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Chapter 464: "For the Dragon" Duke

Remember【】for a second!

Sharlayan hasn't figured out how to provoke the relationship between the two factions. He left this task to the sand sculpture netizens in another world. After brainstorming, he might be able to come up with a good plan.

Next, Sharlayan will focus on finding the pandaren.

If you want to go to Pandaria, you must first establish contact with the pandaren on the Wandering Isle, and entrust the great turtle Shen-zinko to break through the fog and send him to Pandaria.

Since Liu Lang, the great pandaren adventurer, passed away, the pandaren on the Wandering Isle have been worse off from generation to generation, and fewer and fewer young people are willing to venture out.

Originally Sarlayan wanted to find Meng Xia who had met once in Kul Tiras, but since that meeting, no one has seen Meng Xia's whereabouts again, and it is likely that she has finished her travels and returned to Lost City. trace island.

After getting the latest information from Muradin, the three of Sharlayan hurriedly embarked on a journey, flying all the way to the Kingdom of Stormwind.

After crossing the Burning Plains, in order to prevent the dragons from causing panic in the human kingdom, Stellagosa landed in the Red Ridge Mountains, transformed from Sharlayan into a Griffin and continued to carry the two towards Stormwind City.

The second orc war has long since ended, and Stormwind City, which was once breached by orcs, has basically been rebuilt and has gradually regained its vitality.

But this is only the surface of the Stormwind Kingdom.

According to the information provided by the Quel'Thalas embassy in the Stormwind Kingdom, the reconstruction of the Stormwind Kingdom seems to be in order, but in fact there are many uneasy factors buried in the dark.

Onyxia, who got rid of the vulgar interests, has long lost interest in the Stormwind Kingdom, and returned to the Obsidian Holy Land in Dragonbone Wilderness to be busy training (crossing out) her younger brother Ebisian.

But the fire that Onyxia casually sprinkled back then has turned into sparks, and as time goes by, the sparks are expanding little by little, and if they are not well controlled, they will connect together and form a fire that can start a prairie fire.

These sparks are the never-satisfied nobles of the Kingdom of Stormwind.

During the second orc war, most of the nobles of the Stormport Kingdom who were willing to contribute to their country in times of crisis died on the battlefield, and most of the remaining people were moths who were greedy for life and afraid of death.

Of course, you can't kill them all with one stick. Now the Stormwind Kingdom also has a good nobleman like the "For the Dragon" Duke who is dedicated to the public.

It was also thanks to the efforts of these nobles who still had justice in their hearts that the Kingdom of Stormwind was able to recover initially in just a few years.

But it is only preliminary.

The Elwynn Forest, where Stormwind City is located, has been brought under the control of the Wrynn royal family again, and the Red Ridge Mountain bordering the area controlled by the Dark Iron Dwarves has also completed its defense.

But the once fertile land of the Stormwind Kingdom's large granary—the western fertile wilderness was completely deserted, and it still hasn't been restored to its old look.

The Twilight Forest in the south was affected by the Karazhan explosion, and was shrouded in ignorance and eternal night all year round. The local residents spontaneously organized a local security force called the Night Watchman.

Although Westfall and Twilight Forest are nominally under the jurisdiction of the Stormwind Kingdom, the newly rebuilt Stormwind Kingdom has no spare power to bring these two areas under control. It can only tacitly allow the local residents to organize their own militia organizations to maintain law and order.

And this policy just provided an excellent opportunity for the nobles to intervene in the management of the two places.

Nowadays, Westfall and Twilight Forest can't be said to be poor, but they are definitely not good places to live.

The young King Varian Wrynn saw all this in his eyes, but he really couldn't spare any extra manpower to manage these two regions. He could only hope that the local noble lords could improve the people's livelihood.

But the result of his trust in the nobles... Judging from the current situation of the two places, it is self-evident.

Dusk Forest and Elwynn Forest were only separated by a river, but in the eyes of the three of Sharlayan, the contrast between the two seemed worlds apart.

One side is bathed in warm sunshine, but the other side is forever shrouded in the magical cloud produced by Medivh's death.

Before going to Stormwind City, Sharlayan went to the Dawn Forest in the middle of the Dusk Forest.

Due to the protection of the Green Dragon Clan, Dawn Forest is the only area in Dusk Forest that is not covered by dark clouds.

The druids of the Cenarion Council were busy in the Dawn Forest, and Stellagosa also recognized a blue dragon in human form.

The seeds of New Arcandor have been planted, and within the next year, the druids and blue dragons will stay in the Forest of Dawn until the tree of miracles matures and bears fruit.

In charge of the affairs of the Dawn Forest is Elothir, the grand druid of the Cenarion Council.

