Chapter 353: The Legend of Shengmiao Village!

Seeing the atmosphere in the live broadcast room, I feel helpless. He knew that he would not be able to get rid of Lin Jia at all, and he could only let her live here.

However, the shameless plan is that the next action will be done by herself, and Lin Jia will let her live here.

So, Hanzhe sighed helplessly, and then said: “Okay, you are willing to live here. But if you say yes, I will complete my actions by myself, and you will live here by yourself. That’s it. Let’s go, take me to the counter to open the guest room.”

After that, Hanzhe walked in angrily. And even though Lin Jia had some doubts about how his cold attitude changed so quickly, he still followed in.

When he came to the registration desk, he said to the waiter at the counter: “Hello, open a standard room on the second floor for me. The time is temporarily set for one night.”

“OK, just a second…”

Suddenly, the waiter took over the shabby ID card and quickly started to operate it. And Hanzhe hasn’t forgotten his purpose of coming this time. Seeing that there is no one around, Hanzhe directly asked the waiter: “Hello, I want to ask you about that. Do any of you raise crows here?”

Hanzhe’s remarks were very skillful, and they spoke very quickly and lightly, and even a few words were vaguely passed. In this way, it can make the other person feel that he knows what a goblin is. At the same time, after speaking, his eyes were not casual at all, instead he carefully stared at the waiter who was writing with his head down.

“Oh…Guest, you also came to find that seedling… Uh…”

Sure enough, as the cold voice fell, the waiter immediately gave some clues. He took the stubborn words casually, and then asked to say something.

And the most important thing is that Hanzhe is talking about Wugui, but what he mentioned is the word “shengmiao”, which has nothing to do with cormorants. What caught Hanzhe the most was that the waiter raised his head as he spoke. But when he just raised his head and saw the cold and focused eyes, the words that he was about to say smoothly in his mouth, he swallowed directly.

Immediately afterwards, under the cold gaze, the waiter suddenly changed his conversation and said with a smile: “Oh, you mean the cubs, right? Of course there are. Our fishermen usually raise some.”

“You don’t know. For our fishermen, the number of such goblins is a measure of how much wealth a fisherman has. There are several fishermen who raise goblins in the Miaojiang River behind our stockade. Oh, by the way, it seems to be called a cormorant on your side, a kind of water bird.”

There are no flaws in this remark, and it can be said to be as smooth as the flowing water. Hanzhe looked back and looked at Lin Jia’s unremarkable face, and he could recognize this.

But although the topic of the waiter changed quickly, he was inadvertently noticed by some doubts in his words just now.

Shengmiao… Hanzhe knows that the so-called Shengmiao is the Miao people who have not been sinicized at all, and still retain a self-sufficient life.

And that kind of seedlings usually live in deep mountains and old forests, never in contact with the outside world. Even if it is necessary to contact the outside world sometimes, it is to send people to the outside world in exchange for necessities such as food, cloth and salt.

However, it is clearly a Black Miao Village, and a large part of it has been Sinicized. That is to say, the seedlings in the mouth of the waiter did not mean this at all.

But if it weren’t, what would it be?

Thinking of this, Hanzhe deliberated carefully, and then decided to take a rest first, and then go to the stockade tomorrow to find out some clues about the seedlings and the crow ghost.

Now the waiter is obviously already vigilant and doesn’t want to say anything to him.

Therefore, Hanzhe didn’t ask anything, and directly followed Lin Jia to the second floor. And the room that Hanzhe chose this time, he deliberately separated from Lin Jia, the purpose is to make it easier for him to move.

After returning to the room alone, Hanzhe said to the audience in the live broadcast room: “Everyone, I am going to stay here tonight and ask for some news by the way. I will get up tomorrow and continue to look for more clues.”

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room has already entered the state, but now listening to the meaning of the cold, he turned out to be temporarily suspended. This made the audience in the live broadcast room unacceptable, so everyone immediately kept it.

Seeing the audience’s retention, the cold rut cannot allow the audience to accompany him all night. Moreover, sleeping is really nothing to broadcast live.

Thinking of this, Hanzhe said with a smile: “Well, everyone stays safe. When I find enough clues, I will definitely start the broadcast on time.”

After speaking, he endured the audience’s barrage and closed the live broadcast room.

Time passed quietly, and I spent a few hours resting in the room in the afternoon, and even the evening dinner was eaten in the room. But after dinner, Hanzhe couldn’t sleep anymore.

According to the information he knows, villages like Shengmiao refer to areas that have not been Sinicized, and to put it bluntly, they are the Ye Miao people. But didn’t the Miao village that were isolated from the world disappeared decades ago?

That would be weird. If this is not Shengmiao Village, why did the waiter mention Shengmiao again?

The dangerous pre-judgment psychology cultivated in the ancient tomb made Hanzhe keenly smell the weird taste.

Thinking of this, Hanzhe immediately opened the door and went downstairs, ready to find the waiter to check his breath.

When I came back downstairs, I saw the waiter in the afternoon, who was lying behind the counter to pass the time. Hanzhe walked over, knocked on the desk and asked, “Well, please ask me. What happened to the seedlings you said this afternoon, brother? Is there any rumors around here?”

This little brother was obviously wary. He shook his head when he saw Hanzhe’s old sayings being repeated, and said, “Hey, guest, you think too much, how can there be any seedlings. I just said it in the daytime, and said it wrong.” NS.”

Who is it? These few experiences of tomb robbery have long taught him how to watch his words and look. Therefore, he could tell at a glance that the waiter was not telling the truth.

So, Hanzhe went on to say, “What about the goblin? You know, I didn’t mean the cormorant water bird. Is there any legend that has been circulated here? If you know, please tell me. Or, did you hear it? Yes, what treasures have been unearthed around here or is there a rumor of a large tomb buried here?”

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