Live Surgical Broadcast

Vol 3 Chapter 2309: Go back and read 2 more years

"Into the hospital, control blood glucose first." Zheng Ren did not have a trace of emotion, as if he was doing a large internal medicine inspection, speaking on the stage, said indifferently: "Performing a full set of electrolytes and toxicology tests, antinuclear antibodies, lupus anticoagulation Drugs, antiphospholipid antibody tests; tumor screening and routine EEG tests. "

"..." Director Li turned into two big heads.

A lot of inspections, many of which he rarely contacts. Boss Zheng just said that, he couldn't remember.

"Zheng ... Boss Zheng, please wait a moment." Director Li stooped down, expressing his apology, then quickly walked to the emergency physician, asked for a pen, and took two A4 papers.

The emergency physician leaned on the door and looked at the young man who said in surprise that he suggested to go to the psychiatric hospital.

Seeing the three grandsons of Director Li in general surgery, the young doctor sneered at the young man before and afterwards.

But he was more curious about what the two young men were for.

主任 Director Li bent over and stood one of them a year ago, it felt so familiar. It's like when you are in the rounds, you are in front of the director, holding a pen and paper in your hand, and starting to record the director's order.

I have a headache, will they see a doctor? The emergency physicians thought of this with contempt.

他 In his opinion, most of the doctors in the world are mediocre, and they climb up a little bit by time and by promotion titles.

And what is most important for doctors, they don't know at all. The original intention of healing and saving people has now turned into service.

MD! When the emergency physician thought of this, he secretly scolded himself.

What kind of **** is the world, those who are desperate to fight the disease and save people are eliminated, just like themselves. And those doctors who put their minds on how to serve and make money are getting more and more nourished.

I was defeated, and my natural talent was turned into the emergency department.

主任 Director Li, * Before this disease, he was only blame if he could understand.

Suddenly, the two young men glanced at the CT film on the head. They didn't know anything else. They even sat there arrogantly, pretending that the director's act was ordered by a doctor.

Isn't this nonsense?

I was most dismissed by Director Li's diligent attitude. The whole person humbled into the sewer pipe.

Licking dogs! The emergency physician thought. So old, and bending over to show their respect, the two young doctors accepted it frankly.


This is a hospital, not a house for children.

I thought for a moment, Director Li stood up with A4 paper, his left hand was on his waist, and it looked like he had bent his waist for a while, the level did not protrude, and Director Li could not stand.

The emergency physician immediately saw the two young men turning away without hesitation.

Mr. Li exchanged two sentences with the patient's family members, and forced the father's request to go home.

"Little Sun, open a hospital." Director Li leaned forward and came over.

"Director Li, your old waist, as for you." The disdainful tone of the emergency physician did not hide it. "Who's child, as for you."

He still has some convergence, and the last sentence is shameless, just to leave blank, and did not say.

Director Li didn't seem to hear it. He was still thinking about the inspections and diagnosis that Boss Zheng had just said.

What a weird disease, why didn't you know it?

The ridiculous words of the emergency physician, Director Li listened in his left ear, and his right ear came out. He didn't care, but knew what he was asking literally.

"Which child's child is the expert of the imperial capital, Boss Zheng and Professor Su." Director Li said leaning on his old waist.

专家 "Expert? Or brick house, people today are really shameless, anyone dares to be an expert. When a brick falls from the sky, it is the brick house 呗." The emergency physician said dismissively.

"Hurry up and open the hospital bill, 啰 嗦 what." Director Li was a little upset. "That's Boss Zheng who was recommended by the Nobel Prize this year."

Nobel Prize? Mr. Zheng? The emergency physician stunned.

He skipped his lips. Can I buy the Nobel Prize now? Just like receiving a prize at the National Music Awards, shameless.

Moreover, what Director Li said, he could not believe it.

I glanced at the A4 paper held by Director Li's hand, and the emergency physician reached out and said, "I see what diagnosis the Nobel recommender gave."

主任 Director Li was caught off guard and A4 paper was taken by him.

The handwriting above is very scribbled. Director Li used a lot of symbols to mark what to check. However, some inspectors did not know what the abbreviation was at all and could only write a stroke by stroke.

Considering rheumatic chorea, considering Huntington's disease, and considering carcinoid syndrome, is it really comprehensive?

The emergency physician looked at him, and the man was silent.

After reading the whole article, he finally said disdainfully, "I didn't consider it to be diabetic striatum? The doctor recommended by this Nobel Prize is not good."

"What?" Director Li frowned.

"Diabetes striatum ~ ~ Don't you know? Go back and read the book and check it." The emergency physician was too lazy to explain to Director Li.

As an ordinary resident doctor, speaking to the director in this tone, it is estimated that it is not once or twice. Otherwise, you can be kicked to the emergency department.

"Oh, Boss Zheng said, let me send the patient to hospital and control the blood sugar first. If everything else is fine, it is caused by blood sugar. This is the one he most doubts, as if ..."

主任 Director Li explained two sentences habitually, and then realized that it was not Boss Zheng in front of him, but that Dr. Sun who everyone looked down on, talked yin and yang, and always had medical disputes.

"What are you doing so much!" Director Li angrily, "Hurry into the hospital."

"What fierce fierce, quickly tell the family, control blood sugar well in the future. It will be terrible to continue blood sugar high," said the emergency physician.

"These words have been said by Boss Zheng." Director Li raised his chest, and when he said this, he felt that there was a mountain behind him, and he felt extremely secure.

"Boss Zheng also said that the sudden increase in symptoms was caused by drinking water."

"What?" The emergency physician stunned and drank runny water? Why don't you know that this matter can be related to drinking water.

That stuff, isn't it just a trick to scam money. For so many years, I haven't seen anyone drink it.

Director Li was very happy to see the expression of the emergency physician.

"Why don't you say you're young? I don't know much about it. I want to compete with Boss Zheng." Director Li said with a smile, patted the shoulder of the emergency physician, "Go back and read the book for another two years , I will go to Emperor Zheng in the future. "

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