Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 902: Residual kidney

According to the general surgery, the completion rate of 79% is almost the same.

At least, the patient will not die on the stage. After going down, there is something IC doctors worry about.

This degree of surgical completion has ensured that the patient is not dead. It is fortunate to be able to save lives. What are the other requirements?

But this is not what Zheng Ren wants.

He looked at the experimental body on the operating table and was silent. I recalled the two passes of the operation, but did not find out where the problem lies.

This pot must not let the system's big pig's hoof come back. Zheng Ren is still quite a lot of fate. It must be that his surgery is not perfect enough, which leads to insufficient completion of surgery.

But where is it?

Surgical training, start again.

Every step of Zheng Ren is careful and careful, trying to find important points for missing surgery.

However, when the suture was finished, he saw that the degree of surgery was still 79%.

This is going to be a mother.

Zheng Ren frowned, looking at the experimental body, and even the operating room of the system did not dare to come out.

There are people outside. In the system space, only the operating room has a different flow rate than the outside world, which is almost static. Zheng Renping was doing surgery training in the locker room, sitting there in a dull, no one would express surprise.

But people are outside today, and it would be weird to keep a pose for too long.

It’s a waste of wasting, and there’s no way.

Zheng Ren smashed the surgery twice again, and one thought was always hovering in his mind, but he could not grasp it.

If this happens outside, Zheng Ren will not tangled, but will let it go. When I think about it, I will naturally think of it.

But now in the system operating room, every minute is extremely valuable.

Helpless, Zheng Ren had to open another surgery training, ready to make his skills more sophisticated. And when doing surgery, I wonder what I left to be missed.



Because of the thought, the degree of completion of surgery does not rise and fall.

At the beginning of the sixth operation, Zheng Ren was habitually preparing to remove the remaining kidneys of the patient. Suddenly, a avatar is a blackout that tears through the thoughts of lightning.

Zheng Ren remembers exactly what is wrong.

Director Miao asked herself how much the patient's kidneys can retain if they are retained. I said that the kidney can retain up to 15%.

Once you open your head, everything else is logical.

Why is kidney transplantation basically not to do nephrectomy, but to make a "home" for fresh kidneys in the armpit? It is because the original kidneys will have certain functions, more or less.

And glands such as the adrenal gland should be retained to avoid many diseases of the postoperative endocrine system.

All bilateral resection, secretion of the endocrine system disorder, minutes will make a successful surgery failed.

Thinking of this, Zheng Ren suddenly became cheerful.

This time, he did not directly cut off the residual kidney of the experimental body, but repaired it a little bit, trying to retain more kidney function and glands.


so hard.

The kidneys of the experimental body have been broken and messed up. In this case, it is necessary to retain a certain kidney, and the difficulty is quite large.

After more than ten surgical trainings, Zheng Ren gradually mastered the method. The degree of surgery completion can only be increased by 5% at the beginning, and the final degree of surgery is 98% high!

That's it, Zheng Ren thought of it.

Although it is not 100%, he has already met. The difference of about 2% is estimated to be related to the state of the experimental body.

After all, patients with hemorrhagic shock, what surgery is expected to reach 100% is not very high.

Looking at the urine in the urine bag of the experimental body, Zheng Ren was very pleased.

End the surgery and go back.


Zheng Ren opened his eyes and consumed a master-level skill book. More than 20 hours of surgery training time was just a blink of an eye.

The flat car sounded in the corridor, and the severely burned patients were rushed up under the protection of the sterile cover.

Miao Director has already brushed her hand and called a group professor to help him take the kidney.

When he left, he looked at Zheng Ren and said: "Zheng boss, you should brush your hands first, try to repair the residual kidneys. I can finish it in more than 20 minutes, it will not delay for too long. of."

After that, Miao Director left.

Zheng Ren recalled the surgical procedure, did not go directly to brush his hands, but let Su Yun go to neurosurgery to lend himself a microsurgical device.

"Boss, kidney transplant, you have to be so fine?" Su Yun is different.

Speaking of organ transplants, Su Yun can be much higher than Zheng Ren. What he learned and done was a heart transplant. Zheng Ren’s current level of organ transplantation is not comparable to Su Yun.

In Su Yun's view, kidney transplantation, a large blood vessel surgery, is completely unnecessary.

"Residual kidney repair needs." Zheng Rendao.

Su Yun has some doubts, but he still has to hurry to borrow equipment from him.

Xiaoyi people also rushed to the operating room, Zheng Ren and her brushing hands together.

This feeling is really good.

In general surgery, the equipment nurses should brush the hands in advance, and check the number of instruments with the visiting nurses, so as to avoid missing items such as pliers and scissors in the patient's stomach.

Very early on, this kind of thing often happened but since the emphasis on the check, there is much less. Sometimes because of a hemostatic forceps clamped on a sterile single, the entire operating room can be as crazy as an hour.

Finally, the doctor who made the mistake will be given a blood sprinkler.

This should be the first time to brush with the Iraqi people, Zheng Ren thought.

"Zheng Ren, is it just a kidney transplant?" Xie Yi asked.

It’s just... Zheng Ren’s statement to Xiaoyi people... sincerely happy. If Su Yun, it will definitely spray him. However, the Xiaoyi people said it, but they were confident in the stock.

"Before the kidney transplant, repair the residual kidney, and leave as much residual kidney and adrenal gland as possible." Zheng Rendao.

"Oh, I have never seen anyone do it before."

"The patient is traumatic, so there is one more step." Zheng Ren explained briefly.

As he spoke, he peeked at the Xiaoyi people and brushed their hands.

Six steps to wash your hands, simple and clear, each step is extremely standard, plus her flawless appearance, can be a propaganda film.

Especially when the water in the faucet falls on the white hands of the Xiaoyi people, the water droplets splashed seem to have a soft aroma.

Like a mountain spring water, it is full of vitality.

After brushing his hand, Zheng Ren still has some reluctance. However, the face must be seized for time surgery, Miao director said, his face can only come over in more than 20 minutes.

Next time I want to wash vegetables with Xiaoyi people, Zheng Ren thought of it.

Brushing hands, disinfecting, wearing clothes, wearing sterile gloves, Zheng Ren stood to see the water.

As soon as he reached out, hemostatic forceps hit the hand.

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