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Chapter 469: Fishing for Quantum Superposition

It is inevitable to break the face with Latania, but Sharlayan wants to hide the battle in the dark as much as possible.

It is best not to completely expose La Tania's identity as a black dragon, so as to prevent the people of the Stormwind Kingdom... and even the people of all countries from having a preconceived and bad impression of the dragon family.

The guardian dragon clan has been out of the sight of mortals for many years, and they only made a big move during the second quicksand war.

Most mortals' impressions of dragons come from folk entertainment novels, and they lack a correct understanding of the real dragons.

After all, the novel is just fiction, and many people still have doubts about whether the Dragon Clan is really cruel and greedy for money.

If La Tania was allowed to blatantly change back to the dragon prototype and make trouble under the watchful eyes of countless people, it would really be a crotch covered in yellow mud.

This might be exactly what Nefarian wanted to see, using Latania's life to tarnish the dragon's image in the minds of mortal races and hinder the cooperation between dragons and mortals.

The arrogant dragons don't care what mortals think of them, but Sharlayan is well aware of the importance of public opinion.

Take a chestnut.

When a housewife sees a product at a lower price than the normal price in the market, he should first consider whether he has encountered a fake product. The nature of greed for cheap will conflict with rationality.

If there are a group of "passing strangers" jumping out at this time to advocate how good and true this product is, there is a high probability that housewives who are already hesitant will be guided by public opinion, and impulse will overcome reason and buy this product. commodity.

Are the products really that good? It is not important in this proposition, what is important is that public opinion guides her to make a choice in the dilemma.

Most of the time, what a hesitant person needs is a nudge.

As for whether it will be pushed to a cliff or to a happy future, who can say for sure before the conclusion emerges. Anyway, the right to speak is in the hands of public opinion, and it is nothing new to point a deer into a horse.

Salayan still doesn't know what Nefarian is thinking.

You say he is fishing, the Black Dragon Crown Prince will come up with some tricks from time to time.

But if you say he is diligent, most of the time he stays in his lair behind closed doors.

In the words of the barrage, Nefarian has been frantically testing on the verge of being beaten, and it is hard to see how much enthusiasm he has for completing the task assigned by Deathwing.

Due to Onyxia's defection, the task that should have been in charge of her was handed over to another female black dragon by Nefarian.

But the one he sent out to carry out the mission was a slutty idiot with a weak mind and an overly good self-esteem.

The perfunctory meaning is beyond words.

In all fairness, La Tania is by no means a waste, throwing her on the battlefield as a vanguard will definitely play a good role.

But is Latania really suitable to be a spy who sows discord?

The answer is no, as can be seen from the way she made the aristocratic circle of the Stormwind Kingdom into a mess.

When Onyxia was around, the nobles would often come to her for advice, acting like a noble leader.

After Latania took over the position, there was still an endless stream of visitors from Earl Prestor's Mansion, but the intentions of those people's visits were completely different from before.

‘Nefarian, is this guy loyal or traitor? Can't see through. '

During the whole banquet, Valeera and Stellagosa stayed by Salayan's side all the time, so Latania didn't get a chance to get close to Salayan.

La Tania's temper is not very good, after being targeted for more than an hour, her complexion became more and more ugly.

If she hadn't taken into account the latent mission delivered by Nefarian, she would have exploded on the spot.


Onyxia, who hid in the dark and watched the whole process, silently gave instructions to the three of them using the soul link.

"It's time, find an excuse to lure that idiot to the back garden of the Duke's mansion, Stellagosa, you should prepare the enchantment first."

Sharlayan's eyes flickered slightly, and he raised his wine glass to signal to Bolvar.

"It's too noisy here, let's talk about it in a quieter place."

Bovar's eyes lit up, and he was about to invite Salayan to his study.

Valeera interrupted at this moment and suggested: "It's just right, I want to see the garden of the Duke's Mansion. I wonder if the Duke of Fortagan would like to introduce something?"

Bolvar was stunned for a moment, he seemed to see something from the attitudes of Valeera and Salayan, he hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement.

"Of course, the three please follow me."

Watching the host and guest off to the garden, Latania's eyes flickered coldly, and she turned her gaze to wink at the butler man behind her.

