Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 483: The powerful Steamwheedle Consortium

"Live: Azeroth (

According to the information provided by Backlight Blade and SI:7, the Blackwater Pirates belong to the largest goblin faction—the Steamwheedle Plutocracy.

Revigaz is one of the directors of the Steamwheedle Consortium, the right-hand man of the Steamwheedle trade prince Stremwyder, and holds a pivotal position in the consortium.

According to Quel'Thalas and Stormwind Kingdom's understanding of goblins, most of the most active goblins in the world today belong to the three goblin factions.

One is the Steamwheedle Consortium, the other is the Bilgewater Consortium, and the last is the notorious venture capital firm.

The Bilgewater Consortium is mainly active in Kezan, the lair of the goblins. The treacherous trade prince Gallywix is ​​keen on conspiracy calculations with other consortia, and is gradually seizing the supremacy of the Kezan Islands.

The employees of venture capital companies are all over Azeroth, and their shadows can be seen wherever they can get benefits through venture capital.

Because this group of goblins led by the trading tycoon Razdenk always likes to do things that harm others and benefit themselves, all races in Azeroth hate them, and once they find the shadow of a venture capital company, they will be expelled without mercy.

Compared with the above two, although the Steam Sands Consortium is also a profit-seeking interest group, they still have a bottom line.

The trade prince of the Steamwheedle Consortium, Stremwyder, is known as the richest goblin in Azeroth. Booty Bay located in Stranglethorn Vale and Ratchet City in the barren land on the other side of the sea are all properties under his name.

The sole purpose of the Steamwheedle Consortium is to make money.

According to the barrage, this goblin consortium will remain neutral between the new alliance and the new tribe in the future, and will not intervene in the battles within Azeroth, and they don't mind being the top alliance when Azeroth is in crisis And the Horde offers some help.

In the original history, the Bilgewater Plutocrats would join the new tribe due to accidents, but their mercenary leader, Gallywix, would lose power after a certain incident, and Gazlowe, who belonged to the Steamwheedle Consortium, would replace him. Tribe, the goblin who leads the tribe.

[So Gallywix, who is eager for quick success and quick profit, is a fart. If you really want to make a deal, you have to look at the Steamwheedle Consortium. 】

[I heard that the goblins have a total of five big consortiums, what are the other two? 】

[I don’t know, Glass Slag hasn’t mentioned it yet. According to the available information, the Steam Sand Consortium is the strongest of the five major consortiums. 】

[Gadgetzan, Ratchet City, Booty Bay, Everlook Town, Area 52, and K3 are all cities under the Steamwheedle Consortium. These greenskins are really rich and powerful. 】

Sharlayan: "I know Ratchet City and Booty Bay. What are Gadgetzan, Everlook, Area 52 and K3?"

[Gadgetzan is a city that the Steamwheedle Consortium will build in the Tanaris Great Desert in the future. It is said that this city is used to manage the desert track located in the Shining Plains. 】

[Yongwang Town is located in the icy and snowy Winterspring Valley, and it should not be built yet. 】

[Area 52 was built in the void storm after the collapse of Draenor in the original history. Due to historical changes, it probably won't appear again. 】

[And K3 may have some relationship with you high elves. In the future, the Steamwheedle Consortium will boldly build this town at the entrance of the storm cliff. 】


While exchanging information with Danmaku, Sarlayan responded to Revigaz's gracious greetings in a non-salty manner.

All of Azeroth knows the wealth of Quel'Thalas, and the goblin consortia have always wanted to open up trade channels with Quel'Thalas.

The high elves have no liking for all the vulgar goblins who only want money. Neither Anasterian nor Kael'thas has any intention of in-depth cooperation with the goblins.

As the chief consortium with the most powerful goblin power, the Steamwheedle Consortium has been paying close attention to Quel'Thalas's movements, and naturally has a lot of understanding of the rapidly rising Sharlayan Earl Deep Shadow.

Since the three of Sarlayan used false names when they entered the city yesterday, Rivegazi was not able to obtain the information of the distinguished guest's visit in the first place.

It wasn't until the people below sent the news that Anli was deflated and that he was planning to find trouble in the city against the regulations, and then Revigaz frowned and picked up the monocular to look at the port, intending to stop this reckless man before the matter became serious. .

This sight frightened Rivergaz quite a bit. He accidentally saw a big man at the scene of the conflict that he could not afford to offend.

The star in front of the new Sun King Kael'thas Sunstrider, Sharlayan Earl Deep Shadow.

