The 158th chapter is the end of the road, the last battle!

At this moment, the atmosphere in the tunnel was already tense to the extreme. The audience in the live broadcast room also felt a sense of crisis. Everyone dared not even say anything, and even some young audience members were nervous and began to cry.

“Woohoo! Anchor, hurry up, you will be dead if you can’t find an exit!”

“Anchor, hurry up! Time waits for no one, wait for all the bugs to come!”

“It’s over! The anchor is dead!”

“Housekeeper Yang Wudi: Don’t make any noise, he can’t be distracted now!”

The quarrel in the live broadcast room has become a mess, but at the moment, I don’t have time to watch it. The worm tide is behind him, and as soon as the flame is extinguished, it will pounce on immediately.

But even if the flame does not go out, the fuel will run out sooner or later. At that time, there is still a dead end, unless he really opens the hole above the tunnel to take the flood into the tomb.

But in that case, he might be crushed by the flood in an instant.

So now, his only way out is to find the fork in the road and throw away these corpses.

As a result, Hanzhe suppressed the urgency in his heart and carefully inspected each wall tile with his hands and the blade.

“Hurry up! Hurry up!”

For a moment, in a state of urgency, Han Che could hardly help crying out in his heart. But the movements of his hands are still very careful, for fear of missing any doubts.

These walls are made of blue bricks. As long as there are tunnel openings or burglars behind, the dagger will definitely be able to detect them. When you smash the masonry, you will be able to enter immediately.

As the saying goes, the sky is not what people want. After Hanzhe inspected the last green brick, he still didn’t find any location where the thief could be hidden.

“It’s over!”

Suddenly, Hanzhe snorted in his heart. However, he also knows that this is the end of the tunnel, and there is very little possibility of hiding a hole in the tunnel itself. However, if the fork is not found, it means that there is only a dead end.

When the flame is completely extinguished, you can only wait for death here.


Thinking of this, Hanzhe instinctively glanced towards the wall of fire. The blazing fire seemed to ignite the last peace in the cold heart.

He knows that he must not sit here and wait for death. Otherwise, in the end, there is only a dead end. If you want to find the mausoleum alive, you can only find a way to save yourself.

think! Must think of a way!

In a hurry, Hanzhe desperately forced himself to calm down, and at the same time quickly recalled all the tools and self-help methods in his mind like a revolving lantern.

Regrettably, as time passed by every second, he found out that he was really stuck in death, and there was no way to save himself.

“Anchor! Hurry up!”

“Yes! There is no way to think of it, and it will be too late if you don’t act!”

“Upstairs, what are you guys urging! The anchor has no other way, unless it is to dig a hole and climb out from under the well head!”

“Shut up upstairs, then TM is also a dead end!”

and many more! Dig a hole?

He does not mean that. Although the audience in the live broadcast room denied this method, they were suddenly awakened.

Indeed, as long as the opening of the tunnel is opened, tons of flood water will immediately inundate the tunnel. If he is not careful, he will only have a dead end. But in this situation, even if the hole is not opened, the worms will pounce on them sooner or later, and they are still dead in the end.

Since this is the case, it’s better to fight it!

Thinking of this, Hanzhe’s eyes instinctively looked at the entrance on the wall at the end of the tunnel. There is a gate inside, and as long as the gate can be opened, the flood will come in immediately.

At that time, let’s not talk about him, the corpse group will definitely not be able to come over again. No matter how many insects there are, they will be swept away immediately under the flood of tons.

At that time, if the tomb is flooded with water, if he can guarantee that he will not be hit by the flood and hit the wall at the first time, then he will be able to continue the flow of water all the way forward. While avoiding the corpse worm, he can also return to the previous corridor.

It’s done!

After clarifying his thoughts, Hanzhe knew that there was no other way. So, Hanzhe immediately turned around and prepared to go over, and at the same time cheered himself up: “Brothers, I have nothing else to do now. The remaining two bottles of fuel will last for more than ten minutes at most, but I didn’t find a fork in the road. , In other words, there is only a dead end if you continue like this.”

“Now I have no choice. The only chance to survive right now is to open the cave and drive the flood into the tomb. At that time, no matter how many insects there are, they will be washed away by the flood in an instant.”

“However, this is also very dangerous. Tons of floods rush in in an instant, and the entire tunnel will be filled by then. Although the worm tide will be washed away, I may also be hanged in the first place. Even if you get away with it, flooded tunnels are not easy.”

“Fortunately, I still have ropes and oxygen bottles in my hand, which are enough for me to prepare when the flood comes in. It is best for you to be prepared mentally. I have no other way. Rather than being swallowed by the worms, I am inferior to me. Do it yourself! Maybe, there is still a chance to survive!”

While talking, Hanzhe took out a bundle of hemp rope from the backpack behind him, and then fastened it to the handle of the dagger with a pirate horse. Afterwards, he was going to dig the exit.

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room was also infected by the chilling momentum. Seeing no chance, the momentum of going on desperately made everyone feel the blood surge.

“Fuck! The anchor is awesome! What you want is this kind of momentum!”

“The room manager Yang Wudi presented the anchor with 10 rockets!-In a word, awesome! I don’t say anything, what TM bugs, Laozi will not let you eat by suicide!”

“Anchor, I’m completely convinced! You are right, instead of being swallowed by bugs, it is better to fight it yourself!”

“Awesome! Can a living person kill a corpse? Wait… anchor, look behind you!”

“Fuck! The anchor, run! The corpse is here!”

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