Chapter 345 What is the Crow Ghost?

In the dim room, Hanzhe slowly opened his eyes, and looked around in confusion.

Since returning to the capital yesterday, Hanzhe first went to the hospital for a physical examination, and then started to fall asleep after returning. With this sleep, he slept until noon the next day, and the exhaustion he had been in the underground palace was finally wiped out.

After getting a little clearer, Hanzhe first went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Suddenly. The cold rain made him feel instantly refreshed. The feeling of drowsiness from sleeping last night until now was instantly cleared out of the body.

After more than ten minutes, Hanzhe dressed neatly, dried his hair, and went straight downstairs.

Since coming back yesterday, he basically rested without much stamina. The whole night passed, and now the stomach and intestines were hungry.

So after Hanzhe went downstairs, he didn’t choose much. He simply found a cleaner restaurant. After ordering some meals, he waited patiently.

The time to wait for the dishes is the most stressful, so I just took out my mobile phone and prepared to find information about the next live broadcast location.

In fact, as early as the end of the previous live broadcast, Hanzhe had some signs of the location of the next issue. However, at that time he was still unable to determine whether the ruins really existed.

However, after returning, he thought for a long time. Judging from the current situation, he wanted to find an ancient tomb that had not been discovered by the agency. Those books were luck. Instead of waiting aimlessly, it’s better to give it a try.

And what he has been thinking about is actually the tomb of Wugui mentioned in Zhu Yuanzhang’s suicide note.

If you want to find out whether the tomb of Wugui exists or not, you must first know what reasons Zhu Yuanzhang left behind.

He brought back the suicide note before, but the purpose was actually this, and he had already planned it at that time.

According to the records in Zhu Yuanzhang’s suicide note, he should have heard rumors about longevity at that time. And this rumor must have something to do with the so-called tomb of the ghost, but he didn’t find it after he went, and Zhu Yuanzhang certainly couldn’t determine the exact location.

So first of all, it can be determined that the so-called tombs of the ghosts should not be known tombs in the current history.

Since it is a rumored tomb, we can only analyze the general location based on the clues left by Zhu Yuanzhang.

According to the suicide note, he went to Bashu for a bag. However, the Bashu area is too large. Shanxi, Southern Shaanxi, Sichuan, Lingnan and other areas belong to Bashu.

However, according to another clue, Zhu Yuanzhang encountered the Miao village on the road, so that area must be related to the Miao nationality.

The clue that can be traced back now is that the Bashu generation had a large number of Miao people living in the area at that time, which should be Sichuan, Shanxi and southern Shaanxi.

In other words, the places Zhu Yuanzhang went to can also be specified in these areas.

At the same time, the black ghost order he got also had old Miao characters on it. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that since the Miao script is engraved on it, it must be related to the Miao nationality.

And since that token is a Wugui Ling, it must be inextricably linked to the tomb. It is even possible that that piece of Wuguiling is the key to enter the tomb, and even any landmark clues are possible.

The Wugui Tomb is inseparable from this so-called Miao nationality.

But thinking about it carefully, there were still too many places where the Miao people lived at that time. Shanxi, Southern Shaanxi, and Chuancheng, not only did they have a large number of Miao nationalities, and even the Miao Autonomous Regions.

So since it is impossible to determine where this area is from this information, we can only start from another aspect.

Therefore, Hanzhe feels that he must first figure out what this so-called ghost is…

After thinking about it, I just opened the search engine, and then entered the word Wugui in the beneficiation and started searching.

Really? !

As the engine search is completed, the cold rut suddenly shines. I saw that the information was all about the goblin. Hanzhe calmly looked down, but after reading it, he was a little disappointed.

Most of the poems recorded above are the poems of Du Fu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, which is the same as the one he saw in his suicide note. And then I looked down, and only then did I find some slightly useful information.

The goblin, also known as the cormorant. It is a large-scale fish-eating and swimming poultry. It was domesticated by fishermen in Sichuan and can be used as a fishing tool. The locals call it a goblin…

Seeing this, Hanzhe frowned. The goblin recorded here, or cormorant, is actually a kind of bird that can be domesticated by humans. The distribution of this cormorant is very extensive, but only in the Sichuan city area, it has been domesticated.

The locals use it as a fishing tool, which can greatly increase the amount of fish caught.

Wait…Every family raises cuckoos and eats yellow croakers?

Seeing this, Hanzhe suddenly realized that this is not what Du Fu’s poems meant?

In Sichuan, there is a custom of domesticating cormorants. If they are used as fishing tools, they are naturally domesticated by every family, and then they can eat yellow croakers.

But what does this have to do with the tomb of the ghosts mentioned here? These are basically two things…

Wait… why can’t it be a thing?

Just thinking of this, Hanzhe suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he seemed to understand something in his heart. He had always been preconceived before, and felt that such things as cormorants were just called crow ghosts, and had nothing to do with the so-called tomb of crow ghosts.

But what if the name of this kind of goblin is related to the cormorants in Chuancheng?

And thinking about it carefully, Sichuan is also an area in the Bashu area, and during the Ming Dynasty, there were also a large number of Miao people living there, even now.

Then all of these can be matched, who said that there can be no correlation between the two?

Thinking of this, Hanzhe faintly felt that next time he went to live broadcast, he would go to the Miao Autonomous Region of Sichuan to try his luck. As for how to find the clues to that Wugui tomb, Hanzhe felt that there might be some legends or clues left in the local area.

If he gets there, he can find some news, it may be of great help to him to find the grave. Moreover, one factor that makes him superior to others is that he can use the compass.

Fenjinding acupoint is used to search for dragons and mountains to distinguish Fengshui. As long as he can find the vicinity of Wugui tomb, even if he can’t know the exact location, he still can’t help him if he wants to see the Fengshui within a few miles.

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