Realizing that the situation was wrong, Revigaz, who was a ghost, rushed to the port in a hurry, and finally rushed to the scene before the conflict broke out completely.

"Rivegarz, the leader of the Blackwater Pirates, right?"

Sharlayan put his arms across his chest with a flat expression: "I have seen with my own eyes how ridiculous your 'rules' are. Do you want to help your relatives or not?"

Revigaz forced a smile on his face and defended: "No, no, no, it's just that some of the people under him made their own claims."

Angrily glaring at those port guards who obviously took advantage and stood by, Rivegazi was determined to kick these guys who only looked at immediate interests out of the city.

"Hmph~ Forget it, it's none of my business anyway."

Sharlayan waved his hand noncommittally: "Master Rivergaz, we still have business to do, so let's not get over this."


Rivergaz originally wanted to speak out to persuade him to stay, but when he thought that the earl of Deep Shadow caught his subordinate's hip stretching before, he felt a little lack of confidence.

Besides, Sarlayan clearly stated that he has business to do, so Revigaz could only send him off with a smile on his face, and warmly invited Sarlayan to visit Booty Bay again when he was free, and he promised that the Earl of Deep Shadow would see him Booty Bay has a different vibe from the past.

Knowing that the Steamwheedle Consortium will boldly go to the Storm Peaks to set up towns in the future, Sharlayan does plan to have an in-depth chat with these Steamwheedle goblins, but now is obviously not the right time.

Cheng Bo, who has a straightforward temper, has only been in Booty Bay for a few days, and unlike Sarlayan who has detailed information, he is not quite sure what happened.

Seeing Anli and his subordinates get out of the way in a desperate manner, he didn't bother to think deeply, and returned to the dock under Sharlayan's call.


Putting **** in his mouth, a melodious whistle sounded on the pier.

The three of Sarlayan no longer paid attention to Rivegazi who was furiously teaching his subordinates, but watched Cheng Bo's movements curiously.


Ten seconds later, a sea turtle poked its head out of the sea. Cheng Bo happily waved to it and got a response from the sea turtle.

Sharlayan asked in surprise, "Could this turtle be a descendant of Shen-zin Zi?"

Cheng Bo nodded approvingly: "That's right."

"Wait a moment."

Cheng Bo stretched out **** and stood upright in front of his chest, muttering something in his mouth.


With Cheng Bo's soft drink, the sea turtle, which could only carry one person, grew in size.


Looking at the turtle, which can carry about three people, Cheng Bo scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I'm not good at learning, I can only make Bobo so big, why don't we squeeze together?"

Sharlayan smiled and shook his head: "No, you guys go up first."

Cheng Bo has a wide body and a fat body, and the space he occupies alone is larger than that of the well-proportioned Valeera and Stella Gosa combined.

Seeing the three of them board the turtle's back shell one after another, Salayan jumped up from the pier and turned into a black and white killer whale at the same time as he entered the Cheng Bo: "?? ?”

The pandaren had never received Cenarius' enlightenment, and they did not have such a profession as a druid. Cheng Bo stared at the orca that surfaced with wide eyes, and was speechless for a while.

Sharlayan's transformed killer whale spoke out, "Why are you still standing there? Lead the way, and I'll follow behind you."

"Huh? Oh oh!"

After regaining his senses, Cheng Bo directed the sea turtle to set off.

Many people say that sea turtles are slow crawlers, which is true, and they are veritable turtle crawlers on land.

But the swimming speed of sea turtles is not low. Although it is not as good as those fishes that are good at speed, it can reach 29 kilometers per hour anyway, which is more than enough.

Killer whales can swim at a top speed of 55 kilometers per hour, far above sea turtles.

Sharlayan didn't need much effort to follow the turtle, and he still had time to chat and brag with the other three on the way.

Valeera asked curiously: "Cheng Bo, I heard that Shen-zin Zi has been swimming around in the sea. How did you determine its real-time location?"

Cheng Bo patted the sea turtle named Bobo under him: "We can't find it on our own. It's all thanks to these sea turtles who have a blood relationship with Shen-zin Zi. They will lead us to and from the Wandering Isle."

Stellagosa raised her hand to block the glare of the sun in the South China Sea of ​​the Eastern Continent, and looked at the sea level in the distance.

"How long will it take us to find Shen-zin Zi? The sunshine here is really poisonous."

Cheng Bo had been prepared to pull out a huge lotus leaf from his travel backpack and put it on his head, and chatted with the turtle Bobo a few words in his mouth.

"Bobo said it would take about five days, and we can only spend our days adrift at sea."

"... By the way, did you bring enough fresh water?"

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