Chapter 225 The ferry goes upstream!

The excitement in the live broadcast room was ignored, but he bent down and drank directly.

The water stains in the puddles were very muddy, and as soon as the entrance was cold, I felt a strong smell of earth. However, he still drank against the scalp. After all, compared with this unpleasant smell, it would be the most tragic if he was killed in the tomb because of lack of water.

After taking a few sips after enduring the odor, I feel that the dizziness caused by lack of water is much better. So he stood up and let out a sigh of relief. After the violent heartbeat calmed down, he explained seriously: “Everyone, stay calm. I said before that if the water here is not clean, I have many ways to get it. This is one of them. Here is one of them. Although the content of heavy metals in the water exceeds the standard, most of it is in the river. I dug a hole one meter from the river surface. After the water has penetrated, it has actually passed the first filter of the soil.”

“Although the stagnant water looks muddy, I can assure you that the water in it is actually much cleaner than the river water. Although there are still a lot of heavy metals, it has at least reached the acceptable range for the human body.”

“The remaining bit of danger, although not negligible, but as long as I move fast enough, I will go to the second hospital after I go back. After all, I now obviously need more hydration in time than taking this risk.”

After listening to these cold words, the audience in the live broadcast room finally calmed down. And the cold rut felt better at this time, so he glanced at the river around him, and then said, “Now I feel better. Now that I have added water, let’s get down to business. I said before that when I got to the underground channel, I The location of the tomb can be calculated based on the direction of water flow.”

“This is because, according to the direction of the water flow, I can distinguish the geomantic pattern of the surrounding areas. I said before that any tombs must actually be built on the basis of geomantic omen, so the Underground Tombs of the Forbidden City must be no exception.”

While speaking, he glanced at the river channel left and right, and then seriously analyzed: “The length of this river channel is almost invisible, and both sides are the same. That is to say, no matter which direction I go, it may be towards the river. Go to the opposite position of the mausoleum. However, according to the feng shui we encountered when we entered the mausoleum, the underground mausoleum of the Forbidden City should be a dragon vein. In Feng Shui, it is said that “seeing a dragon does not look at its tail, but encountering a mountain. Look for the dragon head, look at the source through the water.”

“Translated, it means that as long as this kind of dragon-seeking feng shui pattern is related to water flow, then the location of the tomb must be built at the source of the water flow. Because there is the dragon head, going down is the dragon tail, this underground river channel It’s the whole dragon body.”

“Then it’s simpler. If I want to find the underground tomb, I have to go upstream along the river and find the source of this underground river. If not unexpected, there is the destination of the underground tomb.”

Hanzhe’s remarks are mysterious and mysterious, but the audience in the live broadcast room has already followed him through a trip to Fengmen Village, and the audience has long been more receptive.

Therefore, after listening to the analysis of the cold rut, the audience immediately understood the meaning.

“In that case, as long as the anchor goes upstream, you will be able to find the mausoleum!”

“Then it’s much easier this time. You don’t have to think about encountering a fork in the road. Just follow the current!”

“Upstairs you are now? Look at it, is the water in this river flowing?”

“Really, the water here has dried up. Also, the anchor, you seem to be unable to walk along the river. The river is all silt!”

Hanzhe carefully watched every barrage in the live broadcast room, and when he saw the barrage raising the water flow, Hanzhe did not rush to speak, but squatted down and watched carefully on the surface of the river.

Afterwards, he put his hand into the river again and felt it carefully. After a few seconds, he said seriously: “You guessed it wrong. The riverbed here is indeed dry, but it hasn’t stopped flowing. It’s just that the water is dry. The flow rate is already very slow, and you have to feel it carefully with your hands to detect it. I guess this is because the source of the river is almost dry and the amount of water coming out is getting less and less.”

“The direction of water flow here is from north to south, which is also in full compliance with the rule of the emperor’s mausoleum facing north and south. That is to say, I can find the mausoleum by walking straight to the right along this river.”

“As for the silt under my feet, this is indeed a problem…”

Speaking of this, Hanzhe tried a few times with his feet, and found that the silt was indeed very sticky and deep enough. Stepping on it and being able to pull out the feet are very difficult, let alone walking along the river.

After confirming this, Hanzhe took a closer look at the river in front of him. It was discovered that although the river here has been dry for a long time, the depth of the middle of the river is still very deep, to say less than one and a half meters.

Perceiving this, Hanzhe nodded and said: “Indeed, I realized that when I came over from the entrance of the cave before, I would be trapped in silt just when I walked on the river bed. In other words, I want to walk along the river. My forward speed will be greatly reduced, and I won’t even be able to go far at all.”

“But it doesn’t matter. You see that the river here is still very watery. The water depth is at least one and a half meters, which is enough to float the boat. Then, I don’t need to walk along the riverbed. I just use the boat to walk the waterway, and even more. Arrived in the tomb city quickly.”

Hearing what Hanzhe said, the audience in the live broadcast room also showed interest.

“I’m going! With that said, the anchor will be able to reach the tomb in a few hours?”

“Fuck! I can’t believe it, I’m a little excited when I think about it!”

“Upstairs, don’t be too happy. The anchor said that he wants to use a boat. Is there a boat nearby? Anchor you… Fuck! Where did the anchor get it from!”

Just when the audience was struggling with the problem of no boats nearby, some audiences suddenly saw that a pack of plastic-like things had been taken out of their backpacks. After being scattered by the cold rut, it turned out to be in the shape of a plastic inflatable raft.

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