underground palace.

Uldaman is an earth spirit factory built by Titans in the early days, and there is no communication equipment in it to directly communicate with the Pantheon.

There is no Norgannon disc, but Azadas is so distressed that he cannot submit the evidence to the Pantheon.

As the years passed, the earthen and mechagnomes in Uldaman gradually began to be affected by the Curse of Flesh.

In order to avoid the further spread of the curse of flesh and blood, Azadas and the giantess Elonaya sealed most of the Titan creations including herself, hoping to escape the curse of flesh and blood through self-hibernation.

The loyal mechanical gnomes took the initiative to stand up, and they voluntarily stayed awake to protect other sleeping companions.

Unsurprisingly, these mechanical gnomes were eroded by the curse of flesh and blood in the years to come, and gradually evolved into flesh and blood gnomes.

The flesh-and-blood dwarves reproduced from generation to generation, gradually forgot their original mission, and finally left Uldaman for the surface, marching all the way to settle in Dun Morogh Snow Mountain.

After these flesh and blood gnomes left, some of the earth spirits who had been polluted by the curse of flesh and blood in their sleep woke up.

They also lost their memory and left Uldaman unsteadily, followed the footsteps of the dwarves like instinct, and also came to Dun Morogh.

These flesh-and-blood earth spirits are the ancestors of the dwarves today.

In the following thousands of years, because of the same origin, the gnomes and dwarves instinctively liked each other, formed a solid alliance, and jointly supported their lives in the cold Dun Morogh Snow Mountain.

For countless years, generations of dwarves have tried to figure out their origins.

They are keen on excavating ruins all over the world, hoping to find out the origin of the dwarf race through historical research.

Brian Bronzebeard is the president of the Explorers' Association of this generation, and he is also one of the monster monsters in the barrage.

After bidding farewell to the family members who stayed behind in Eversong Forest, the three of Sharlayan were directly sent to the arcane area of ​​Ironforge by the mages of the Royal Arcane Association.

Dun Morogh Snow Mountain is very cold, but the interior of Ironforge is very warm, even hot.

This is because the great forge in the center of Ironforge has been emitting enormous heat continuously.

Ironforge is a majestic city built in the mountains.

The dwarves inherited part of the earthen's shaping ability, and they naturally like to forge iron.

The Great Forge is a large forge built by the dwarves in the center of the city using geothermal heat. Standing in the center of the bridge, you can see the magma surging under the bridge on both sides.

According to the map, Ironforge is a city with a circular structure. The four outer circles are the secret area, the military area, the explorer's hall, and the civilian area. The four large areas are arranged in a ring around the central forge.

The Throne Hall of the Kingdom of Khaz Modan is just to one side of the Great Forge, facing away from the Commons and the gates of Ironforge.

As soon as they walked out of the teleportation hall in the secret area, the three of Sarlayan immediately saw the people who came to greet them.

"Haha! Long time no see, Sharlayan!"

Muradin Bronzebeard warmly hugged Sharlayan, but due to the height difference, Sharlayan had to bow down to respond to Muradin's enthusiasm.

Sharlayan remembered that the last time he met Muradin was during the Battle of Quicksand. At that time, he was still standing like a minion, barely able to speak in front of many big men.

Muradin is bold by nature, willing to make friends, and can chat with anyone regardless of their status. Since then, Sharlayan has had some superficial friendship with Muradin.

Meeting again, Muradin was a little bit emotional about Sharlayan's rapid rise in status.

At that time, he just thought that the little brother's words were very interesting, and he had a lot of unique understandings about the ecology and social structure of the Zongzi.

After the Quicksand War ended, Muradin, who lived a fulfilling life, gradually forgot about his little brother named Sharlayan Deep Shadow.

It wasn't until a piece of latest information from Quel'Thalas came that he saw that familiar yet unfamiliar name again.

At that time, Sharlayan had been promoted to earl, and commanded a legion of paladins independently established by the high elves.

Regarding the establishment of the Morning Herald Legion, many insiders, including Alonsus Faol, were at a loss.

The arrogance of the high elves has long been known to the world, and along with the arrogance, there is also the fanatical worship of the high elves to the Sunwell, which can even be called a belief.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult for the high elves to believe in the Church of the Holy Light, which is widely spread in the human kingdom.

Quel'Thalas could not even find a single well-known user of the Light until High Priest Von der Lore turned out to be.

Von der Lore proved to be unique, and apart from him, Quel'Thalas never produced a powerful cleric to make a name for himself.

Even Liadrin, who is extremely talented, wasted a long time on the priesthood, and didn't really soar until she became a paladin.

Is it because the high elves are not talented enough?

Muradin didn't think so.

Many priests of the Church of the Holy Light discussed in private that the reason why the high elves could not control the powerful power of the Holy Light was because they were not devout enough to believe in the omnipotent Holy Light.

And then... the sudden establishment of the Dawn Vanguard slapped the cheeks of these gossiping priests.

Some priests who could not accept the reality angrily accused the high elves of stealing the Holy Light. Most of these remarks came from the Diocese of Lordaeron.

Archbishop Alonsus Fao strictly forbids priests to make offensive and rhythmic speeches, but with the help of some caring people, similar speeches are always and High The elves don't bother to explain to the "rough" humans. Anyway, we are only handling the Holy Light. What can you do with me?

The paladin is the signature profession of the alliance... or the human kingdom. At this stage, only priests or fighters who have been baptized by the bishop can change jobs smoothly. Archbishop Alonsus Fao is working hard to study a more popular way to train paladins.

This public-minded archbishop wanted to communicate with Quel'Thalas, and last time he took the opportunity of Kael'Thalas' succession to the throne to personally visit Quel'Thalas.

But due to various objective reasons, in the end Archbishop Fao failed to fulfill his wish, and brought Prince Alsace back to the country depressedly.

I heard that the elderly Archbishop Fao is not in good health recently, and no one can tell when he will be "called by the Holy Light".

The comprehensiveness of the paladins has long been verified in the Second Orc War, and many countries want to cultivate their own paladins.

Among them, of course, are the bronze beard dwarves of the Kingdom of Khaz Modan.

It just so happened that Sharlayan was the greatest contributor to the establishment of the Dawn Vanguard, and Muradin did not believe that he would not know the key to it.

On the way to the throne hall, Muradin kept insinuating, wanting to know how the high elves harnessed the holy light.

Sharlayan is not stupid. Of course, this kind of secret cannot be leaked casually, and it must always be used for some benefits.

"Prince Muradin."

Sharlayan looked at Muradin, who was good at chatting, with a half-smile: "As for the issue of paladins, let's talk later when we have time."

"This time I'm coming to Ironforge, I have more important things to discuss with Prince Brian."

"This matter... is related to the long-sought racial origin of the dwarves."

Muradin: "..."


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