Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1131: He is the king here

"Do not check how to do surgery." Zheng Ren is also very helpless, and explained to the patient's family.

"Surgery is not what you do, the king of the emperor can check the body, you are a little doctor, how can you be so good! Is it an intern? Look at how old." The patient's daughter's eyebrows picked up the sky, eye tips Burning with anger.

"..." Zheng Ren is silent, this is the first time someone said that he is old. But from the perspective of the intern, it seems to be the same.

He put the patient's leg flat, turned and left, suddenly stopped, and said back: "Surgery, the big probability is that I do."

"You?" The family of the patient was stunned. She looked at Zheng Ren’s expression not like a fake, and she was scared.

Can it be said that his father’s surgery was done by this little doctor, and the king who came to the emperor was watching and teaching surgery?

Scorpio! This can't be done!

Zheng Ren did not care what she thought and went out.

Mr. Wang just asked the patient to eat and drink at night, and there was no delay, and some were guilty.

"Zheng boss, are you sure?" Wang always asked Zheng Ren to come out and asked.

"The big probability is that according to percutaneous portal puncture, thrombectomy + catheter thrombolysis," said one sentence, Zheng Ren turned to leave. But just after taking a step, I think that Wang is always a very popular person. This type of surgery is not a general surgeon. Even a physiotherapist or an interventional doctor who is over 800 may not have done it.

"Hey, let me explain the condition. Three minutes later, bring the patient's family to the office and sign it." After that, Zheng Ren went straight back to the office.

General Wang feels that this is the director's gas field. Not to mention how the surgery is done, it’s just that the gas field is overwhelming.

The family members of the patient had just been trained by Wang Zong, and they looked at the figure that Zheng Renyang had gone. They said in a whisper: "Wang, who is this?"

"It is Zheng boss." Wang always wants to say that he is the king here. But after thinking about it, people are special 912, even the Mayo Clinic, still the king! An emergency ward in the first hospital of Haicheng City, counted as a wool.

"Zheng boss?"

"Last year, Haicheng had a nitrite poisoning thing, do you know?" asked Wang.

"Know, my neighbor is this disease. I helped send it. I watched it like Avatar. It was so scary." The man was a little embarrassed and spoke with a foul mouth.

The person next to him touched him and gestured to respect the general manager Wang who came to support him. He spoke as elegantly as possible.

Mr. Wang did not care, saying: "The boss who was responsible for the rescue at that time was the boss of Zheng. Now in the Imperial Capital, it is already very bullish... and it will be even more powerful."

He wanted to find a decent adjective, but found that no matter what he said, he could not describe Zheng Boss. In the end, he felt that he could use the vulgar description to express his deep surprise and sigh.

The family members of the patient grinned, and in a sentence, the distance between Wang and himself was brought closer. The Wang’s boss seemed to be quiet and quiet, but also a temper.

But in a flash, he was lost. Doesn't surgery mean cutting the intestines?

"The family of the patient, who can sign, can do the Lord, come with me." Wang is also used to the working mode of the primary hospital, shouted, called two men and a woman, came to the office.

Zheng Ren has printed a preoperative report, because it is not an arterial embolism, so the operation is very urgent, but it is not particularly urgent, he can complete the preoperative and then send the patient to the surgery.

Looking at Zheng’s family to the patient’s family while drawing a picture, Wang always had some doubts. He stood up carefully and returned to the duty room and made a phone call.

"Old Su, it is me."

"Yes, there is a patient diagnosis on this side, Zheng boss said it is a mesenteric vein embolism, to..."

"Yes, that is the boss of Zheng."

The phone was silent for 1 second, and then screamed: "Wang Liang, are you playing me? The diagnosis given by Zheng Boss, you let me take a look at the palm?"

"..." Wang always stunned. Isn't this normal?

"Do you know what I am doing?" said the phone.

Wang always thought, I know what you are doing. But I think so, but I can't say that.

"The boss Zheng gave the surgery to Miao Director yesterday, both hands and two exercises, two guide wires, and the thoracic aortic stent and the left hepatic artery embolization. I highly suspect that Zheng Boss is the world's number one intervention, and there is Zheng Boss. Are you giving me a look?!"

"What do you say? Miao director? What happened to Miao director?" Wang always asked, and asked immediately.

Su Zong of the Department of Vascular Science simply said that after the director of Miao, he told Wang that now their director is organizing all the members to study. The surgical procedure is the surgery of Zheng Ren’s hands and hands.

While saying that Su is complaining, this kind of surgery is not made by people at all, and there is nothing to learn. After reading it for dozens of times, there was a dew at all, and everyone’s hands and feet were splitting.

"Su Yun, are your directors?" Wang always suddenly realized that such a possibility, he asked.

"Well, what happened?"

"Is it a good idea to give the director a look at the film?" asked Wang.

Su Yun thought about Finally he agreed.

WeChat sent the film and sent it in a few minutes.

"A CT, you can see a hair!" Su total phone directly sprayed, "But the director said, Zheng boss's surgery is no problem, if he will choose."

"Oh, that's good, go back and talk."

"Hey, Wang Liang, wait a minute." Listening to this face to hang up the phone, Su has quickly shouted: "Haicheng's operating room, there are recorded equipment?"

"Yes, what happened?"

“The director said that he wanted to see Zheng’s surgery.”

"..." Wang always felt that he had caused a big trouble, but the director of the vascular department spoke up and he still had to do it.

Respect the old director, and then say that people only want to see Zheng boss surgery, did not say to see their own. My own surgery... It seems that it is not worth the attention of the director of the family.

"I asked the boss of Zheng, if you can, I will send it to you after finishing this."

"I beg you." Su totaled his voice and said: "Hurry up and find a new surgical video. The operation of both hands and hands is not done by anyone. To change the ordinary point, let the director have fun." ”

"Well, I will go to surgery immediately, I will contact you." Wang is a little confused. He doesn't know what is both hands and hands.

Although as the name implies, both hands and arms are used to operate two guide wires and catheters with both hands. But this is obviously impossible! How can someone do this?

Wang always smiled and didn't care about this. As for Miao Director, Su said that the condition has stabilized, then I will say it after I go back.

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