"A mere prey, don't even think about escaping from me."

As the highest meritorious duke in the aristocratic circle of the Stormwind Kingdom, the garden of the Duke of Fortagen's mansion covers a very large area. The garden is full of flowers of various colors, and the garden is full of fragrance.

After confirming that there was no one following him, Bolvar withdrew his formulaic smile, and solemnly confirmed to Salayan: "Earl Deep Shadow, this place is safe, please speak up if you have something to say."


Sarlayan smiled noncommittally: "Duke Fortagan, your definition of safety seems to be inaccurate, please be calm, a good show is about to be staged."

valley body


The sudden footsteps behind him made Bovar's eyebrows twitch. He just boasted that he was safe, but he was slapped in the face in less than 10 seconds.

Bolvar turned around with an ugly face, and unexpectedly found that it was the Countess Prestor and her chief housekeeper who followed the garden without hiding his perception.

"Countess Prestor, you are..."

A strange smile appeared on La Tania's face: "Duke Fortagan, please sleep for a while, you won't remember anything when you wake up."

The shadow of the black-haired butler behind Latania flashed, and appeared beside Bolvar before he had time to react.


Sharlayan, who had been prepared for a long time, raised his hand and punched the taciturn butler.

Although Sharlayan staggered a few steps backwards due to the force of the opponent's hand, he at least gave Bolvar a little time to react, and he immediately dodged back vigilantly.


Sharlayan, who had severe pain in his hand, shook his hands and grinned: "Duke Fordragon, has no one in the Kingdom of Stormwind suspected that Countess Prestor's temperament has changed?"

La Tania, who was waiting to watch the play, had a gloomy expression, and she finally realized that her false identity had already been exposed.


Now that she's already gone, La Tania doesn't bother to act again.

With her hands folded on her chest, Latania raised her chin arrogantly and stared at Salayan and the others.

"Since you have noticed the clue, then don't blame me for using force."

"Lutabian, take them down."

The black-haired butler changed his dull expression before, and gave Latania a displeased look.

"You are not qualified to order me, take care of yourself."

Although his attitude was terrible, this male black dragon named Lutabian shot very quickly.

Bovar, who was in a uniform, had just put on a fighting posture, and he teleported behind Bovar with his speed again and raised his hand to try to stun him.


Salayan stopped Lutabian's attempt again. This time, he was not pushed back after turning on the dragon man transformation, but his body swayed on the spot.

Taking advantage of Lutabian's surprised expression, Valeera quickly tore off the complicated dress, revealing the tight black dress underneath.


Quelcella's transformed dagger stabbed Lutabian's back in the heart, and there was a sound of gold and iron clashing.

Valeera's complexion changed, and before Lutabian could strike back, she retreated two steps nimbly.

Seeing that the situation was different from what she had expected, La Tania frowned and lowered her hands, intending to personally intervene in the battle.

"Stupid, you just want to defeat us with the four of you?"


Sharlayan, whose whole body was covered in dragon scales, smiled meaningfully: "No, no, not four."


When La Tania realized that she was about to change back into a dragon form, a black dragon that was bigger than her suddenly fell from the sky and pressed a paw on the back of her head, pinning La Tania to the ground so that she could not move.

"Bitch! You didn't expect me to come back!"

Latania struggled in shock and anger, she recognized who this familiar voice came Onyxia! How dare you traitor show up here! "

"Traitors? Ha! You are the traitors of the Dragon Clan!"

Onyxia grabbed La Tania's neck, swung the huge black dragon like a sandbag, and smashed it heavily on the ground.

On the other side, Sharlayan, Valeera, and Stellagosa were not idle either.

"Gravity imprisonment!"

Stellagosa temporarily restrained Lutabian, who was about to transform back into the dragon form, in place, and the triple gravity made it difficult for him to move freely.

Sharlayan waved his hand to signal Bolvar to withdraw from the battlefield first: "Your Excellency, go and prepare your equipment, leave it to us first."


At the same time, Sharlayan pulled out the war sword of Valagar, which had shrunk a circle, and crossed it in front of him.

"Come on, let me see how strong the mad dog raised by Deathwing is."

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