Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1157: The gap between people and people is so big.

The malformed intestines were all reset, placed in a normal physiological anatomy, and the peritoneal lavage and suture were left, leaving a drainage strip.

Rinse the abdominal cavity, the surgery is over, and the abdomen is prepared.

The live broadcast signal was cut off, and Hu Yanhui came in to Zheng Ren to remove the live glasses from the top.

"Zheng boss, great!" Hu Yanhui exaggerated the live glasses while admiring.

"I still use you to say?" Su Yun sucked out the warm salt water and said: "Directly speaking the data, boasting the boss is useless."

"The data shows that the beginning and the usual ratio are moderate. Later there was a brief decline, but after the surgery to achieve a deformed bowel reduction, it began to climb rapidly, until the end, the data is still rising." Hu Yanhui is excited Speaking: "The previous peak is 20,878 people online at the same time. Today, this number has been refreshed. The final online number is 22019."

“It seems that there are few doctors involved in the intervention.” Su Yun said with emotion: “The audience is not enough, and there is no one to watch at the high end.”

Hu Yanhui screams, 20,000 people are online at the same time, in the mouth of Yun Geer has become no one to see? Ask not to be too high or not.

Now the peak of 220,000, is Peng Gong’s heart disease again committed?

Peng Jia stayed at the Heidelberg University Medical Center to treat heart disease, but the entire company did not stop because of his departure.

Is this not good? Hu Yanhui leaned on his eyes and live broadcast equipment while pondering this. This highlights the importance of leadership, but the leadership is not at home, but the data has reached a new high.

Forget it, this kind of thing is not a small staff member, there are various vice presidents, they will think about how to report this matter with Peng.

Packed up things, Hu Yanhui happily picked up the phone, suddenly thought of Su Yun said to eat tonight.

Really distressed, why eat? Hu Yanhui’s face showed a depressed look, and picked up a few WeChat phones.

"Boss, you said the doctors in the county, after doing this operation, are you worried about being afraid?" Su Yun closed the abdominal cavity, and the last stitch was finished. The patient just awake.

"It is basically impossible to solve such a serious infection and deformity in the county. The doctor on the other side is estimated to be afraid of death, especially the patient starts to have a fever. Therefore, it is recommended that the patient come to the emperor to see a doctor and see if it can be solved." Zheng Ren guessed .

This kind of extremely difficult surgery is not a small challenge for Zheng Ren, let alone a small doctor in the county.

However, they may not be able to realize that they made mistakes. Zheng Ren’s estimate has also raised their level a lot. This kind of appendix is ​​very long, and the organ deformity hidden in the posterior peritoneum through the mouth is afraid that the doctor in the county will not realize it. They only feel a little confused about the continuous fever of the patients after surgery, and can't find any reason.

"Zheng boss, you are really high, this set of equipment is also good." A group of gastrointestinal professors enviously said.

"Well, mainly the equipment is good, some small blood vessel clamps are relatively strong, or 27ml more blood." Zheng Ren said very casually.

Professor of the Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery is dumb.

When I saw it, people said that the surgery was done well, mainly because the equipment was easy to use. Otherwise, how much more blood is accurate to the milliliter.

Hey, he didn't believe it, but he didn't say anything. In the end, will there be so much blood, who can know.

People do surgery better than themselves, even if Director Wei, it is not as good as the young Zheng boss.

People are at a high level, their mouths are big, and they say what they are.

The professor of the group watched the Shei people wielding the instrument silently, ready to be sent for cleaning and disinfection, and the eyes were on fire.

If you have such a set of equipment, the level can grow by at least 10%.

But when I think of the light, it is 233 dollars for the blade, how much envy has vanished. I ran a flying knife and earned 20,000 for one operation. Could I take out one tenth of the money to buy a blade?

Is this just a blade, the whole set of equipment?

I don’t know if I have a rest on weekends, and I don’t know if I can get together with such a set of equipment.

The big probability is still not affordable.

Hey, the professor of the top three hospitals in the country, how many people are going out to run the knife, but they can't afford a set of equipment.

How is the gap between people and people so big?

"Zheng boss, you are really doing this surgery!" Professor Feng saw Zheng Ren turned and stepped down.

"Fortunately, okay." Zheng Ren smiled.

"Do you teach that surgery, do you usually do it?" Professor Feng whispered.

Zheng Ren will know and smile: "There is a suitable patient, just call me. If I have time, I will come up and take the handle."

Zheng boss is really pay attention! Professor Feng praised him.

If you change someone else, you will have other concerns or ideas. However, Zheng boss did not hesitate and directly agreed to it.

He seized the opportunity and said: "Zheng boss, then I will agree with you."

"Well, nothing." Zheng Ren smiled, and Professor Feng politely came to the operation room, see Hu Yanhui has packed up the live broadcast equipment, holding the phone in his hand is going out, it is interesting.

Seeing that Hu Yanhui is like a black face, it is full of brilliance. Perhaps Su Yun is right, she should be in love.

But who is in love with? Xiao Feng? When I was abroad, how long did they have a relationship? It doesn't seem like In foreign countries, I didn't see two people talking a few words.

Zheng Ren is also a bit curious, thinking about it, or wait until the evening to eat.

"Little Hu, eat at night, give Professor Liu the wind, don't be late." Zheng Ren said happily.

Hu Yanhui looked up in a panic, and her footsteps were a bit messy.

"Okay, Zheng boss." She said as she walked away, and slammed into the door frame.

Zheng Ren’s forehead, Hu Yanhui’s panic, it’s hard to believe that she turned out to be the luckiest employee of Xinglinyuan.

However, it is enough to be responsible for the live broadcast, which is enough to prove that her lucky value is also super high. Zheng Ren did not go to see Hu Yanhui, lest she panic and then hit it again. If you are fainting in the past, you have to rescue her first, not enough trouble.

After the hospitalization of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient was taken over, and Zheng Rencai and Su Yun went to change clothes.

"Old Liu is skilled in working below. He said that he would write medical records with Changyue." Su Yundao, "I don't know what will be Changyue training."

"Why train him?" Zheng Ren did not go to heart, thinking about the surgery.

"Boss, not to say you, if you change your medical records, you have to be trained as a dog by Chang Yue." Su Yun looked at Zheng Ren with a sigh of relief, and blew his breath, and the black hair floated in front of him. "Know why. Never touch a medical record?"

“Because Chang Yue is well written?”

"Because she wrote too special and shredded, I can't pick a little problem. This kind of person, if you write medical records with her, you will definitely be rejected."

Su Yun belongs to a kind of person with a special heart.

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