Sharlayan didn't know what the arch druid's real body was like. Ever since he met him, this guy had always maintained the form of a tree man. Sharlayan even thought that he was really a tree man.

It is said that Elothir made a bet with Shaoen Moonclaw and Koda Steelclaw in the early years, and it was better to compare who could maintain the transformation longer.

When Sharlayan heard the news, his mind was full of question marks. These guys simply lived too long and bored, and they actually used this kind of thing to compete.

With Elothir, the archdruid, taking care of him, the growth of Arkandor in Dawn Forest does not need Sharlayan to worry about.

After briefly chatting with Elothir and learning about Arcandor's growth, Sharlayan's three-person team continued to head north, this time they will directly arrive at Stormwind City.

With too many things to be busy with, Sharlayan couldn't remember how long it had been since he last came to Stormwind City.

As a long-lived species, he doesn't need to remember this little problem so clearly.

But Sharlayan didn't care, and it didn't mean that the humans in the Stormwind Kingdom didn't care either.

The last time Sharlayan came, King Varian Wrynn hosted the welcome banquet himself at the instigation of the nobles.

This time it came suddenly, and Sharlayan didn't want to engage in so many red tapes, so the nobles of the Stormwind Kingdom were caught off guard.

Originally, they thought they could find an excuse to have another royal banquet after two years, but because of Sharlayan's sudden attack, they failed to prepare in advance, and the nobles of the Stormwind Kingdom, who were content with pleasure, were somewhat depressed.

Sharlayan didn't bother to pay attention to these moths. He first came to the Quel'Thalas embassy and communicated with Lorian Sunshade, Quel'Thalas' ambassador to the Stormwind Kingdom, and learned from him that the Stormwind Kingdom's recent two years of development.

And...the hidden dangers of the seemingly thriving kingdom.

"Nobles, nobles again."

Sharlayan has become a little numb to the nobles in the feudal kingdom, and can only say that the world is as black as crows.

Although he didn't fit in with the traditional aristocratic style, Sharlayan himself was a member of the aristocratic system, and he understood the rules of this circle.

The eldest brother of the feudal kingdom is undoubtedly the king, and the royal family rules the entire country in name.

Yes, in name.

But in the eyes of most nobles, the king is only the largest noble under the jurisdiction of the kingdom, and the royal power is not as sacred and inviolable as the common people imagined.

The nobles have great authority in their respective territories. As long as they do not violate the laws formulated by the central government, even the king has no right to make irresponsible remarks on the rules of the noble territories.

Even in some countries with relatively weak royal power, different noble territories have different laws, and even the king cannot interfere.

【...Isn't this the same set that the beautiful country uses? Each state has different state laws. 】

[Understood, it is a beacon of democracy and freedom in name, but in fact it is still an old-fashioned way of entrusting the nobility, but it is just a fashionable term for enfeoffing—democratic elections. 】

[The big-headed ghost who chooses your horse, can the people really choose freely? The people who are launched to fight in the ring are all from the capital consortium and the family of politicians. If you are old and know the king, you can choose which one to choose? 】

[Let’s tell another joke, the three powers are separated, and the law is sacred and inviolable. 】

[I can't breathe! (funny)】

[You guys are enough, let's get back to the topic. 】

Stormwind City is the king's "fief", and the Wrynn royal family should have the highest authority in this city.

But King Varian was still young after all, and King Lane left too early, failing to teach him the responsibilities that the king should bear and the many skills in the power struggle with the nobles under him.

In the political game of managing the country Varian is easily taught to be a man by those old foxes who have become fine.

The young King Varian passionately wanted to revive the Stormwind Kingdom, but those old and refined nobles wanted to take advantage of the weakening of the royal power and ruthlessly gnaw a piece of meat from the hands of the Wrynn royal family.

Fortunately, the apex of the nobility of the Stormwind Kingdom, the "For the Dragon" Duke family has always stood on the royal side with a clear banner, and finally gave some support to King Varian.

【I wanted to ask just now, what is the "for the dragon" duke that Salayan has been talking about? 】

【New? Didn't know this thread. 】

[For the dragon (fon), the translation of the national server is Fortagen, do you understand now? 】

【Ah, from Bolvar's family? For the sake of the dragon... You guys are really talented. 】

Coincidentally, after the barrage-ridiculous "for the dragon" duke learned of Sarlayan's arrival, he immediately handed over an invitation to the Quel'Thalas embassy, ​​inviting Earl Deep Shadow to go to the Duke of Fordragon's mansion tomorrow night. feast.

It was said that it was invited by the Fordragon family, but Sharlayan and others knew who was leading behind the scenes.

"King Varian?"

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