Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 821: Google Live Glasses

Zheng Ren did not care whether Chang Yue’s work was dangerous. He left the rich and precious children on the other side and certainly could not fight. As long as you don't fight, give Changyue a few minutes and convince the patient's family, Zheng Ren is quite confident about Changyue.

When I came to the nuclear magnetic room, the patient in front went down, and several people held the old lady on the bed and then left the house.

"Zheng boss, are you coming or not?" Dr. Liang asked very respectfully.

"You come, just to be a nuclear magnetic dispersion, nothing special." Zheng Rendao.

"Well." Dr. Liang was pleased to take the lead.

Although he is older than Zheng Ren, in his heart, Zheng boss is already a doctor at a higher level. There is nothing wrong with Zheng Ren’s tone of speech.

Nuclear magnetic dispersion does not take long, no need to fight drugs, and it will end after more than 20 minutes.

Dr. Liang gave a film directly to Zheng Ren after he finished it.

As for the normal reporting procedures, you have to wait for time.

"Thank you." Zheng Ren took the film and said.

"Zheng boss, you are polite." Dr. Liang said: "The director said, this is something you just look for me, I can't solve it and find him."

"Okay, I will definitely bother you later."

"it's OK."

A few words of politeness, Zheng Ren took the patient out of the nuclear magnetic chamber.

He is a little absent-minded, although he has confidence in Changyue, but what if he can't?

Along the way, be cautious, like walking on thin ice, it is really endlessly bitter. Assuming that Changyue can't convince the patient's family, he can only find another way.

If you want to open the situation in a short time, there is really no good way.

Zheng Ren knows that the family members of the patient belong to the kind of shackles, good-faced, and would rather be the kind of person who squats in the ground and refuses to bow in front of people.

The first operation of the live broadcast to do the work of the patient's family, the difficulty is so big, I hope Changyue is no problem. Perhaps his luck +16 is the biggest magic weapon.

Not far from the operation room and the lobby, Dr. Liang pushed the patient to send Professor Zheng Renhe to the hall.

In the middle of the night, Zheng Ren saw the scene he most wanted to see.

Chang Yue and the family members of the patient were sitting in a chair, talking and laughing, no quarrels and no glare. The man looked a little sullen and chatted with Chang Yue.

Uh... this is it.

Zheng Ren made a look at Chang Yue.

Chang Yue’s hand on the other side of the patient’s family moved slightly and gave Zheng Ren a victory gesture.

nailed it! This kind of thing is really difficult for Changyue.

Zheng Ren is very pleased. As for how Changyue solves it, because there are patients' families, Zheng Ren did not ask for a moment.

Dr. Liang and a few words of politeness, the patient's son pushed a wheelchair, Zheng Ren began to explain the needs before surgery.

In fact, patients do not have to do anything, fasting water before surgery is enough. As for postoperative, the new TIPS procedure can minimize the incidence of hepatic encephalopathy. Normally, there will be no problem.

Finally, finalize 8 o'clock in the morning, let the patient's family come to Changyue signature, and then they can go on stage. The man with a sullen look just smiled and the whole person seemed to be a lot more cheerful.

Zheng Ren and Professor Rudolf Wagner and Chang Yue returned to the office of the interventionalist.

Insert the film, the professor carefully read the film, Zheng Ren has long known where to enter the needle, at this time to see the nuclear magnetic dispersion, only took a look, my heart is translucent.

There was nothing wrong with the position I had estimated before, and the operation was fine.

Zheng Ren immediately asked Hu Yanhui to: "The patient's family has agreed to the live broadcast. In terms of technology, can you do it alone tomorrow?"

"Yeah, yes, yes, please Zheng teacher assured." Hu Yanhui nodded constantly, very hard, shawl flying, some scattered.

Zheng Ren nodded.

After watching the film, Zheng Ren began to pack things and prepare to go.

"How to get it, let's listen." Zheng Ren asked Chang Yue.

"The patient's family began to cooperate very much." Chang Yue said: "That would be a bit of a conversation with him. There is something special. But I quickly guessed from his words that he borrowed money, and that reminder Very urgent."

"Let's borrow money." Zheng Ren sighed.

"He just revealed it vaguely. I didn't say it carefully. It was my guess." Chang Yue said: "I can guess if there is a problem. Anyway, I told him that the live broadcast is the most professional website, only the surgery field, nothing else. Later Give him ten live broadcasts, he can't find out which one is his mother, he is relieved."

“So simple?” Zheng Ren asked.

As Chang Yue said, it is estimated that there are other skills in the process of communication, but Chang Yue is too lazy to say it.

One side is the solution, one side is owing huge debts, and it is not known whether the money he borrowed is a friend or a small loan. After the constant temptation and guidance of the normal Yue, the attitude of the patient's family has changed subtly.

Coupled with Changyue's long-term focus, the live broadcast is completely different from the live broadcast he understands.

The family members and ordinary people understand that the live broadcast is a long-legged, big-breasted, high-profile beauty bouncing, or singing and dancing, or spoiling and selling to please the audience.

In the live broadcast of the operation, the audience is only a doctor, and some are only the most professional surgical vision. If the level is a little bit, you can't read it.

As for the privacy of the patient's name, age, etc... It is estimated that no doctor who watches the video will be interested in the patient's privacy.

Can't say no. But people with such a heavy taste must be rare.

In the late stage of cirrhosis, even if the most popular pillars of the video site have got this disease, it is estimated that when the treatment is done, Gao Yan value will all become yesterday's yellow flower, and you can't read it.

If you don't involve privacy issues, you can save tens of thousands of dollars in hospitalization expenses. Why not?

This is probably the whole process of things.

It is good to broadcast live, and Zheng Ren is eager to stand on a certain stage and show his level in the moment of highlights.

"For Xiaohu, what kind of live broadcast do I use?" Zheng Ren suddenly remembered this and asked.

"It is the latest equipment of Google company. Please rest assured." Hu Yanhui said, "The equipment that the company ordered for you can be delivered tonight. I will bring you to you tomorrow morning."

In September 2014, Professor Liang of the Department of Orthopaedics of the Modu Ruijin Hospital used Google glasses to complete the intraoperative recording and retransmission of cervical anterior surgery.

The operation was very successful, and finally this operation became a classic teaching case.

The preparation of the Xinglin Garden is quite sufficient. As long as the profession is on the line, Zheng Ren thinks.

"Mr. Zheng, you are hungry, I invite you to go out and eat a bite?" Hu Yanhui asked.

"No, the meal at home is done." Zheng Ren refused without hesitation.

"Oh..." Hu Yanhui obviously wants to pull in the relationship between himself and Zheng Ren. In business terms, this is a business person must do.

Zheng Ren refused to be particularly simple, and did not give a glimpse of what he thought. Hu Yanhui stunned.

"Fugui, I am going to go back." Zheng Rendao.

Professor Rudolf Wagner did not seem to hear Zheng Ren’s words and concentrated on watching the film.

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