Chapter 298 Deadly Bat Poop!

The abnormal behavior of the cold rut made the audience in the live broadcast room feel unusual. So, after experiencing a brief silence, the audience asked anxiously.

At the same time, Hanzhe also used this time to calm the fierce heartbeat a little. Afterwards, while taking out a towel from his backpack and dampening it with water, he said, “Everyone, the puzzle is solved. Sure enough, as I expected, I now finally know that those tomb robbers and dead Mouse, what killed it.”

“If I read it right, they should have been poisoned by natural chemical gases. Look at what is on the grotto!”

As he spoke, Hanzhe controlled the live broadcast to slowly advance, and when he stepped back to the front of the grotto, he immediately turned the screen upwards. And the next scene completely exploded the audience in the live broadcast room.

I saw that above the top of the cave, hundreds of bats were hanging upside down. Under the high-definition picture quality, the audience in front of the camera got goose bumps.

“My day! This TM is too disgusting!”

“I’m going! I didn’t think it was terrible to see bats in the past, but with so many TMs gathered here, my scalp is tingling!”

“Wait? Anchor, don’t lie to me if I read less! There don’t seem to be vampire bats in our country, right? Can these bats kill three adults?”

“Yeah? This is really wrong? I remember, bats don’t seem to be poisonous, right? Even if they carry rabies, it won’t happen for a while?”

“The two upstairs. If you are stupid, you should read more! If I remember correctly, the anchor, you should be talking about the poison gas produced by bat dung!”

Seeing Hanzhe’s act of covering his mouth and nose with a wet towel, some viewers in the live broadcast room seemed to have noticed something. And seeing that some viewers have seen it, the cold rut no longer creates a sense of mystery.

So he exited the grotto again, and then lowered his voice and said, “Yes, you have all seen it. There are densely packed bats in it. If you look at the number, there are thousands of them. So, if I guess correctly, those dead rats. It should have died from the feces of these bats.”

“Some viewers may have understood this chemical substance. If bat feces pile up into mountains, it will produce natural ammonia after decay. It is this ammonia that poisons the rats in the tunnel.”

“As for the toxicity of this gas, it is a chemical poison. Although a small amount of ammonia is not highly toxic, it can reach a lethal amount if the purity is sufficient. A healthy adult can breathe ammonia for half the time. More than a few hours, it will cause lung swelling and death. Even if the concentration is high to a certain level, ammonia can corrode human skin.”

“Look, such a large amount of bat dung has covered the entire grotto. The concentration of ammonia it produces is absolutely poisonous enough to kill people, so I think the dead rats in those tunnels came from this way.”

Speaking of this, Hanzhe felt a layer of white hair on his back. After swallowing and saliva, he continued: “It is really dangerous to say, because ammonia is a very special chemical gas, it will not play a role in supporting combustion in the air, so the torch has not changed significantly. But fortunately , I noticed the abnormality in advance, and used an oxygen cylinder. Otherwise, from the time I entered the thief hole and arrived here, the time was enough for me to inhale enough ammonia.”

“I think those tomb robbers who died in the tunnel should have died like this. In their time, there was no oxygen cylinder, and they lived in the 1980s and 1990s and didn’t understand chemical substances. So, they didn’t know about chemicals in time. An abnormality of ammonia gas was found. When they arrived here, they noticed something was wrong after seeing these bats and it was too late to return the same way.”

“They have absorbed enough ammonia, so they have caused disease on the way back. If they can’t get out of the tunnel, they can only die here!”

The cold explanation, every sentence reveals the horror of bat dung. The audience in the live broadcast room felt the creeps from the bottom of their hearts.

“Anchor! Really, is the poisonous gas of bat dung so powerful!”

“You all check the information, what the anchor said is true! The intake of ammonia gas is slightly higher, and it is too late to rescue!”

“Wait? Isn’t it right? I remember, isn’t bat droppings Chinese medicine Ye Mingsha? It’s quite precious!”

Seeing that some viewers didn’t believe me, he shook his head and said, “Don’t believe me, bat droppings are indeed Yemingsha, but it can only be used as traditional Chinese medicine, and the human body’s intake must be very small. If more, it’s a drama. Poison, after all, anything too much is not good. Fortunately for me, most of the toxicity of ammonia is flooded in the grottoes. I used to be far away and didn’t cause any harm in a short time.”

“As for the species of these bats, they are definitely not vampire bats. Those bats are only distributed in southeastern America, and here can only be ordinary bats. But even ordinary bats are usually accompanied by rabies and foot-and-mouth disease. If I am caught If you are attacked, you may also be infected with this germ.”

“Although it is not immediately fatal, this germ will infect my immune system within two to three days, and then I will have a high fever. Therefore, I cannot be bitten, otherwise I must leave this place. Returned to the capital to get the vaccine.”

Speaking of this, Hanzhe also feels a little helpless. So, while he tucked all the corners of his shirt into his pants and tightened it, he said, “But, everything has two sides. When I came here just now, I didn’t find any fork in the road, and the hole when we came in was very different. It’s small and it’s impossible to let bats fly out. That is to say, after passing this grotto, there should be a fork or skylight on the road ahead. Otherwise, these bats cannot go out for food on weekdays.”

“This is good news for me. As long as I can get through the grotto first, and when I get to the front, even if the bats will catch up, I can avoid them from the fork in the road or the skylight.”

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